Walk Softly, But Carry a BIG Stick!

With all the attention, talk, and accusations concerning a proposal that hasn’t even been officially released, let alone outlined, manuals produced, training implemented, pricing arranged, and compensation laid out, it makes me wonder what all this fuss is about.
At one exact moment last week, 10:21AM on Tuesday, July 15th, an 8-K Regulation FD Disclosure was filed with the SEC. A Directors call followed with Scott Tomer informing our Directors of this filing, and a Press Release was issued Tuesday afternoon with our "consideration" of franchising.
I feel it's important to updated and inform you about this proposal from the PROPER sources. Scott has agreed to share a Directors Letter in the Biz Report and I want to make sure you have this communication directly from Scott.
Now just why would Scott have to do something like this? Amusingly enough, and Scott addresses this specifically in his communication, about our competitors and skeptics who make inaccurate, deceitful, slanderous and outright fraudulent statements about YTB. This obsession with YTB is so consuming, that by 10:27AM a post was up on a blog stating that YTB has turned its back on RTA's. (Note: only 6 minutes after the SEC filing!) Likewise, as soon as the Press Release was issued it was commented on a financial forum that the stock would crash , and one brilliant critic posted Scott's letter in it's entirety on another Anti-YTB thread incorrectly assuming that this would cast doubt instead of clarifying our direction in becoming a dominant player in the Travel Industry.
This company can’t sneeze without someone painting some negative spin about it.
With the stock price actually rising following both days of outrageous claims and spin, we can't help but laugh at the egg on the face of these obsessed critics who think they have YTB all figured out. Clearly the scare tactics used to distract and worry those of us in YTB didn’t take hold or we just didn't care to listen.
I mentioned some of my reasons why on Friday, but I also like Scotts reasons, and I’d like to document them here as well.
"We became a publicly traded company in 2004 and the skeptics said we would never make it. People said we were crazy to introduce a Reps' "Bill of Rights" at the 2005 "Your Time to Build" national convention. It was unheard of in our industry. No one had ever guaranteed earnings for its Reps prior to the 2006 "Business of Champions" YTB convention, but that didn't stop us from introducing the Success from Home Magazine program with its $6,000 Guarantee. We became members of the Direct Sales Association in 2007 and added the "First Amendment to the Bill of Rights" at the "Cleared for Take Off" National Convention to the dismay of our detractors."
Here is what you need to know about this consideration before the coin has even been tossed to guess heads or tails, and this comes DIRECTLY from Scott Tomer and no one else. I figured here is as good of place as any to get the truth out about what’s in the works, and what we have to look forward to.
"We know how to recruit, build a sales force and sell products and services using the direct sales or network marketing approach. We are convinced this is the best marketing system ever created and we are ABSOLUTELY COMMITTED to continuing the use of this system with YTB. While there will be changes to the process as it relates to the sale of franchises, the downline genealogy and network marketing division will remain intact."
"We believe a franchise model of our existing business will be easier to comprehend and more readily accepted by the general public. Since franchising is recognized as a traditional business model in virtually all developed countries, YTB's timeline for global expansion will be accelerated."
"We anticipate everything that currently exists for RTAs will be in the franchise model and any additional products offered through the franchise will be available to RTAs should they elect to become franchisees."
"If RTAs elect not to become franchisees, they will be able to continue with no change to their status with all income opportunities and privileges they currently enjoy."
You can clearly see that this is not all the doom and gloom that some would like you to believe. While there are questions yet to be answered by many, I’m confident they will be answered in time. If the program even launches, it won’t be until next year, so we have plenty of time to get our ducks in a row, take the proper time, and make an informed, educated business decision. Honestly, I don’t think 6 minutes is ample time to base a decision on much of anything, let alone an opportunity like the one proposed.
Thank you Scott for stepping up and making this available to us to answer the plethora or questions and accusations that are out there on the Internet. Scott Tomer is a clear leader and one of three Founders in our company. It would not surprise me to see as a result of this announcement and the way Scott handled it, to see a report that Scott Tomer is now being nominated for President!
Can you imagine? Scott Tomer, from President of YTB International, to President of the Untied States!
Roosevelt who?
Editors Note to the goofballs who would like to take this idea of Scott being President seriously: Be our guest! We’d LOVE the publicity and also love to show the world just how gullible you critics really are.
PS - If you’d like to keep up to date with all the latest news, acquisitions, and developments with YTB feel free to sign up for my FREE Newsletter. Just like here, it’s loaded with food, water and sunshine to grow your YTB business.
Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
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RTA #24635
Labels: Franchising, Network Marketing, Scott Tomer, Travel Agent Issues, YTB International, YTB News