Steeler Fans Unite
Want a tip on how to get a new prospect in front of Coach when he comes to town? All you have to do is wear a Pittsburgh Steelers jersey. ;-P
Coach was in Atlanta last night for one of those “recruiting meetings” at a packed room in the Sheraton Gateway down by the Atlanta airport. Personally, I was pleasantly surprised to receive a Founders Award, and while others were handing out the awards, Coach made sure HE had the opportunity to hand me my award once he saw #7 walking down the isle.
He joked with me to see if my shoulder was okay for this Sunday’s matchup against the Eagles at the time, but we had an opportunity to talk for a few minutes personally after the meeting.
During our talk, I mentioned how I started this nasty rumor about him buying the Steelers, which we both had a good laugh about. It amazes both of us how desperate some people are to taint our company and our model. He mentioned something last night which I wish I could actually do. He said that if you take a phone book from 5 years ago and count the number of Travel Agencies, and then compare it how many are in the phone book today, you’ll see why their so desperate.
Problem is, I got a new phone book yesterday and it’s already in the recycling bin because I can’t remember the last time I actually used a phone book to look up a number. (Maybe that’s why Telecommunication MLM’s are hated too?)
His message was clear however, even without having any phone books in the house. Brick and Mortar Agencies are in decline. Rhode Island is a perfect example of that, with a 60% decline in the last 5 years, and why Rhode Island reversed the Agent Licensing. (No money in it.)
Coach is fully aware of the pot shots people take at him. Honestly, I don’t think it bothers him one bit. If you think about it, why should it? Why should the opinions of a small group, who have never met him, and or even spoken to him matter one iota? Did the few that are so angry at him stay at a Holiday Inn last night or something? None of them have ever met the man or even remotely spoken with him to form any type of recommendation about who Coach is and what he stands for.
In a January 2007 interview with Travel Weekly Coach was asked how he answers the critics, and based on our discussion last night, he hasn’t wavered one bit from what he said almost 2 years ago.
“With network marketing companies, people call them all the same thing, pyramid schemes. You beat that by proving yourself. We just keep doing the right thing. The business is growing, but the travel sales are growing per RTA, too.”
Later that year, YTB ranked #35 in the US with $226 Million in travel, and YTB made one of the largest jumps, 9 spots which ties with another agency, to number #26 this year with $414.5 Million in travel sales.
These critics can spout off all they want, but this kind of documentation speaks volumes about who we are and what we do…and that include one “critic” in California.
We’ve been asking these “critics” to actually meet Coach, even as late as this week. It’s amusing to see how they can be so bold about what they would tell the man in front of his face, but as soon as the opportunity is given, they run with their tails between their legs with all kinds of excuses.
See, instead of resolving the issues they have, their content with being angry and bitter towards a man they honestly know nothing about. It’s much easier to keep the illusion they have, because it’s the only thing they have left to blame in regards to why their business is suffering.
Remember the story about the lost keys in the house, but looking for them outside under the light? Coach is the most visible light they can see, and that’s why so many are focused on him. What they don’t get is that what they’ve lost resides in their own house, not outside were all the attention is right now. Nobody wants to take responsibility for their own actions. I know, it’s a tough pill to swallow. During the course of this year I had to evaluate what I was doing spending so much time on the internet. My business suffered. But that’s not the fault of the TTA’s or YTB it was mine.
I’ve never met anyone more calm and centered as Coach. Well, maybe T. Harv Ecker, but I don’t know Harv the way I know Coach. I’ve spent hours with this man, I listen to his calls on a weekly basis. I’m being mentored by him in Coach’s Corner via e-mail and private conversations. I looked him dead in the eyes last night and I saw a man who’s never waivered, never said a cross word to anyone, and never changed his conviction to take YTB to the top. All he’s looking for is people that are “All In” like he is.
Now I could go the route of some of the “critics” and become bitter, angry, and resentful. Or I could go with a man who sincerely wants to help me. And for the record, no I don’t give him money each month to do that. Just the opposite, he gives me money for following the very simple principles and business advice he’s teaching over 100,000 to do. Some take his advice to heart, some don’t. That’s their choice.
Bottom line for me this week. If you think you know Coach better than I know Coach, have at it. You’re more than welcome to your opinion. We all know what they say about opinions. Everybody has one.
Some are just bigger than others. ;-P
So guys, I’m proud to tell you that YES, I drink the Kool-Aid. I’m a recovering alcoholic, and I know from experience it can be toxic. Kool-Aid however, keeps my mind clear and my head sharp.
I’m also proud to tell you that YES, I’ve been brainwashed. My mind has been cleansed of all the negativity and stinkin thinkin that I was taught about what I can achieve in my life. It’s been replaced with self worth, self respect, and a desire to achieve more for myself and my family.
I enjoy the journey with a man I call "Coach".
PS - If you’d like to keep up to date with all the latest news, acquisitions, and developments with YTB feel free to sign up for my FREE Newsletter. Just like here, it’s loaded with food, water and sunshine to grow your YTB business.
Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
Learn How To Become A Travel Agent
Book Your Travel & Vacations With

