Syndrome: "YTBitis" sweeping the country...
I found this in my “in box” this morning from a woman who came to a company presentation Monday night. I have asked her permission to publish her e-mail in order to alert the public.
“I am so excited! I have a trip that I have to go to in June. I already called the resort in Mexico and could get a great agent rate! I also checked Spirit airlines and see we can get a flat rate for a little over a hundred dollars. Have you used the Spirit airlines discount before? Ok I'm going back to bed. It’s 4am and I can't stop looking at the site, thinking and dreaming YTB, thinking of some different marketing ideas, dreaming of luxury vacations, going on my first cruise----
Oh well you get the picture.
Good night-I mean Good morning!
Unfortunately, I DO know what she means. It’s a syndrome that both Scientists and Physicians don’t really know that much about called “YTBitis”.
Key symptoms Include:
- Daydreaming about Exotic Destinations
- Sleepless Nights Surfing for “Deals”
- Racing Mind of “Who to Talk To!”
- Talking to pure strangers, people they don’t even know
- Spending more time with family
- Excessive traveling and vacationing, up to several times per year
- Decreased tax burden
The worst symptom of all…most whom are infected with YTBitis experience increased bank accounts of Tens, sometime Hundreds of Thousand of Dollars.

The good news is that individuals can learn to live with this over time. Some cases have actually been quoted as saying, “I'll let you in on a little secret. This is sooo easy, fun too!” Nevertheless, there will soon be a National Publication out in Bookstores and New Stands in January of 2007 concerning this syndrome from the editors of “Success From Home”. A growing number of cases have also been found to already have this publication in hand; in order to alert the public of this growing trend. Support groups have been organized all over the country, even full day trainings in most major cities which continue to grow in order to learn how to cope with these indicators.
Yet, no one really knows if a cure will ever be found.
While “YTBitis” will have most suspected infections with bags under their eyes due to sleepless nights, obviously the worst part about this ailment, the rest is very “manageable”. Experts all agree this is certainly not life threatening, some occurrences have actually been considered to be “life enhancing”.
If you feel you need to learn more about YTBitis and how it could affect you or your family, please contact your nearest YTB Representative to get the full story on this sweeping epidemic.
Thank you.
Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
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