Live From St. Louis!
The General Session opens this morning for the 2008 National Convention. The last two days have been spent in training classes from some of our Directors that have been exceptional to say the least. While everyone here is aware of the carefully orchestrated events that started this week in an attempt to dampen our National Convention, after a couple of days of looking around at the crowds here (some 18,000 so far just for Training) the mood is extremely upbeat.
The plan to insert fear and doubt here in St. Louis is noticeably absent, and quite honestly, I’ve seen more of a steely eyed smirk on most of the faces here. Anyone who reads this case and knows anything about the Network Marketing industry knows and understands the common catch phrases used by “critics” who buy into all the myths, rumors, and hearsay about our industry.
It really doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the holes. I asked a question here on Wednesday about how much money a small group lost. Maybe I missed it due the fact that I really haven’t had much time to look, but me thinks just like everything else that is presented that brings home facts instead of spin and hype, they ignore key questions and deflect to something they can spin.
Again, it’s been a really busy couple of days, and while I haven’t been able to read much that’s out there from our critics, about all I can tell them at this point is this.
Thanks for sharing and thank you for your concern, but were gonna be just fine.
Of course, that won’t register and is probably nothing more than lip service for the few it’s intended for. As history has proven time and time again with our company, critics often have to be shown and not spoken to. I made a list about a month ago of all the times this company was down for the count, out of business, finished, kaput.
Based on that kind of track record, I’d recommend for those of us on the right side of this, to just let them rant and blow their own horns. If they have nothing better to do with their time then point fingers at you, they obviously don’t have anything worth while going on for themselves to keep them occupied. Why would you or anyone want to take the advice from someone who is obviously board, killing time, and/or obsessed with destruction instead of building, creating, or growing?
Which I remind you, growing is exactly what we are doing and why they are trying to stop this company. Facts don’t lie and they see this train coming. Our Annual Report produced $141 Million in revenue and they see our Reps size getting bigger and bigger. They see $414.5 Million in travel sales, with 83% growth which means their piece of the pie getting smaller and smaller. Fear of loss is a HUGE motivator.
Again, I’ve been able to read very little concerning our critics right now, but I think it’s save to say that the arrogance and victory from these self proclaimed judges and jury right now across the board is premature. They seem to miss the fact that it’s really not up to them to decide this case as it goes to court. They don’t have to power to decide for you, and while they would like you to believe that this will be decided in the court of public opinion, California needs to decide in our Judicial System which in this Country states the we are “innocent until proven guilty”.
Network Marketing folks has a target on it’s back, and if you don’t believe me, just take a look at how USANA and Herbalife were attacked this last year. (And more importantly, where they are now!) All the talk right now is nothing more than and attempt to bring you down to a level we chose to rise above when we joined our respective companies.
Here’s a little exercise I learned a couple days ago during the training that I want to try on you. See if you can finish these sentences for me.
Money doesn’t grow on _________.
Rich people are ________________.
If it sounds too good to be true, ___ _____________ ___.
It’s is better to give than _____________.
Get a good education, get good grades, and find a good ______.
Money doesn’t buy _______________.
Notice how you’ve been able to finish every one of those sentences? And they say WE’RE the ones who are “brain washed”! The garbage you’re reading on the internet right now came from the same people who gave you the answers to the sentences above.
I will not only readily, but GLADLY tell any one of the arrogant and self absorbed bunch of critics that yes, my brain has been washed from the filth and garbage they’ve attempted to implant in my head since I first took breath on this earth. That’s what washing and cleansing does.
I got a chance to see some of what is going to be rolled out over the next few days last night at the Coach’s Corner Dinner. A group the size of our National Convention 2 years ago with over 4000 in attendance with people who helped build this business for the same price a couple of our critics paid a few weeks ago. I’m not going to leak what was said, what is going to be rolled out, or what we have to look forward too at this time. (Based on the numbers I saw coming in last night, there are too many of you with this company already here to see first hand this morning.)
