TravelPro & Pro YTB Banned from
When you play with snakes, you’re bound to get bit. Lately, I’ve been trying to help some of the misinformed, disillusioned folks on Apparently, I’m not allowed to speak for those of us in YTB who are making a living and successful with the company. Those of us who want to reach out and help those who have been introduced to the business or expressing our experience with the company will get you BANNED!
What’s most amusing to me is that it was one of the forum members who called me to tell me that I was banned. I was never informed from the moderators or administrators. I have requested an explanation as to why decided to ban me, but have yet to receive any type of explanation. (I doubt I ever will.) When you’re dealing with Anti-MLM Zealots who close their minds to anything that differs from their own views, they don’t need to give explanations.
Oh well, it is their site. They are certainly free to operate any way they choose.
For those of you who don’t know what is, here is my experience. It’s a place where people can go to promote all their troubles and slander any company of their choosing. A site like promotes myths, misconceptions and ignorance out there about the industry. All MLM’s are Pyramid Schemes, all MLM’s are Scams and if you don’t agree with this mantra, you’re simply banned without any explanation or reason. It’s not limited to our industry, it’s simply a place that promotes all that’s wrong or negative in our world today. It never ceases to amaze me how so many people tend to lay blame on things outside of themselves. It’s always someone else’s fault for anything that goes wrong. And that’s why a board like thrives. The vast majority of the people, who post there, are simply bitter, angry, negative people, and gosh daren’t they want to keep it that way! What’s even more amazing is that very few of them, if any, have ever really experienced, or remotely been involved with anything their complaining about.
I had been reading this board from time to time, and a few months ago decided to give some of these folks there “a clue” about how things really are with YTB and the Network Marketing industry in general. Understand is a Network Marketing Company; YTB Travel Network is a full service Travel Agency. These pour souls simply label all companies “Pyramid Schemes” or a “Scam”. They simply don’t know any better based on what the “heard about” or what they “read about”. With a board like this getting so much activity, and the YTB thread getting so much attention; I decided to throw my hat into the ring and step up to show some of the readers that an average guy, like me, CAN make a viable living with this company and industry. Based on my two years of experience with this company, it’s simply not the doom and gloom everyone wants to make it out to be.
It’s not that I was entirely unsuccessful in doing so. I did in fact help a lot of people. I wish I could access some of the posts and private messages on the board, but they can no longer be accessed or have simply been deleted. I do have a couple of private e-mails in which people have expressed how much they appreciated how I have helped them.
“Hello Doug,
I wanted to thank you for your contribution to the thread on YTB.
I am doing my due diligence on the company to see if it would be a good fit for me personally, and I ran across this thread via a search on Google.
A lot of trash was thrown up, but I was impressed on how you handled the opposition. You helped me check off a lot of the questions I have on my list of what I am evaluating on the company.
I wish you the best,
There was another post I read just last week, from a gentleman named Drew in Texas. He took the time to post his sincere gratitude on how I’ve been able to inspire him and help him in his own journey with YTB. He was having some problems, mostly from others just like the ones on After finding my posts however, he found the strength and wisdom to continue moving forward with new insights about what this company and industry really means. I wish I could share that with you as well, but the entire thread had been deleted. In the short time I was allowed to post on these boards, I did touch a number of lives in a positive way, and for that I am grateful.
You need to understand something when it comes to Anti-MLM Zealots. They selectively use evidence that supports their case and throw away (or ban) anything else that doesn’t. They work by categorizing, separating, hiding, judging and condemning, attacking and rejecting. When they’re in trouble like they were with me, they try to distract everyone from all the good news, all the company and personal success of folks like me. They blow the whole situation out of proportion. By making a lot of noise, they think everyone will miss what is really going on. I actually had some great fun playing with a few of the members on the board. The more they attacked, and rejected, the more evidence I brought to the table that dispelled their illusion. It wasn’t all that hard, most never even had any personal experience in YTB, let alone the industry.
