Debate and Conversations Continue Concerning YTB...
Seasons Greetings everyone,
I seriously debated whether, or not, I even wanted to take my time with this, but I figured my opinion counts as much as anyone else’s. Having said that, I hope my opinion will not personally offend anyone, because it seems there are a few select people already doing a very good job of that, and that is NOT my intention. My purpose, with this, is to hopefully present an alternative perspective. I am also an RTA with YTB, and while learning the ropes, I must admit that am truly enjoying myself. I am very fortunate to have found this business - a totally unique concept for people like me who need the flexibility this business affords me (and there are many people out there like me).
My current responsibilities do not leave me with not enough time for school during normal hours, so YTB provided the perfect forum for me to learn the business, and slowly develop a career with their incredibly well structured learning format, the support, and the limitless tools, and resources they provide - 24/7, and at a fraction of the cost to get trained, and operate a legitimate multi-faceted business – which can be operated from home – or anywhere. Apparently it seems that those who paid, and paved their way, the old school way, find this rather insulting.
However, these are important features to the stay at home mom (or dad) looking to supplement their income, who may be struggling to make ends meet, living week to week, whose circumstances do not allow them enough time, nor the proper resources to go to school. And, what about those people simply less fortunate, who may be forced to work from home, through no choice of their own, but want a shot at the possibility of cultivating a successful career? These are but a few of many other examples, not listed here.
The point being, shouldn’t they be afforded a chance at building a better life? I’m sure many of you will find arguments against this, and we may never agree, so let’s just agree to disagree, at this point. The main point here is that this business model gives these folks, along with many others, a chance to change their lives, and that’s just what this business has done – at least, for those people taking the opportunity seriously, and using it to it’s full advantage. And, that’s powerful, whether you agree, or not. Again, I realize many of you will be less than supportive, and even more intolerant of what {some of} you may deem as pure hogwash. But, do you think the people being afforded the chance to use this opportunity to it’s full advantage, and who, as a result of this, are improving upon their lives, feel that way!?!
In truth, I can only share my personal reason for being with YTB. Like many other people, my husband and I are tired of struggling - as many small businesses do - in the competitive world of Corporate America, and we saw an opportunity that could provide a feasible, alternate way to achieve a decent (and hopefully, early) retirement. Will my newfound P/T travel career take time??? Sure, it will, just as it does with any other business (I ought to know). Eventually, I hope to do this F/T - as circumstances will allow.
In the meantime, my job is to earn people's business, through trust, and by building their confidence, which is exactly what I am doing. Have I made money, thus far (a point "the others" seem to keep making)??? Well, speaking for myself, the answer is YES... I am making money, and as my knowledge, the time I am able to apply, and my abilities grow, so does my business prosper, and grow. As for the customer service issue, I must agree. If you are going to be in the travel business, you must put your customers, and their needs first. Although, I can admit to not knowing everything (yet), I do aim to help my clients with all aspects of their travel plans, by using the tools and resources provided me, and I do make every attempt to personally handle customer service requests, inquiries, and complaints. If I should come across a problem I can’t solve on my own, and I need help; again, I use my resources. Most of the people that support me in this business know ME personally, and they understand that I am only at the beginning of my journey. Of course, coming from your well-schooled, or seasoned position, you may not see that as viable, and that is okay! I don’t seek your approval. After all, this is a FREE AMERICA, and I don’t see myself as breaking any laws, so… a business I will continue to build!
P.S. I am also happy to report that customer referrals have been outstanding.
As for those clients who book blindly, on any on line site, there realistically lies the potential for an element of risk, but that is entirely their choice to do so. When you get on an amusement park ride, enter the fun house; fly as a passenger on a plane, you do so at your own risk. This analogy is no different than choosing to book your own travel, in a manner of speaking. I do, however, acknowledge and further understand your valid concerns with potential service, and support issues (although I assure you that resources are provided, and available to us, whether you consider these acceptable, or not).
I can only trust that as obstacles befall us (which can be expected in any business) and we are faced with certain challenges, so shall we overcome them, by improving our services, only to make them even better, so thank you for your observations, and constructive criticism.
