100th Post Brings Expansion on Anniversary...

I’ve stated in both my one year, and two year anniversary postings that I’ve always had to deal with those who oppose Network Marketing in general. I’ve endured all the blanket statement about scams and pyramid schemes from individuals who neglected to consider doing any independent research, or provide documentation to back it up.
This is the first year however that so much attention has been made about YTB specifically, and we have two key factors this past year to thank for all this fuss. First is our Travel Weekly ranking, being a #35 Agency in the country. Second, because of this ranking it appears that it has shocked the Traditional Travel Agent community and they certainly aren’t going to give up even more market share without a fight.
Beside, were just a bunch of Network Marketing Yahoo’s and they can take us right?
Well…maybe not.
While I have stated here many times that I both respect and admire many of the Traditional Agents I have met and speak to publically and privately. Unfortunately, while I may get some respect, YTB does not. There is a belief for most that a formal education and training is required before anyone can be qualified to sell travel, a perception that this career can only be done by those working full time in order to provide service and support that’s required, and a notion that YTB can’t be as competitive or offer the products they do.
There also seems to be an obsession with the amount of money each of us make and while claims that no money is made in this company selling travel, we are also required to recruit our friends and family into the business in order to make money. And while the “friends and family plan” is done by everyone in the company, we are also reminded that if we do recruit everyone, who will we be selling travel too?
I tried to put this as put this as delicately and eloquently as I possibly could last year at this time, and I guess that either some things never change or it may be appropriate to bring up once again a year later…
“What – A – CROCK!”
Fact of the matter is, while others read about it, study it, write about it, talk about it, I live it. I got myself in the game, and if any of you can get past the hype and propaganda being spewed about our company you see that YTB is a Top #35 Agency, (verified sales by the way) company President Kim Sorenson named one of the most influential, Suppliers are coming to bat for our model for producing impressive sales, and Travel editors from both Travel Weekly, and Travel Trade think YTB’s making a HUGE impact in this industry. Heck, even out SEC filings are showing signs of profitability.
And now it looks like YTB is only going to get bigger and stronger with this International expansion.
Bahamas opened on January 11, and YTB is now recognized as a bonded travel agency in Canada. Kick-off meetings are scheduled in Vancouver on February 9th, and Toronto on February 16th. YTB's executive and legal teams worked diligently with the regulatory bodies in each country to ensure that the Company meets or exceeds the standards in each region.
Has a sweet ring to it don’t you think?
Well maybe not for some. For those that so adamantly oppose YTB and the Network Marketing Business model, this certainly doesn’t look good. Of course some will ignore this expansion and continue with hype and speculation. You don’t spend this much time with one company without getting to know how both YTB “responds” and Anti-MLM’ers always seem to “react”. (By the way, there IS a difference.)
I want to leave everyone with this.
In March of 2007 Barry Minkow of the “Fraud Discovery Institute” (FDI) put out a big nasty paper charging that the MLM Company Usana was a Pyramid Scheme. Minkow also “shorted” Usana stock and managed, somehow, to get the Securities and Exchange Commission to investigate Usana. In addition there were several lawsuits filed against Usana including a shareholders class action suit.
The doom and gloom concerning Usana was all the rage and everyone had an opinion and predictions about what was going to happen. The two sides went on and on about this for months. Eventually the dust finally settled and the air was clear of all the talk, most giving Usana up for dead.
Imagine my surprise to find on Friday of last week that the SEC inquiry over the alleged allegations concerning the Usana Health Sciences scheme closed without enforcement action.
I don’t know how many you even knew anything about that suit let alone kept up with it all this time, but as a Network Marketer and a participant in this industry, I did and I believe it’s prudent to bring this to light at this time. Things aren’t always as they may first appear when it’s all said and done.
So another anniversary is here and almost gone. I meant to have this posted early this morning. I’m glad I got distracted long enough to find this news about YTB for you however. A good day, eh?
Part of my distraction today was snow here in Atlanta which is a rarity for these parts. From the looks of it, the kids will be home with me in the morning and we already have plans for a snowman in the front yard. (In fact, it was all I could do to hold them off until morning!)
After three years in YTB, I now have that option!
Thank you YTB.
Subscribe to Just Picture It Now for additional announcements and details!
Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
Learn How To Become A Travel Agent
Book Your Travel & Vacations With
Travel Reservations: 1.800.243.4450
RTA #24635
Labels: MLM Myths, Travel Agent, Travel MLM, YourTravelBiz.com, YTB Travel Network
Happy Anniversary and 100th Post, Doug!!
God Bless!
Posted by
Unknown |
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Imagine how Moses must have felt ? ?
Glad to see you leading the charge and educating those that are unwilling to open their eyes.
I'd pick you as a columnist anyday over that other quack johnny boy.
Keep it up Doug.
Sorry I didn't send any roses for your celebrations - WAIT - I still can through your YTB website . . .
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Congratulations Doug! We will look forward to meeting you in St. Louie in August. Happy 100th!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Happy Anniversary! This is my first post to your blog. I have been reading it for a couple of weeks now. My wife and I are new to YTB (11/16/07) and are very excited about it! I stumbled onto your blog while I was reading notravelmlms.blogspot.com while doing research and I am so glad I did. Thank you for your great posts and updated information. Yours is one of the few blogs I subscribe to (no I don't subscribe to the aforementioned YTB basher LOL).
Keep up the great work. You are an inspiration to us newbies at YTB! I only have a personal blog, but I might get one going for our travel biz! Thanks again!
Jerry Marshall
No Trouble Travel
Posted by
Anonymous |
Friday, January 18, 2008