Travel Reservations: 1.800.243.4450
RTA #24635
He joked with me to see if my shoulder was okay for this Sunday’s matchup against the Eagles at the time, but we had an opportunity to talk for a few minutes personally after the meeting.
During our talk, I mentioned how I started this nasty rumor about him buying the Steelers, which we both had a good laugh about. It amazes both of us how desperate some people are to taint our company and our model. He mentioned something last night which I wish I could actually do. He said that if you take a phone book from 5 years ago and count the number of Travel Agencies, and then compare it how many are in the phone book today, you’ll see why their so desperate.
Problem is, I got a new phone book yesterday and it’s already in the recycling bin because I can’t remember the last time I actually used a phone book to look up a number. (Maybe that’s why Telecommunication MLM’s are hated too?)
His message was clear however, even without having any phone books in the house. Brick and Mortar Agencies are in decline. Rhode Island is a perfect example of that, with a 60% decline in the last 5 years, and why Rhode Island reversed the Agent Licensing. (No money in it.)
Coach is fully aware of the pot shots people take at him. Honestly, I don’t think it bothers him one bit. If you think about it, why should it? Why should the opinions of a small group, who have never met him, and or even spoken to him matter one iota? Did the few that are so angry at him stay at a Holiday Inn last night or something? None of them have ever met the man or even remotely spoken with him to form any type of recommendation about who Coach is and what he stands for.
In a January 2007 interview with Travel Weekly Coach was asked how he answers the critics, and based on our discussion last night, he hasn’t wavered one bit from what he said almost 2 years ago.
“With network marketing companies, people call them all the same thing, pyramid schemes. You beat that by proving yourself. We just keep doing the right thing. The business is growing, but the travel sales are growing per RTA, too.”
Later that year, YTB ranked #35 in the US with $226 Million in travel, and YTB made one of the largest jumps, 9 spots which ties with another agency, to number #26 this year with $414.5 Million in travel sales.
These critics can spout off all they want, but this kind of documentation speaks volumes about who we are and what we do…and that include one “critic” in California.
See, instead of resolving the issues they have, their content with being angry and bitter towards a man they honestly know nothing about. It’s much easier to keep the illusion they have, because it’s the only thing they have left to blame in regards to why their business is suffering.
Remember the story about the lost keys in the house, but looking for them outside under the light? Coach is the most visible light they can see, and that’s why so many are focused on him. What they don’t get is that what they’ve lost resides in their own house, not outside were all the attention is right now. Nobody wants to take responsibility for their own actions. I know, it’s a tough pill to swallow. During the course of this year I had to evaluate what I was doing spending so much time on the internet. My business suffered. But that’s not the fault of the TTA’s or YTB it was mine.
I’ve never met anyone more calm and centered as Coach. Well, maybe T. Harv Ecker, but I don’t know Harv the way I know Coach. I’ve spent hours with this man, I listen to his calls on a weekly basis. I’m being mentored by him in Coach’s Corner via e-mail and private conversations. I looked him dead in the eyes last night and I saw a man who’s never waivered, never said a cross word to anyone, and never changed his conviction to take YTB to the top. All he’s looking for is people that are “All In” like he is.
Now I could go the route of some of the “critics” and become bitter, angry, and resentful. Or I could go with a man who sincerely wants to help me. And for the record, no I don’t give him money each month to do that. Just the opposite, he gives me money for following the very simple principles and business advice he’s teaching over 100,000 to do. Some take his advice to heart, some don’t. That’s their choice.
Bottom line for me this week. If you think you know Coach better than I know Coach, have at it. You’re more than welcome to your opinion. We all know what they say about opinions. Everybody has one.
Some are just bigger than others. ;-P
So guys, I’m proud to tell you that YES, I drink the Kool-Aid. I’m a recovering alcoholic, and I know from experience it can be toxic. Kool-Aid however, keeps my mind clear and my head sharp.
I’m also proud to tell you that YES, I’ve been brainwashed. My mind has been cleansed of all the negativity and stinkin thinkin that I was taught about what I can achieve in my life. It’s been replaced with self worth, self respect, and a desire to achieve more for myself and my family.
I enjoy the journey with a man I call "Coach".
PS - If you’d like to keep up to date with all the latest news, acquisitions, and developments with YTB feel free to sign up for my FREE Newsletter. Just like here, it’s loaded with food, water and sunshine to grow your YTB business.
Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
Learn How To Become A Travel Agent

Book Your Travel & Vacations With

Travel Reservations: 1.800.243.4450
RTA #24635
Labels: Coach's Playbook, J. Lloyd Tomer, Travel MLM, YTB International