As far as MLM’s go, in general, YES, they are about building the business model, and some of us focus more on building our down line, but then there are those of us don’t make the down line our main focus, and that is the beauty of THIS business. You do with it what you want, and you can take as long as you need to make it your own personal success story. I know, for myself, I only talk to people about the business ‘opportunity’ if I know it would behoove them to learn about it. Beyond that, it is up to them. Knowledge, after all, is power! Plant a seed and just maybe it’ll grow - if the conditions are right. How wonderful that I am personally afforded the option of both, and that I can utilize these options as I choose, or see fit.
This business is certainly NOT for everyone, but for those who do see the benefit of being part of it, the foundation is in place, and all the tools are provided. What each person does with these is, yet, their own personal story. Based on this, I respect that that is where many of you may have your own personal points of contention.
What I truly find revolting, and personally object to, is that many of you “properly schooled, accredited agents” are so busy slinging slurs, circulating petitions, and citing customer service, on these forums, in the manner in which you do. Isn’t customer service based on character, grace, poise, manners and etiquette? These so called ‘professionals’ have not provided us with ANY shining example of their upstanding character on these forums! What puzzles me, further, is their inference that the only reason people (like me) join on line host agencies (like YTB, amongst many others), is for the travel perks we get. Hmmm… not to say that there aren’t some who do just that, but, seriously now, I’d like to know WHAT it is that motivated these slur slingers to get into the TRAVEL business when they decided to make this their career?!? Are you going to try to tell me, and everyone else, that YOU never entertained the thought of the travel benefits YOU would have being in the business? Not only would you be deceiving me, by insulting my intelligence, and everyone else reading these forums, but you would be deceiving yourself, as well. As for me, the truth is that my personal circumstances, for the time being, do not allow me the time to travel (although I would love to – and certainly plan to, especially as my new business requires me to), but that is not MY reason, in and of itself, for joining YTB.
This of course, will be another point of contention for those of you who will go on to say that you must travel to be able to refer travel, but then I will ask, which side of the fence do YOU actually sit on – or do you know yourself? You can’t imply that travel is the only reason we (the MLM’ers who don’t sell travel but use the perks) get into this business, and make a point of saying that we shouldn’t get into the business to travel, but that is in fact what YOU must do, have done, or will do, in order to responsibly refer travel to YOUR clients.
Read on…Please correct me if I’m mistaken, but as a TA, you’re probably well traveled, and if not, then you will eventually be so (if you are just beginning your career). You claim you paid, and paved, your way through school to earn your credentials, and you may well have your own B&M, or home based business, or work for someone else that does, so I’m sure you’ve partaken in the promotional trips available to you as a TA, to better qualify you for referring travel to your trusting clients. Thus, your insinuations, and accusations, are in direct contradiction to your own words, and actions, and pose a serious misrepresentation on behalf of all your associated accredited agents. This is what I believe is called, “The Pot Calling the Kettle Black.” C’mon you guys… “People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.” I can just imagine the buzz this will stir!
Please don’t sit there all indignant, and lump all of us into one group, or category (ie: hobbyists, opportunists, or whatever else you’d like to refer to us as), and play God by seeking to persecute us, or squash our goals, and efforts, without taking a good look at yourselves, and what is really motivating your hostility, and that which fuels your words, and actions. This is NOT to say that good and valid points have not been made, and that we, as a larger group, need to pay attention to these, because, certainly, there are credible TA’s that have paved the way for us, in this business, much like the forefathers of our country did.
Nevertheless, my fellow YTB'ers (et al), please don't let these purveyors of hatred, slanderous insults, and negative criticisms, or harsh observations irk, or detract you. Why are they up in arms? Well, after careful thought, given from both perspectives, I can only deduce that; "desperate times call for desperate measures", and they are seemingly desperate. As we all know, the best offense is a good defense, and they have neither. Let’s face it, “Roger K” coined it best… this is not the only industry in trouble due to the competitive forces of doing business on the Internet… and this is just the beginning. The times they are a changin’!
Many of these hate mongers, and nay sayers will be forced to face the truth before too long, and when that time comes, you will see many of them changing their tune, and course. Dare I say, that when you can't beat 'em, you're left only to join 'em – at least the smart ones may give it the consideration all Internet business deserves. Hey folks, that’s not to say that we shouldn’t pay attention to “weblets” warnings… these are real threats befalling the industry – and we ALL need to pay close attention to what is REAL, and not simply what may be perceived.
