The "Royal" Flush...
Currently, it simply doesn't matter what Royal Caribbean does, and based on what we know they have and have not done, YTB feels it's best to simply remove ourselves from a company who selectively chooses to single out a few Agencies, while making exceptions for other companies who also offer a Home Based Business opportunity. While the Retail Travel Professionals are gleaming with the apparent support over Royal Caribbean's decision, it's quite evident both from documentation found, and from what I've been reading on from other members of card mills that this "card mill" issue is neither sweeping or consistent.
While all the doom and gloom over what Royal Caribbean has chosen to do is still swirling, we must not loose site that the truth about our business model and our company has also begun to surface. Earlier this week, Travel Weekly gave YTB a chance to defend our model, and it's quite clear based on what's been happening, "there are many misconceptions about who we are and what we do".
If you recall, I lambasted the organizer of the petition being signed by various Retail Travel Professionals for his lack of basic knowledge and understanding about our business model. This supposed "authority" in the travel industry stated on this very Blog "If you read the TW report, it says that $176M of that was from website sales and from monthly website maintenance fees. These are NOT travel sales. These are website sales."
While I can't be certain, I find it hard to believe that anything being said about my Blog or our company behind closed doors gives any acknowledgement that several sources, including Travel Weekly, confirming that the $176 Million is both "verified" and also "Travel Sales", not Network Marketing or Recruiting sales. Unfortunately, such clarification about facts has little bearing for those who are so adamantly opposed to seeing yet another threat in even more business being taken away from a struggling and dieing market segment.
It's been documented here before that over $40 Billion in travel services are now being done on-line with just 4 of the Top 10 Agencies currently taking away business from these Retail Travel Agents. The days of "Personal Service", "Travel Agent Expertise" and "Credibility" is clearly a dying market with over 75% of these Agencies closing their doors. And while some have chosen to attack with misleading the public, comparing our business models to other models that haven't even launched, (E-Trips Network) the more attention YTB gets, the more individuals will begin to question the validity of the arrogant and uninformed who are touting such propaganda.
Much has been joked about all the news and what YTB's Travel Numbers currently are, and critics point fingers at one YTB spokesman stating sales of $1 Billion for 2007 while another states only $550 Million, they fail to realize that even at $550 Million, that still puts YTB Travel Network in the Top 20 in next years Power List. Ask any College Football fan, and they'll tell you, you're nobody until you make the Top 25 Poll. They clearly point to net losses of millions of dollars without an credence to $169 Million in Market Capitalization, nor do they realize how rapidly YTB is expanding and growing it's infrastructure to support a growing RTA field by nearly 400 to 500 new RTA's per day.
YTB simply "offers" fully paid medical benefits for those of us who produce $25,000 per year in Travel Commissions. Surely no one is even earning IATAN credentials with YTB and RTA's like Vivian Clark, Daphene Jackson, Ronnie Williams, and Carl Dennis are just "lucky". While Royal Caribbean claims they have strict rules against discounting to "card mills" they certainly don't have a problem with "conductors rates" for those of us who organize and book groups of 30 cabins or more.
Those making claims against our model think training is kept to a minimum across the country to help the thousands of new RTA's who have recently joined our ranks, and we certainly wouldn't want them to know anything about our continuing education which was designed and written by Dr. Marc Mancini and What these "Professionals" don't understand is that I've been able to find ample support and greater encouragement from YTB than any other system I've ever looked at previously. When I first looked at getting into this industry years ago, I was stuck without the required experience, and now that I have it, it's not good enough because it's "Network Marketing".
Sorry had you're chance many years ago. Now that I've created my own business with my own clients and my own team of Agents, thanks to the support of YTB, I'm here for the long haul. The leadership of this company both at the home office, and in the field won't be going anywhere. It takes a special tolerance to deal with all the myths and misconceptions surrounding the Network Marketing industry and you have seriously underestimated the resolve of the entrepreneurial spirit.
YTB is already 127,000 strong, and we all have Fathers, Mothers, Brothers, Sisters, Sons, and Daughters who will continue to do business with us over anyone else. The more knowledgeable and mature we become, the more business we will dictate goes where and with whom.
Currently the only supplier who has chosen to be on the outside looking in is Royal Caribbean. While rumors continue to swirl at the time of this writing, no other supplier has made the choice to do the same some two weeks later. That's not to say it won't happen, but the longer this takes, the lower the probability that any other supplier will be foolish enough to alienate themselves from an obvious growing market shift.
As my good friend Charlie Howe stated "The Fat lady hasn't even inhaled at this point!" and our Retailer's are cheering about major, sweeping changes. Trust me...they've done little to change our growth or resolve. If anything, they've strengthened our desire to be the largest Travel Agency in the world.
Those associated with YTB, please check your back office for some BIG plans with the #1 Cruise Line in the world. While I'm not going to tip our Retail Agents just what has been laid before us, they will find out soon enough what 127,000 untrained, unprofessional, and unqualified RTA's in YTB can do. It's my hope and my mission to help our opposition understand what "Shock and Awe" is meant to look like.
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Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
Learn How To Become A Travel Agent
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Travel Reservations: 1.800.243.4450
RTA #24635
Labels: Card Mill, Charlie Howe, Dr. Marc Mancini, John Fenaye, Royal Caribbean, RTA Advantage, YTB E-Campus
I pass a Brick and Mortar Travel Agency twice a day going and coming home from work. Its ALWAYS empty! One grayed lady sitting there staring at her desk.
Doug I love the graphic!!
Posted by
Unknown |
Monday, October 29, 2007