Let's Begin, at the Beginning
Have you ever looked at a task and at the outset it looks really daunting? Probably the best example I can give anyone at this time is our Directors program. When someone new comes into YTB and they don’t have even their first person in the business yet, anyone would wonder…”How the heck am I going to get 500 RTA’s?” I recently took an Ultimate Goals Program written by Brain Tracy, (I’d highly recommend any of Brian Tracy's courses by the way) and he’s about the umpteenth person who has told me to “break it down into manageable chunks”.
Last week I promised John Frenaye that I would get his questions answered. ALL his questions. If you take a look at this list you might wonder as I do, how in the world can someone come up with so many questions? That’s part of John’s design, it’s meant to overwhelm you in the hopes that so many questions will cause you to just give up, allowing him to win the argument, and also allowing his positioning and views to remain out there on the internet unanswered. I’ve seen this for years, but John happens to be very unique. He’s very intelligent, and he’s done a ton of research on the YTB business model and Multi-Level Marketing in general. Unfortunately, most of what he’s researching is how to position YTB and Multi-Level Marketing in a negative light.
Garbage in – Garbage out.
Over the next couple of days, okay maybe weeks due to the length of this list, I’m going to focus on each of these questions one at a time. My goal here is not only to answer the question, but also point out why this question is even asked in the first place. How the wording is uniquely used, or words are changed to define something entirely different from its original intent and context.
This will also be an excellent opportunity and tool for anyone with additional comments about each of the specific questions to get better clarification. Use the comments section to discuss each of the questions in greater detail. Again, back to Brian Tracy and his courses, which teach that you focus on the each task one at a time, focus on the solution, break it down into manageable chunks, and before you know it, you’ve achieved your goal.
It should be a really fun debate, and for those of you in YTB, take this information and documentation and use it.
Ready? Let’s begin.
Question #1 - Why a compensation plan takes 12 pages to define. (Giving up on this one. It just does.)
I wonder how many pages Vicki Freed is reading right now for her new position with Royal Caribbean concerning her compensation. Seriously! Do you think it might be more than 12 pages?
There appears to be a real fascination with the YTB compensation plan, (which everyone will clearly see in later issues) and while it appears that each of these pages are loaded with dollar signs, and ways to make money, it begs the question of what defines 12 pages.
The first page being a cover, and the last page being blank, we are already down to 10 pages of “defining our compensation”. Of the remaining 10 pages that should therefore cover “compensation” actually talk about the YTB Team Structure, that being definitions of First Team, Power Team, Dream Team and Directors Program. In addition, while I would certainly consider Group Health and Life Insurance compensation, I do not believe this type of benefit would even be recognized by most who oppose our model. (MLM’s simply don’t offer that type of “compensation” or benefit.) The last three pages, (excluding the blank page of course) defines our
UCC-1 Financing statement, filed with both the State of Illinois and New Jersey which documents our Bill of Rights, established to protect those of us who have partnered with YourTravelBiz.com.
If you are counting with me that leaves the middle of page 4 which starts with “Direct Sales Commission”, page 5 which covers Power Team and Dream Team Sales, and we finish with page 6 which cover all the Leadership Bonuses which cover $1000 and $10,000 bonuses.
I would also include our Directors compensation on page 7, but I’m sure no one would be interested in learning how to make and extra $2000 to $8000 in extra guaranteed income per month. In case anyone wants to consider an extra $8000 a month in extra income, we can therefore complete our “compensation package” down from 12 pages to just 3 ½ pages.
While John has “given up”, I would advise that you do not. The YTB Team Structure & Copyrighted Compensation Plan is an essential part in helping anyone in making an informed, educated decision about the YTB pay plan and business model. For most of you who are with larger corporations such as BellSouth, IBM, Sprint, or Microsoft, 12 pages is a simple read compared to the hundreds of pages of policies and procedures with these companies. (Right Vicki?)
As to why they do and we don’t? It just does. ;-P
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Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
Learn How To Become A Travel Agent
Book Your Travel & Vacations With