In the meantime, fellow YTB’ers (et al), don’t give credence to their otherwise forked tongues. Simply continue to build your dreams, grow in knowledge, refine your efforts, achieve your goals, and let the nay sayers be. “Misery Loves Company”, so don’t give them any! For those of you who want a good laugh… here's a LINK to the new (complete?) compilation of several other nay sayers un famous sayings by famous, and un famous people. Go figure!
By the way, the holidays are almost upon us, and many of you will want to order THANKSGIVING FLOWERS, so please stop by and have a LOOK at YTB Flowers (located by clicking on the EXTRA’s tab)...
The FALL GRANDEUR arrangement is especially nice! Remember your loved ones and their special occasions… any BIRTHDAY’S coming up? Yes, we can take care of most of your FLORAL needs, and while you’re on my site, please take the time to look at all the other wonderful things we have to offer! Many thanks for your support and have a blessed day!
Oh, wait… I don’t have a horticulturist degree, and I’m not a licensed Florist. Any risk takers vs. petitioners out there? Let us, at least, entertain a sense of humor - warped, or otherwise. In closing, I do apologize for the lengthy commentary, but I felt compelled to address crucial points being presented, over several forums, thereby eliminating the need for me to go back & forth with any future retort, or laborious rhetoric. (I’m sure many of you will find that rather comforting to know – LOL).
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, whether based on fact, or fantasy… Isn’t that what makes us all uniquely individual, and part of a free society in what we call the GREAT country of AMERICA!?! But, in so doing, let us try to be civil in our communications, and respectful of others rights and choices.
Peace be with you ALL, over the holidays, and throughout the new year!
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Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
Learn How To Become A Travel Agent
Book Your Travel & Vacations With
Travel Reservations: 1.800.243.4450
RTA #24635
Labels: MLM Myths, Travel Agent Training, Travel MLM, YTB
I've stated this many times in other forums, and other "traditional" agents have too - I have no problem with the MLM model, even when it comes to YTB - except when it comes to the offering of travel perks to those who haven't earned them - in many case, as an enticement to join.
The travel industry is working on policing itself, to set a standard as to who is entitled to these perks - and in my opinion, it should match what IATA has had in place for years - an agent needs to EARN $5000 per year in COMMISSION to be eligible for an IATA agent card, and thus be eligible for the agent benefits and perks.
If that is your goal, I will welcome you to any FAM or agent discounted trip with open arms.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Very few, if any of our “Travel Professionals” even recognize what YTB has put in place in regards to Agent Cards.
It’s been stated many times before, and as early as January of this year, that YTB will now require actual “Travel Sales” before being able to even obtain an RTA Credential or apply for CLIA. (It’s already mandated in California and will go company wide this January.) We are the ONLY Travel MLM, (or any Travel Company to my knowledge) that will require a level of sales in order to carry a card. (CLIA does NOT require any type of travel sales, but YTB does.)
In addition, YTB has always followed that same policy as any other Agency concerning IATAN credentials. ($5000 in commissionable sales.)
Yet, we (YTB) take the brunt of the criticism and blame on all these “cards” being given out.
Posted by
TravelPro |
Sunday, November 11, 2007
"Yet, we (YTB) take the brunt of the criticism and blame on all these “cards” being given out."
I blame that on those who go to travel trade shows and on cruises wearing T-Shirts that taunt "I traveled here for free - ask me how!" and then they try to get you to join YTB. I've personally seen this at least 3 different times.
I personally hope that CLIA will implement the same sales levels as IATA soon.
BTW, for IATA it's $5,000 in commissions earned per year (thats usually $50,000 in commissionable sales) - not $5000 in commissionable sales like you stated - there's a big difference.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Sunday, November 11, 2007
I do know that it’s $5000 in commissions and not commissionable sales. There IS a big difference, and it certainly was not intended.
My apologies.
While you hope that CLIA will also require travel sales before granting a card, please understand that YTB already makes this a requirement. (Even if it’s not nearly as stringent as IATAN.)
Thank you.
Posted by
TravelPro |
Sunday, November 11, 2007