That’s all it is, an illusion. They live in a world based in fear and lack, often living in the past, (which doesn’t exist anymore) bringing it into the present, and predicting the future, (which also doesn’t exist) to scare everyone into believing that there is something inherently wrong with the Network Marketing Industry and it should be banned from society. We are liars, cheats, who pray on the poor unsuspecting souls, the “bottom feeders” whose pockets we pick to line all the pockets of “The Man” up at the top. Because they feel this way, everyone else needs to feel the same way, and if you don’t, God help you.
They love linking to Wikipedia, an on-line encyclopedia in an attempt to educate us. Only using information that supports their view on the page, and negating information on the same page that supports Network Marketing. (That was fun!) They love to refer to decade old Pyramid Schemes that the Government has shut down. They also like to refer to some of their heroes who have gotten so much attention elsewhere on the internet offering “proof” that their views are valid. They can’t come up with anything original on their own so they refer to these references over and over. Lengthy articles like “What's Wrong With Multilevel Marketing?” by Dean Van Druff, “False Profits” and “Pyramid Nation” by Dr. Robert FitzPatrick, “Behind The Smoke & Mirrors” by Ruth Carter, “Product Based Pyramid Schemes” and “Tall Taxing Tails” by Dr. Jon Taylor along with web sites like MLM Survivors. Leonard Clements spend some considerable time a few years ago looking at all these so called heroes and does a very effective job dispelling the myths and illusions of these poor misguided folks. I enjoyed reading his series of articles “Anti-MLM Zealots Me Thinks Dot Protests Too Much”. I found it ironic that I actually found this gem on, doubly so, since he had much the same experience I did with being ban from MLM Survivors.
By the way…if you’ve ever wanted to know the REAL story behind the term “Pyramid Scheme”, Tim Sales did an excellent article a few months back entitled “Is MLM Really a Pyramid Scheme?”
So, my days on are over. I guess all I can do at this point is ride off into the sunset. Hopefully never to be forgotten by some of the fine individuals who come there doing their due diligence on YTB and Network Marketing. There are a lot of smart people who view these threads, and many of them see these poor misguided souls for what they really are. If I ever do get a response from the moderators or administrators, I’ll let you know. (Don’t hold your breath!)
That being sad, it’s time to go get a shower and cleanse myself from all the filth I endured for the last few months. What to do after that? I can still find effective ways of helping thousands of people, and in return I’ll create even more wealth, abundance, and joy!
Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
What’s most amusing to me is that it was one of the forum members who called me to tell me that I was banned. I was never informed from the moderators or administrators. I have requested an explanation as to why decided to ban me, but have yet to receive any type of explanation. (I doubt I ever will.) When you’re dealing with Anti-MLM Zealots who close their minds to anything that differs from their own views, they don’t need to give explanations.
Oh well, it is their site. They are certainly free to operate any way they choose.

I had been reading this board from time to time, and a few months ago decided to give some of these folks there “a clue” about how things really are with YTB and the Network Marketing industry in general. Understand is a Network Marketing Company; YTB Travel Network is a full service Travel Agency. These pour souls simply label all companies “Pyramid Schemes” or a “Scam”. They simply don’t know any better based on what the “heard about” or what they “read about”. With a board like this getting so much activity, and the YTB thread getting so much attention; I decided to throw my hat into the ring and step up to show some of the readers that an average guy, like me, CAN make a viable living with this company and industry. Based on my two years of experience with this company, it’s simply not the doom and gloom everyone wants to make it out to be.
It’s not that I was entirely unsuccessful in doing so. I did in fact help a lot of people. I wish I could access some of the posts and private messages on the board, but they can no longer be accessed or have simply been deleted. I do have a couple of private e-mails in which people have expressed how much they appreciated how I have helped them.
“Hello Doug,
I wanted to thank you for your contribution to the thread on YTB.