Liberty and Travel for All is our theme this year. From the looks of it, we’re ready to celebrate what this company has achieved, what we have overcome, and the direction we are going. Make no mistake, YTB is on the map folks and if by chance, you are not here in St. Louis today, head on over to any newsstand and book store and take a gander at who is on the front cover
of the Saturday Evening Post this month.
It’s a good read, and I think everyone might want to take a look at just who the California AG is up against when it comes to making false and misleading claims about his company and his people. If it aint true don’t say it. If it aint right don’t do it.
Is it any wonder we feel awfully proud of who we are and what we are doing?
It really doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the holes. I asked a question here on Wednesday about how much money a small group lost. Maybe I missed it due the fact that I really haven’t had much time to look, but me thinks just like everything else that is presented that brings home facts instead of spin and hype, they ignore key questions and deflect to something they can spin.
Again, it’s been a really busy couple of days, and while I haven’t been able to read much that’s out there from our critics, about all I can tell them at this point is this.
Thanks for sharing and thank you for your concern, but were gonna be just fine.
Of course, that won’t register and is probably nothing more than lip service for the few it’s intended for. As history has proven time and time again with our company, critics often have to be shown and not spoken to. I made a list about a month ago of all the times this company was down for the count, out of business, finished, kaput.
Which I remind you, growing is exactly what we are doing and why they are trying to stop this company. Facts don’t lie and they see this train coming. Our Annual Report produced $141 Million in revenue and they see our Reps size getting bigger and bigger. They see $414.5 Million in travel sales, with 83% growth which means their piece of the pie getting smaller and smaller. Fear of loss is a HUGE motivator.
Again, I’ve been able to read very little concerning our critics right now, but I think it’s save to say that the arrogance and victory from these self proclaimed judges and jury right now across the board is premature. They seem to miss the fact that it’s really not up to them to decide this case as it goes to court. They don’t have to power to decide for you, and while they would like you to believe that this will be decided in the court of public opinion, California needs to decide in our Judicial System which in this Country states the we are “innocent until proven guilty”.
Here’s a little exercise I learned a couple days ago during the training that I want to try on you. See if you can finish these sentences for me.
Money doesn’t grow on _________.
Rich people are ________________.
If it sounds too good to be true, ___ _____________ ___.
It’s is better to give than _____________.
Get a good education, get good grades, and find a good ______.
Money doesn’t buy _______________.
Notice how you’ve been able to finish every one of those sentences? And they say WE’RE the ones who are “brain washed”! The garbage you’re reading on the internet right now came from the same people who gave you the answers to the sentences above.
I will not only readily, but GLADLY tell any one of the arrogant and self absorbed bunch of critics that yes, my brain has been washed from the filth and garbage they’ve attempted to implant in my head since I first took breath on this earth. That’s what washing and cleansing does.
Liberty and Travel for All is our theme this year. From the looks of it, we’re ready to celebrate what this company has achieved, what we have overcome, and the direction we are going. Make no mistake, YTB is on the map folks and if by chance, you are not here in St. Louis today, head on over to any newsstand and book store and take a gander at who is on the front cover
It’s a good read, and I think everyone might want to take a look at just who the California AG is up against when it comes to making false and misleading claims about his company and his people. If it aint true don’t say it. If it aint right don’t do it.
Is it any wonder we feel awfully proud of who we are and what we are doing?
From St. Louis…Have a happy day! Doug & Candi May
PS - If you’d like to keep up to date with all the latest news, acquisitions, and developments with YTB feel free to sign up for my FREE Newsletter. Just like here, it’s loaded with food, water and sunshine to grow your YTB business.
Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
Learn How To Become A Travel Agent
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Travel Reservations: 1.800.243.4450
RTA #24635
Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
Learn How To Become A Travel Agent

Book Your Travel & Vacations With

Travel Reservations: 1.800.243.4450
RTA #24635
Labels: MLM Myths, Travel MLM, YTB National Convention