Sleeping With The Enemy...

We shall see.
You like me may have noticed that no other supplier has come up to bat for these Retail Agents. From all the talk and news a few weeks ago you would have thought the sky was falling with what was circling around the internet. It's been three weeks now and next Saturday will be a month since "The Letter" was sent out to just 3 Agencies terminating their vendor agreement without cause or reason. What's even more intriguing to me at this point in time is that we only know the location of two of the three letters. The third to this date is still shrouded in secrecy. Seems to be a very smart move on the part of our third recipient at this point.
About the only news of interest to anyone this week concerning any news about Royal Caribbean's decision is a Travel Weekly article naming PATH and Peter Stilphen as partners in this attempt to separate themselves from Travel MLM's. For those of use who have been following this story with me, that's old news however.
While we keep on waiting for the other shoe to drop, we just keep waiting. Why?
A while ago I found an excellent article from Arnie Weissmann who not only understands our business model, but brought up a number of key points. I've been meaning to compliment Arnie for his work, and actually did personally, but have not really given his piece the credit it deserves here.
The timing of the Royal Caribbean termination announcement was directly after YTB's Funshine Trade Show in Orlando, Florida. I've personally attended these Trade Shows and find them to be an excellent source to not only meet our suppliers personally, but become better educated in who they are, what they offer, and how to promote their particular product or service. Like me, Arnie picked up on how hungry everyone is for knowledge of our industry and how receptive our suppliers are in working with us. The fact of the matter is, YTB and other models like us do a considerable amount of business with them. A little here, and a little there certainly adds up.
Just this morning I found this gem from Vicki Freed, and in this published article "Freed said she attended YTB's conference in early October and saw more than 1,000 attendees in each educational forum. "The desire to learn about the travel business was evident even after I spoke to the general session (over 6,000 attendees) when the CLIA instructor followed me on stage and taught niche marketing," Freed wrote. "No one left the room, and in fact, the overflow ballroom with big screens set up was packed as well. These folks paid for the conference, and there were no free meals or give-aways."
It is "rumored" that this CLIA training in Orlando with YTB was the largest single group ever to be trained at one time by this Association.
And while CLIA (Cruise Lines International Association) was quoted in Modern Agent this morning, that its Oct. 17 World's Largest Cruise Night (WLCN) is expected to generate 17,852 bookings, which translate into an estimated $22.3 million in sales and more than $3 million in travel agency commissions it makes one wonder what a single company like YTB could do in one day.
The entire industry generated 17,852 bookings in one day.
Why only 17,852 for the entire industry? Because these Retail Agents are too busy slamming Vicki on her Blog instead of focusing on making money. I called out our own agents here in my last post for being unprofessional. I feel it's only fair after reading the threats and the down right harassment towards Vicki that someone needs to tell these Retailers.
As an entrepreneur, I've always been one who looks at solutions, not problems. Vicki clearly gave these agents an opportunity to make money with her, but chose instead to focus on the Travel MLM problem.
Good Grief.
While the tide certainly hasn't turned by any stretch at this point, it certainly looks like it's lost any momentum it had a few weeks ago.
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Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
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RTA #24635
Labels: Carnival, John Fenaye, Peter Stilphen, Royal Caribbean, Travel MLM, Travel Weekly, Vicki Freed
A neighbor of mine just purchased for $500.00 a membership with YTB with the promise of disoounts for her travel. She has no intention on selling travel and they knew this. Sorry, this is NOT acceptable to me as a travel professional at all!!! That will discount her air and anopther $100.00 plus will discount her cruises. The person that sold her, made a kick back and had no idea about the travel industry either. I am curious to see if this gets posted for it is the truth!!!!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Monday, November 05, 2007
There is no truth what so ever in a discount of $100 for air. (Not in the 3 years I’ve been with the company anyway.)
You're words not mine.
I'll let those who truly know this industry make up their own mind.
Thank you.
Posted by
TravelPro |
Monday, November 05, 2007