I am doing my due diligence on the company to see if it would be a good fit for me personally, and I ran across this thread via a search on Google.
A lot of trash was thrown up, but I was impressed on how you handled the opposition. You helped me check off a lot of the questions I have on my list of what I am evaluating on the company.
I wish you the best,
There was another post I read just last week, from a gentleman named Drew in Texas. He took the time to post his sincere gratitude on how I’ve been able to inspire him and help him in his own journey with YTB. He was having some problems, mostly from others just like the ones on After finding my posts however, he found the strength and wisdom to continue moving forward with new insights about what this company and industry really means. I wish I could share that with you as well, but the entire thread had been deleted. In the short time I was allowed to post on these boards, I did touch a number of lives in a positive way, and for that I am grateful.
You need to understand something when it comes to Anti-MLM Zealots. They selectively use evidence that supports their case and throw away (or ban) anything else that doesn’t. They work by categorizing, separating, hiding, judging and condemning, attacking and rejecting. When they’re in trouble like they were with me, they try to distract everyone from all the good news, all the company and personal success of folks like me. They blow the whole situation out of proportion. By making a lot of noise, they think everyone will miss what is really going on. I actually had some great fun playing with a few of the members on the board. The more they attacked, and rejected, the more evidence I brought to the table that dispelled their illusion. It wasn’t all that hard, most never even had any personal experience in YTB, let alone the industry.
That’s all it is, an illusion. They live in a world based in fear and lack, often living in the past, (which doesn’t exist anymore) bringing it into the present, and predicting the future, (which also doesn’t exist) to scare everyone into believing that there is something inherently wrong with the Network Marketing Industry and it should be banned from society. We are liars, cheats, who pray on the poor unsuspecting souls, the “bottom feeders” whose pockets we pick to line all the pockets of “The Man” up at the top. Because they feel this way, everyone else needs to feel the same way, and if you don’t, God help you.
They love linking to Wikipedia, an on-line encyclopedia in an attempt to educate us. Only using information that supports their view on the page, and negating information on the same page that supports Network Marketing. (That was fun!) They love to refer to decade old Pyramid Schemes that the Government has shut down. They also like to refer to some of their heroes who have gotten so much attention elsewhere on the internet offering “proof” that their views are valid. They can’t come up with anything original on their own so they refer to these references over and over. Lengthy articles like “What's Wrong With Multilevel Marketing?” by Dean Van Druff, “False Profits” and “Pyramid Nation” by Dr. Robert FitzPatrick, “Behind The Smoke & Mirrors” by Ruth Carter, “Product Based Pyramid Schemes” and “Tall Taxing Tails” by Dr. Jon Taylor along with web sites like MLM Survivors. Leonard Clements spend some considerable time a few years ago looking at all these so called heroes and does a very effective job dispelling the myths and illusions of these poor misguided folks. I enjoyed reading his series of articles “Anti-MLM Zealots Me Thinks Dot Protests Too Much”. I found it ironic that I actually found this gem on, doubly so, since he had much the same experience I did with being ban from MLM Survivors.
By the way…if you’ve ever wanted to know the REAL story behind the term “Pyramid Scheme”, Tim Sales did an excellent article a few months back entitled “Is MLM Really a Pyramid Scheme?”
So, my days on are over. I guess all I can do at this point is ride off into the sunset. Hopefully never to be forgotten by some of the fine individuals who come there doing their due diligence on YTB and Network Marketing. There are a lot of smart people who view these threads, and many of them see these poor misguided souls for what they really are. If I ever do get a response from the moderators or administrators, I’ll let you know. (Don’t hold your breath!)
That being sad, it’s time to go get a shower and cleanse myself from all the filth I endured for the last few months. What to do after that? I can still find effective ways of helping thousands of people, and in return I’ll create even more wealth, abundance, and joy!
Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
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RTA #24635
Labels: MLM, Network Marketing, Pyramid Scheme, Scam, Travel, YTB