Have you seen "The Dream Giver"?

How could I still feel something is missing?
I’m what’s known as a P.K. (Preachers Kid) I like to refer to myself as a T.O. (Theological Offspring) I don’t know how many of you either are, or have ever known a P.K. We are a rebellious bread who tend to be some of the biggest “Hell Raisers” you may have ever known. We need to prove to the world that we are not the “Angels” everyone expects us to be since we come from such religious bread.
Even after 41 years, I still have a hard time with the concept of allowing God into my life and asking Him for help. It’s something I’ve really struggled with and I know I shouldn’t. Even without asking, I know He has put people and circumstances in my life at just the right time. There has only been one time in my life that I really feel I’ve been able to surrender and let God take over. I’m also a recovering alcoholic. Without turning my sobriety over 16 years ago, I wouldn’t be where I am today. (I might not even be alive today.)
About a month ago, one of my upline introduced a book to all of us. He gave this book as a gift to someone who is having wonderful success in our business. I admire and respect both of these gentlemen and aspire to model myself after them. When my sponsor told me this book was a must read, I went out and got the CD the next day. Both my wife and I listened to the entire book while driving to a family vacation two weeks ago. It was like nothing I had ever heard, and really started to bring to the forefront my belief system. This book talks about spirituality which I was able to listen to thanks to what I have learned from other tapes and messages I have found in this industry. (A mind is like a parachute, it don’t work if it’s not open.) I was also able to connect with the story, and the main character in the book. I could relate and find direct correlations to what I was going through in my own journey.
Because of this book, like everything else I’ve read, I want to put it into action. I made the decision to visit a church with my family Sunday morning. I’ve always considered myself spiritual, but have been doing it on my terms because of the whole P.K. thing. I know I often act like my 2 year old son and say “I can do it myself!” I also knew that the book was right, because it explained other feeling and emotions dead on that I had going on inside of me. I could no longer ignore the direction I felt I needed take in order to move my business to the next level. My wife was thrilled with the choice I made and we all got up and went to church. She has been actively involved in this church for some time without me.
As I’m sitting there listening to the minister and his message, he starts to talk about an author Bruce Wilkinson, and a book called “The Dream Giver”
The message floored me and I knew what had been planted for me as a seed just 3 weeks ago. People, places, ideas, and directions all became clear and thumped me over the head with a sledge hammer.
Some of us pursue our dream. Some don’t realize we even had a dream deep down inside until we get into the business. But I can say with certainty each and every one of us has a dream right now. We are born with it. This industry does a wonderful job about helping us dream. Sometimes we even achieve them! This industry is full of filling our minds with great information, and even talks about keeping physically fit to help us perform better.
But I don’t believe it does enough for all three, Mind, Body, and Soul. We tend to keep religion, like politics, out of any conversations or topics.
After this experience however, I can’t ignore what it’s done for me. This form is for sharing ideas and concepts that we find moves us and motivates us to achieve success in this industry. If you are chasing a dream like I am, and would like to connect with a journey we all go through in this industry, I would highly recommend "The Dream Giver” by Bruce Wilkinson
Thanks for letting me share.
Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
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RTA #24635
WoW Doug!!! What a testimony! I know about P.Ks also. There is an annointing on you and I realized it when I first started readig your blogs. I had no idea of your background at that time. It is so obvious. God has given your such favor. I have to go and get this book. Thanks for sharing!
Its also good to see where you started 3 years ago.
Looking forward to seeing you at the convention in 9 days!
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Sunday, July 27, 2008