Will You Be Mine?
Looking for Love

- 188 million Valentine's Day cards are exchanged annually, making Valentine's Day the second-most popular greeting-card-giving occasion. (This total excludes packaged kids valentines for classroom exchanges.)
- Over 50 percent of all Valentine's Day cards are purchased in the six days prior to the observance, making Valentine's Day a procrastinator's delight.
- Research reveals that more than half of the U.S. population celebrates Valentine's Day by purchasing a greeting card.
- There are 119 single men (i.e., never married, widowed or divorced) who are in their 20s for every 100 single women of the same ages.
- There are 34 single men (i.e., never married, widowed or divorced) age 65 or older for every 100 single women of the same ages.
- 904: The number of dating service establishments nationwide as of 2005. These establishments, which include Internet dating services, employed nearly 4,300 people and pulled in $489 million in revenues.
Be Mine
- 2.2 million marriages take place in the
- 147,300 marriages are performed in
- The estimated
- Men and women in northeastern states generally have a higher median age at first marriage than the national average. In
- 72%: The percentage of men and women ages 30 to 34 in 2005 who had been married at some point in their lives - either currently or formerly.- 4.9 million opposite-sex cohabitating couples maintained households in 2005. These couples comprised 4.3 percent of all households.
Candy is Dandy!
- 1,241: The number of locations producing chocolate and cocoa products in 2004. These establishments employed 43,322 people. California led the nation in the number of such establishments with 136, followed by Pennsylvania with 122. (Source:http://www.census.gov/prod/www/abs/cbptotal.html)
- 515 locations produced nonchocolate confectionary products in 2004. These establishments employed 22,234 people.
- The total value of shipments in 2004 for firms producing chocolate and cocoa products was $13.9 billion. Nonchocolate confectionery product manufacturing, meanwhile, was a $5.7 billion industry.
- 3,467 Number of confectionery and nut stores in the
- The per capita consumption of candy by Americans in 2005 was 25.7 pounds. Candy consumption has actually declined over the last few years; in 1997, each American gobbled or savored more than 27 pounds of candy a year.
- The combined wholesale value of domestically produced cut flowers in 2005 for all flower-producing operations with $100,000 or more in sales was $397 million. Among states,
- The combined wholesale value of domestically produced cut roses in 2005 for all operations with $100,000 or more in sales was $39 million. Among all types of cut flowers, roses were third in receipts ($39 million)to lilies ($76.9 million) and tulips ($39.1 million).
- There were 21,667 florists nationwide in 2004. These businesses employed 109,915 people.
- There were 28,772 jewelry stores in the
The merchandise at these locations could well have been produced at one of the nation's 1,864 jewelry manufacturing establishments. The manufacture of jewelry was an $9 billion industry in 2004
Looking for Love? Try looking here...
Valentine, NE
Valentine, TX
Loveland, CO
Lovejoy, GA
Lovelock, NE
Love Valley, NC
Loveland, OH
Loveland Park, OH
Loveland, OK
Lovelady, TX
Loves Park, IL
Loving County, TX
Lovington, NM
Loving, NM
Love County, OK
Lovington, IL
Romeo, CO
Romeo, MI
Romeoville, IL
Sacred Heart, MN
Heart Butte, MT
South Heart, ND
- 21: Number of places named "rose". The red rose has long been a symbol of romantic love. Rose Hill, VA., is the most populous, with more than 15,000 residents.
Doug & Ronda Bauknight
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Labels: Candy, Flowers, Gifts, Love, Romance, Valentine's Day