Virtually Cool...
I absolutely LOVE technology. I honestly don’t know what I would do in another era or century. Part of the reason why I love YTB so much is because they have always been on the cutting edge of technology. If you’re actually in YTB, you know exactly what I’m talking about with the First Class Training that was launched this past weekend. During the training, Dr. Marc Mancini pointed out that technology has made it very feasible to both learn and work from home quite well as a home based agent.
Travel Weekly’s Leisure Summit is an absolutely perfect example of how we as home based agents can both learn and work from home. I spent a good portion of my afternoon yesterday (along with many other RTA’s) exploring and participating in this on-line forum. I had a chance to visit a number of suppliers who were able to provide e-brochures, resources for additional training, exclusive offers, chat with the staff and other attendees, and participate in three very informative presentations in the “auditorium” with relevant industry news from leaders in the industry.
All from the comfort of my own home.
What’s even more impressive to me is how I can use this same technology to entice clients with tools designed specifically for this reason. I have a neighbor who’s been looking into something for her 10 year wedding anniversary and I was able to send a cool brochure over to her via a quick e-mail. Is it any surprise that she gave me a call about an hour later to inquire about pricing options?
The plethora of product information in the form of brochures, fact sheets, and videos from 23 different suppliers is impressive from this virtual world. Information provided by industry leaders on the state of our industry is also informative and helpful. We can’t overlook how valuable their insight is.
Speaking of industry leaders, I have set aside some additional time this afternoon to head on over to the auditorium at 2:30PM (Eastern) to listen in and enjoy Dr. Marc Mancini, the industry's top educator. Dr. Mancini will be turning his attention to packaged vacations sales. I understand Dr. Mancini got his start in the industry by leading tours, has written books on the subject, and is frequently called upon as a consultant by major tour operators. He is also a columnist in the Agent Life section of Travel Weekly.
Oh, and have I ever mentioned that he’s headed up YTB’s very own E-Campus training, designed exclusively for YTB?
Afterward, I’ll hang around for Travel Weekly Editor in Chief Arnie Weissmann who will be asking questions to the heads of three home agent groups in back-to-back-to-back conversations at 4:00PM (Eastern). You, too, can ask questions as Scott Koepf, president of NACTA; Kim Sorensen, president of YTB; and Van Anderson, co-president of Americas Vacation Center “meet the press,” Travel Weekly-style.
It’s my hope that some of our critics take some time off the various boards and blogs during this time as well to find out first hand exactly what YTB has to offer. The good news is even if they can’t find the time, those of us who are serious about the industry will have a chance to get a more accurate overview.
That being said, I did see yesterday how someone can look at YTB but the translation due to lack of focus and comprehension tends to distort events. I was extremely disappointed that a self proclaimed industry leader doesn’t understand the difference between a “client profile” and an “RTA profile”. Actually, I think he does understand the difference, but he also thinks “denial” is a river in Egypt. Client benefits and YTB are a bad mix according to this blogger, and to have any offering for clients who book with YTB just won't fit inside his framework.
Speaking of “denial”, I still don’t get how this individual can’t grasp that a program that’s been available for over a year now, (YTB E-Campus) and more recently CLIA’s ACC Accreditation can aide in helping those of us in YTB drop the “R” from our title to become Travel Agents. It’s not a matter of being to dumb or stupid at this point, it's being stubborn. (Who knew?)
I was stunned that this blogger who conducts his own poles and studies couldn’t grasp that a simple computer script (code) could not only monitor if a test was taken, or if the answers were actually correct. Maybe he could take some time off and join the rest of us over at the Travel Weekly Virtual Summit and check how many credits he collects from participating in the various areas and trainings. If he enters one of the prize giveaways, he might want to take the time to contact the supplier directly to see if they monitor how many entries they have or if his was accepted.
How I would love to have this individual actually take the required testing in order to upgrade from Affiliate to RTA. Much like the subjects above, he can claim all he wants about how YTB didn’t address the few issues we’ve had concerning groups, he’s not going to upgrade until he correctly answers whether or not it’s proper for us as an RTA to accept cash payments on behalf of YTB.
My guess by the way, based on most of his misconceptions about our company, he’ll never be able to upgrade to an RTA. Believe me, that’s a good thing when it comes to the few bad apples ruining it for the rest of us.
Hopefully however, he’ll get a little lonely over on that blog like he did yesterday and actually want to join the rest of us over at the Travel Weekly Virtual Summit for this afternoons activities, forums, and trainings.
Who knows…we might FINNALY be able to get him to inquire about the $414.5 Million in travel sales he's so up in arms about that Travel Weekly reported back in June.
PS - If you’d like to keep up to date with all the latest news, acquisitions, and developments with YTB feel free to sign up for my FREE Newsletter. Just like here, it’s loaded with food, water and sunshine to grow your YTB business.
Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
Learn How To Become A Travel Agent
Book Your Travel & Vacations With

