The Funeral
I had this forwarded to me via one of my Newsletter Subscribers yesterday morning. Yesterday started very early for me with my son needing to have a couple “sugar bunny’s” (cavities for us adults) filled, and it didn’t stop until late last night. I had planned on another post, but didn’t even have the time to start what I wanted, but when I saw this, I thought it was appropriate with all the trash talking going on over the internet.
I realize this can be easier said than done, even for me, but this puts everything into a great perspective. It’s not surprising that this came from one of YTB’s Top Directors, and a female to boot.
Juliet St. John.
The Funeral Story
Many years ago I was a sales manager for a company in Baltimore, Maryland. I would pull my team together from several states every quarter for a day of relationship and team building exercises as well as general sales training.

Juliet St. John.
The Funeral Story
Many years ago I was a sales manager for a company in Baltimore, Maryland. I would pull my team together from several states every quarter for a day of relationship and team building exercises as well as general sales training.
The company we all worked for was a business services company, and our model was not a networking company in any way. We were a business calling on other businesses, or "B to B" as it is often referred to today. All the same, the sales people who were paid a large base salary, given a company car and an expense account, still had some of the same challenges that our teammates, or perhaps you do in YTB.
You see, as part of their job description, there was a large amount of "cold calling" involved. This of course refers to making contacts, setting appointments, and making presentations for the purpose of securing a new account with someone that they did not know. Sound familiar?
During one sales meeting in the fall of the year, I closed out the meeting with an article that I had read in a national publication. The article was written on of all things, funerals. You see, the writer of the article had conducted surveys of many funerals across the country and came up with some interesting statistics and facts. "And exactly how am I going to tie this into YTB?" you say.
The first thing that I read said that on the average, at a funeral, approximately ten people cry. That struck me as quite odd. Ten people? No more? Ten? In other words, after I spend my entire life, hopefully into my nineties, working with thousands of people in my business, volunteering for several organizations, donating my time and money, laughing and living life with relatives and friends thru all of the ups and downs, that only ten people would cry?
What's that about?
Now, get ready, because here is where it gets even better. You know that after the funeral, there is of course the burial, right? The article said that the number one thing that would determine how many people would go to the actual burial was determined by one thing and one thing alone: the weather! The article said that if it rains on the day of my burial, that at best case, only fifty percent of the people at the funeral would go for that last ride with me to the actual burial.
The other fifty percent might really, really love me. But they would still prefer not to get wet. So here is my point. I told that sales team and I am telling you today that I had a realization when I read that article. It was quite liberating. I got freed up.
If only ten people are going to cry and less than fifty percent won't see me off if the sky opens up and rains, that what kind of sense does it make for me to care at all about what other people think?
Now I didn't say that I don't care about other people. I do, very much care FOR other people. But you know what? I don't give a hoot what other people think about what it is that I am doing.
Period. End of the story.
Why would I (or you) be afraid of rejection? Why would I be concerned about what so and so thinks? Why would I ever be worried again about someone passing judgment on me because I am doing "one of those things"?
It really is very simple. If you talk to enough people, some will come into YTB, and some won't. If you talk to enough people, some will book travel with you, and some won't. If enough people come into your YTB Business, some will become Power Team Leaders, and some won't. Of the PT Leaders, some will be productive, and guess what? Some won't.
The only variable is whether or not you are going to talk to enough people...And as you are trying to muster up the courage to approach your relative, your friend, or a complete stranger about YTB remember this: chances are, they won't cry at your funeral and they won't get rained on to say goodbye. And most people live a lot of their lives all cooped up caring about what the other person thinks.
On a final note. There are a handful of people who have many, many people cry at their funerals and have long funeral processions no matter the weather. JFK Martin Luther King, Jr. Gandhi John Lennon The list goes on.
These people, the "Difference Makers", and others like them, they have thousands that show because they spent their lives not worrying or caring about what other people thought.
You see, as part of their job description, there was a large amount of "cold calling" involved. This of course refers to making contacts, setting appointments, and making presentations for the purpose of securing a new account with someone that they did not know. Sound familiar?
During one sales meeting in the fall of the year, I closed out the meeting with an article that I had read in a national publication. The article was written on of all things, funerals. You see, the writer of the article had conducted surveys of many funerals across the country and came up with some interesting statistics and facts. "And exactly how am I going to tie this into YTB?" you say.
The first thing that I read said that on the average, at a funeral, approximately ten people cry. That struck me as quite odd. Ten people? No more? Ten? In other words, after I spend my entire life, hopefully into my nineties, working with thousands of people in my business, volunteering for several organizations, donating my time and money, laughing and living life with relatives and friends thru all of the ups and downs, that only ten people would cry?
What's that about?
Now, get ready, because here is where it gets even better. You know that after the funeral, there is of course the burial, right? The article said that the number one thing that would determine how many people would go to the actual burial was determined by one thing and one thing alone: the weather! The article said that if it rains on the day of my burial, that at best case, only fifty percent of the people at the funeral would go for that last ride with me to the actual burial.
The other fifty percent might really, really love me. But they would still prefer not to get wet. So here is my point. I told that sales team and I am telling you today that I had a realization when I read that article. It was quite liberating. I got freed up.
If only ten people are going to cry and less than fifty percent won't see me off if the sky opens up and rains, that what kind of sense does it make for me to care at all about what other people think?
Now I didn't say that I don't care about other people. I do, very much care FOR other people. But you know what? I don't give a hoot what other people think about what it is that I am doing.
Period. End of the story.
Why would I (or you) be afraid of rejection? Why would I be concerned about what so and so thinks? Why would I ever be worried again about someone passing judgment on me because I am doing "one of those things"?
It really is very simple. If you talk to enough people, some will come into YTB, and some won't. If you talk to enough people, some will book travel with you, and some won't. If enough people come into your YTB Business, some will become Power Team Leaders, and some won't. Of the PT Leaders, some will be productive, and guess what? Some won't.
The only variable is whether or not you are going to talk to enough people...And as you are trying to muster up the courage to approach your relative, your friend, or a complete stranger about YTB remember this: chances are, they won't cry at your funeral and they won't get rained on to say goodbye. And most people live a lot of their lives all cooped up caring about what the other person thinks.
On a final note. There are a handful of people who have many, many people cry at their funerals and have long funeral processions no matter the weather. JFK Martin Luther King, Jr. Gandhi John Lennon The list goes on.
These people, the "Difference Makers", and others like them, they have thousands that show because they spent their lives not worrying or caring about what other people thought.
What are YOU thinking?
PS - If you’d like to keep up to date with all the latest news, acquisitions, and developments with YTB feel free to sign up for my FREE Newsletter. Just like here, it’s loaded with food, water and sunshine to grow your YTB business.
Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
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RTA #24635
PS - If you’d like to keep up to date with all the latest news, acquisitions, and developments with YTB feel free to sign up for my FREE Newsletter. Just like here, it’s loaded with food, water and sunshine to grow your YTB business.
Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
Learn How To Become A Travel Agent

Book Your Travel & Vacations With

Travel Reservations: 1.800.243.4450
RTA #24635
Labels: Home Based Travel Agent, Juliet St. John, MLM Myths, Travel MLM