Travel Reservations: 1.800.243.4450
RTA #24635

Garbage in – Garbage out.
Over the next couple of days, okay maybe weeks due to the length of this list, I’m going to focus on each of these questions one at a time. My goal here is not only to answer the question, but also point out why this question is even asked in the first place. How the wording is uniquely used, or words are changed to define something entirely different from its original intent and context.
This will also be an excellent opportunity and tool for anyone with additional comments about each of the specific questions to get better clarification. Use the comments section to discuss each of the questions in greater detail. Again, back to Brian Tracy and his courses, which teach that you focus on the each task one at a time, focus on the solution, break it down into manageable chunks, and before you know it, you’ve achieved your goal.
It should be a really fun debate, and for those of you in YTB, take this information and documentation and use it.
Ready? Let’s begin.
Question #1 - Why a compensation plan takes 12 pages to define. (Giving up on this one. It just does.)
I wonder how many pages Vicki Freed is reading right now for her new position with Royal Caribbean concerning her compensation. Seriously! Do you think it might be more than 12 pages?
There appears to be a real fascination with the YTB compensation plan, (which everyone will clearly see in later issues) and while it appears that each of these pages are loaded with dollar signs, and ways to make money, it begs the question of what defines 12 pages.
The first page being a cover, and the last page being blank, we are already down to 10 pages of “defining our compensation”. Of the remaining 10 pages that should therefore cover “compensation” actually talk about the YTB Team Structure, that being definitions of First Team, Power Team, Dream Team and Directors Program. In addition, while I would certainly consider Group Health and Life Insurance compensation, I do not believe this type of benefit would even be recognized by most who oppose our model. (MLM’s simply don’t offer that type of “compensation” or benefit.) The last three pages, (excluding the blank page of course) defines our
UCC-1 Financing statement, filed with both the State of Illinois and New Jersey which documents our Bill of Rights, established to protect those of us who have partnered with YourTravelBiz.com.
If you are counting with me that leaves the middle of page 4 which starts with “Direct Sales Commission”, page 5 which covers Power Team and Dream Team Sales, and we finish with page 6 which cover all the Leadership Bonuses which cover $1000 and $10,000 bonuses.
I would also include our Directors compensation on page 7, but I’m sure no one would be interested in learning how to make and extra $2000 to $8000 in extra guaranteed income per month. In case anyone wants to consider an extra $8000 a month in extra income, we can therefore complete our “compensation package” down from 12 pages to just 3 ½ pages.
While John has “given up”, I would advise that you do not. The YTB Team Structure & Copyrighted Compensation Plan is an essential part in helping anyone in making an informed, educated decision about the YTB pay plan and business model. For most of you who are with larger corporations such as BellSouth, IBM, Sprint, or Microsoft, 12 pages is a simple read compared to the hundreds of pages of policies and procedures with these companies. (Right Vicki?)
As to why they do and we don’t? It just does. ;-P
Subscribe to Just Picture It Now for additional announcements and details!
Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
Learn How To Become A Travel Agent

Book Your Travel & Vacations With

Travel Reservations: 1.800.243.4450
RTA #24635
Labels: Anti-MLM, Brian Tracy, John Frenaye, Travel MLM, Vicki Freed, YTB
Only needing 10 pages to explain a compensation pay that pays reps to infinity deep and pays reps infinity wide is not expecting too much.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
John has trouble with this because he is a one dimensional thinker. He only knows hourly wage and commissions, and doesn't seem to understand what business building and residual income are all about. Check out the new narrated animated 'YTB Compensation 101' slideshow on the YTB marketing site.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Can you relate the plan to the 2007 Income Disclosure Statement I received from Scott Tomer?
Posted by
John |
Thursday, January 24, 2008
While I have not seen Scott's income statement, I have the following information, which I understand is on this income statement.
- 45,000 Reps who were NOT Power Team Leaders and received a check in 2007
(You gave me an average of $90 per person which I will trust)
- 13,000 Reps who ARE Power Team Leaders and received a check in 2007
(You gave me an average of $1850 per person which I will trust.)
- 931 Reps were in Coach's Corner with an average income of $20K per person
- 122 Level 1 Directors earned an average of $85K
- 21 Level 2 Directors earned an average of $264K
- 9 Level 3 Directors earned an average of $459K
- 8 Level 4 Directors earned an average of $1.24 Million
- 1 Level 5 Director earned an average of $2.7 Million
- 2 Level 6 Directors earned an average of $2.9 Million
- 3 Level 7 Directors earned an average of $3.4 Million
Posted by
TravelPro |
Thursday, January 24, 2008