Travel Reservations: 1.800.243.4450
RTA #24635

All from the comfort of my own home.
What’s even more impressive to me is how I can use this same technology to entice clients with tools designed specifically for this reason. I have a neighbor who’s been looking into something for her 10 year wedding anniversary and I was able to send a cool brochure over to her via a quick e-mail. Is it any surprise that she gave me a call about an hour later to inquire about pricing options?
The plethora of product information in the form of brochures, fact sheets, and videos from 23 different suppliers is impressive from this virtual world. Information provided by industry leaders on the state of our industry is also informative and helpful. We can’t overlook how valuable their insight is.
Speaking of industry leaders, I have set aside some additional time this afternoon to head on over to the auditorium at 2:30PM (Eastern) to listen in and enjoy Dr. Marc Mancini, the industry's top educator. Dr. Mancini will be turning his attention to packaged vacations sales. I understand Dr. Mancini got his start in the industry by leading tours, has written books on the subject, and is frequently called upon as a consultant by major tour operators. He is also a columnist in the Agent Life section of Travel Weekly.
Oh, and have I ever mentioned that he’s headed up YTB’s very own E-Campus training, designed exclusively for YTB?
Afterward, I’ll hang around for Travel Weekly Editor in Chief Arnie Weissmann who will be asking questions to the heads of three home agent groups in back-to-back-to-back conversations at 4:00PM (Eastern). You, too, can ask questions as Scott Koepf, president of NACTA; Kim Sorensen, president of YTB; and Van Anderson, co-president of Americas Vacation Center “meet the press,” Travel Weekly-style.
It’s my hope that some of our critics take some time off the various boards and blogs during this time as well to find out first hand exactly what YTB has to offer. The good news is even if they can’t find the time, those of us who are serious about the industry will have a chance to get a more accurate overview.
That being said, I did see yesterday how someone can look at YTB but the translation due to lack of focus and comprehension tends to distort events. I was extremely disappointed that a self proclaimed industry leader doesn’t understand the difference between a “client profile” and an “RTA profile”. Actually, I think he does understand the difference, but he also thinks “denial” is a river in Egypt. Client benefits and YTB are a bad mix according to this blogger, and to have any offering for clients who book with YTB just won't fit inside his framework.
Speaking of “denial”, I still don’t get how this individual can’t grasp that a program that’s been available for over a year now, (YTB E-Campus) and more recently CLIA’s ACC Accreditation can aide in helping those of us in YTB drop the “R” from our title to become Travel Agents. It’s not a matter of being to dumb or stupid at this point, it's being stubborn. (Who knew?)
I was stunned that this blogger who conducts his own poles and studies couldn’t grasp that a simple computer script (code) could not only monitor if a test was taken, or if the answers were actually correct. Maybe he could take some time off and join the rest of us over at the Travel Weekly Virtual Summit and check how many credits he collects from participating in the various areas and trainings. If he enters one of the prize giveaways, he might want to take the time to contact the supplier directly to see if they monitor how many entries they have or if his was accepted.
How I would love to have this individual actually take the required testing in order to upgrade from Affiliate to RTA. Much like the subjects above, he can claim all he wants about how YTB didn’t address the few issues we’ve had concerning groups, he’s not going to upgrade until he correctly answers whether or not it’s proper for us as an RTA to accept cash payments on behalf of YTB.
My guess by the way, based on most of his misconceptions about our company, he’ll never be able to upgrade to an RTA. Believe me, that’s a good thing when it comes to the few bad apples ruining it for the rest of us.
Hopefully however, he’ll get a little lonely over on that blog like he did yesterday and actually want to join the rest of us over at the Travel Weekly Virtual Summit for this afternoons activities, forums, and trainings.
Who knows…we might FINNALY be able to get him to inquire about the $414.5 Million in travel sales he's so up in arms about that Travel Weekly reported back in June.
Good grief...I hope so.
PS - If you’d like to keep up to date with all the latest news, acquisitions, and developments with YTB feel free to sign up for my FREE Newsletter. Just like here, it’s loaded with food, water and sunshine to grow your YTB business.
Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
Learn How To Become A Travel Agent

Book Your Travel & Vacations With

Travel Reservations: 1.800.243.4450
RTA #24635
Labels: CLIA, First Class Training, Online Training, Travel Agent Training, Travel Weekly, Virtual Summit, YTB E-Campus