How I started...
Many of you have asked me how I started this blog, and how I've been able to get readership. With the increase in this question over the last week or so, I've decided to post something about it instead of responding privately. The simple answer is, I just took action. You can think about it, talk about it all you want, but until you actually DO something about it, nothing will ever happen.
For a little more nuts and bolts type answer for you, I'm evaluating a multi-media course on blogging from the folks at Simpleology. For a while, they're letting you snag it for free if you post about it on your blog.
It covers:
- The best blogging techniques.
- How to get traffic to your blog.
- How to turn your blog into money.
I'll let you know what I think once I've had a chance to check it out. Meanwhile, go grab yours while it's still free. that a good enough reason for you to go out and take some action? I only wish I had something like this some two years ago (December of 2005) when I started. My start was nothing more than trial and error, but now look at me. I have two years worth of valuable information and comments on this puppy now. I have a list of subcribers who read this whenever it's updated. And it's even gotten some attention from other publications and blogs.
Never would have happend if I didn't take it from thinking mode to doing mode. And to think of all the fun I would have missed out on.
Go grab the course and see what it has to say. God forbid you might actually learn something and get even more exposure than I do.
Subscribe to Just Picture It Now for additional announcements and details!
Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
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RTA #24635
That whole "Learn How TO Blog" deal is nothing more than a front to sell into a MLM (I believe) program.
Posted by
John |
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
I’ve never been a big fan of guessing or assuming John. I like to collect enough information to make an informed, educated decision.
That’s just me.
If I don’t like what’s offered, don’t find it useful, or find the pitch misleading at least I’ve eliminated any what ifs and it only takes 2 seconds to say “No Thanks”. It’s cost me nothing but time.
I’m certainly not going to be fearful, make any assumptions or have any accurate perception of what something is or is not simply based on a guess. My journey here is to create NEW levels of knowledge and success, not limit myself to what I think I already know.
So far, I’m impressed with what I’ve seen, nor have I seen ANYTHING about MLM in my research of this program, Simpleology, or Mark Joyner.
Posted by
TravelPro |
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Hmm..I must have been directed to a different link. After I posted the stuff on another blog and got the sign up confirmations and so forth there were several pages of "reports" about healthy water and healthy drinks that I needed to download prior to continuing.
Could have been different coding I suppose!
Posted by
John |
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
I would have to agree that there would be more than one “Learn How to Blog” report out there.
Do you know anything about “The Law of Attraction” John? While we are friends, I don’t know you well enough at this time, nor have I ever asked you this question.
You attract a “Learn How to Blog” system that provides information about a water MLM, and I attract a “Learn How to Blog” system that provides information and lessons on how to get from point A to point B, a clear vision of what that is, how and why I need to focus my attention on the target, along with other action steps to make it a reality.
I hear and read all the time that “The Law of Attraction” doesn’t work. I recently read a new book by Dr. Joe Vitale. He made an interesting comment about those that don’t believe in this universal law. Saying that “The Law of Attraction” doesn’t work is like saying “The Law of Gravity” doesn’t work simply because when we drop something it doesn’t hit the exact target we want.
With all your focus and attention right now on MLM’s being bad, and my focus on learning how to improve myself and my business to overcome what you and others are dishing out, Dr. Vitale may have something there.
Try THIS link and see what you get. ;-p
Posted by
TravelPro |
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Disclaimer - I haven't been on any of the links nor have I read or know Dr Vitale's work...
But reading John and your comments on the "Law of Attraction" AFA the Net makes me think of what happens as people surf. They just click from link to link on what attracts them. Who knows where they are going to end up, or where they started, or if they will ever remember where they've been!
Do I have a point? Dunno. Just an observation...
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
I think it’s a very appropriate and welcome observation.
I drove up to Pittsburgh this Christmas to spend time with family. They have moved to a beautiful piece of property, with 40 acres of land, complete with chicken’s, horses, a John Deer Gator, tractors, two homes, and a barn. While we’ve never been to this property before then, we made one turn at a time, 200 yards at a time, to get to our destination. We had no idea what we would eventually find, but we found it.
MY point Ann is that some of us use a road map to get to our destination, while others just roam aimlessly. (I’m not stating that either you or John just “roam” by any means by the way, you both seem to me to be very articulate and intelligent.)
I’m creating the life of my dreams by planning my day and working my plan, like I did to make it to my parents in time for Christmas.
Do I get distracted?
But I have a goal and I’ve created a map to help me reach my target.
Posted by
TravelPro |
Wednesday, January 09, 2008