The Easter Egg Hunt...
I have two young kids, who admittedly are the most adorable, cutest kids on the face of this earth. My daughter (AKA: Schmoopsie-Pooh) is in Kindergarten this year, and my son (AKA: Googley-Bear) is in Pre-K. They at the age now that Easter Egg hunting is a BIG thing, and every year, I can’t wait till they grow out of it because when they eat candy, they both just run around the house in circles screaming from the sugar rush they get. (Still cute, but one can only take so much.)
It’s also a time of year when I see a perfect example of why we as adults can be so screwed up in our thinking and beliefs. I’ve told you before that I’m a big Neal Boortz fan, and still listen to him from time to time when in the car. One of his favorite rants is our school system is programming false beliefs in our children, and how dumb the future of America will be if we as parents continue to let the Government educate our children. In this particular example however, I found that it doesn’t matter if it’s public or private school.
For the last couple of years, while the kids have enjoyed the Easter egg hunt, after everyone has found all the eggs, the teachers collect the baskets outside the school room; have the kids work on another project inside the class while someone else divides all the eggs equally among all the kids’ baskets. So if Johnny went out and hustled and collected 30 eggs for his basket, most of his eggs are taken away and given to Sara who was only able to find 1 egg. When it’s time to go home, all the kids have the exact same number of eggs in their baskets.
Now I know some of you might not think this is no big deal, and some might even think it’s the “fair” thing to do. They’re kids and they don’t know the difference right?
Believe it or not, some adults carry this programming that we must divide everything up equally among the rest of the group into our adulthood. I really never noticed it before until I got into YTB some years ago and started posting on a board called There was a guy on there that swore up and down that you have to take the total number of RTA’s (what ever number that may be at the time) and divide the total number of commissions found on the SEC reports (which represented numbers months before all the RTA’s were even in YTB) and the number he came up with doomed everyone in YTB to making something like $67 per RTA for the entire year. (By the way, if I remember correctly, he was using quarterly numbers for his yearly average.)
This poor guy was one of the kids who busted his tail to fill his Easter Egg Basket every year, only to find that most of his eggs were given to the other children in the class, and this programming carried into his adult life.
What’s even more disheartening is that after being shown how someone who sells Travel in YTB can actually keep all the commissions they make in YTB this character disappeared for a while, only to come back as someone else, (another screen name) to pitch the exact same lame math again.
Is it any wonder I became bored with that board?
I’ve worked in sales for a long time, and I’ve never known any Corporation who takes everyone’s sales, puts them together and then divides them up equally among all the sales people. (Would have been nice when I worked “part time” at Gateway all those years ago…but that’s ancient history at this point.) Can you imagine Bill Gates telling Wal-Mart that he needs to collect all the Office 2007 and Windows Vista revenue to divide it up equally with Best Buy and Circuit City? Most of you couldn’t and would think that’s silly, while at the same time, this notion that everyone is doomed to making just $67 a year in commissions isn’t.
Fact of the matter is, most people are programmed to think this way from a very early age, and this Easter egg hunt example is just one small piece of the puzzle in regards to why so many people have such limiting, dysfunctional beliefs about prosperity and money. I’ve mentioned before about T. Harv Ecker and his book “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” and after reading his book, that’s when I first started to evaluate and think about my own beliefs. After attending his Millionaire Mind Intensive some years ago, that’s were I truly learned how to literally start reprogramming all the old limiting beliefs I once had. (It’s still a work in progress, and I’ll share some of my tools with you on a later post.)
What’s scary for me is that I had no idea that these were in fact limiting beliefs. I thought I was normal and found out that normal or average…well…it stinks.
I need to find a file somewhere in this vast space we call the internet, and have you take a test on money and it’s beliefs. I found it some time ago and can’t seem to locate it right now. My kids will be up soon and I promised I’d spend the day with them. (It’s Good Friday and they have the day off of school.)
Let’s not worry ourselves about limits right now, and I want you to enjoy a Happy and prosperous Easter. I love this time of year, and I just wanted to let you know that right around the corner are some tools and keys so make sure you come back for the Easter Egg I have for you some time next week. I’m going to enjoy my family for the weekend.
I promise there will be enough to go around for everyone!
YTB Members: Subscribe to my weekly Newsletter!
Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
Learn How To Become A Travel Agent
Book Your Travel & Vacations With

Travel Reservations: 1.800.243.4450
RTA #24635

For the last couple of years, while the kids have enjoyed the Easter egg hunt, after everyone has found all the eggs, the teachers collect the baskets outside the school room; have the kids work on another project inside the class while someone else divides all the eggs equally among all the kids’ baskets. So if Johnny went out and hustled and collected 30 eggs for his basket, most of his eggs are taken away and given to Sara who was only able to find 1 egg. When it’s time to go home, all the kids have the exact same number of eggs in their baskets.
Now I know some of you might not think this is no big deal, and some might even think it’s the “fair” thing to do. They’re kids and they don’t know the difference right?
Believe it or not, some adults carry this programming that we must divide everything up equally among the rest of the group into our adulthood. I really never noticed it before until I got into YTB some years ago and started posting on a board called There was a guy on there that swore up and down that you have to take the total number of RTA’s (what ever number that may be at the time) and divide the total number of commissions found on the SEC reports (which represented numbers months before all the RTA’s were even in YTB) and the number he came up with doomed everyone in YTB to making something like $67 per RTA for the entire year. (By the way, if I remember correctly, he was using quarterly numbers for his yearly average.)
This poor guy was one of the kids who busted his tail to fill his Easter Egg Basket every year, only to find that most of his eggs were given to the other children in the class, and this programming carried into his adult life.
What’s even more disheartening is that after being shown how someone who sells Travel in YTB can actually keep all the commissions they make in YTB this character disappeared for a while, only to come back as someone else, (another screen name) to pitch the exact same lame math again.
Is it any wonder I became bored with that board?
I’ve worked in sales for a long time, and I’ve never known any Corporation who takes everyone’s sales, puts them together and then divides them up equally among all the sales people. (Would have been nice when I worked “part time” at Gateway all those years ago…but that’s ancient history at this point.) Can you imagine Bill Gates telling Wal-Mart that he needs to collect all the Office 2007 and Windows Vista revenue to divide it up equally with Best Buy and Circuit City? Most of you couldn’t and would think that’s silly, while at the same time, this notion that everyone is doomed to making just $67 a year in commissions isn’t.
Fact of the matter is, most people are programmed to think this way from a very early age, and this Easter egg hunt example is just one small piece of the puzzle in regards to why so many people have such limiting, dysfunctional beliefs about prosperity and money. I’ve mentioned before about T. Harv Ecker and his book “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” and after reading his book, that’s when I first started to evaluate and think about my own beliefs. After attending his Millionaire Mind Intensive some years ago, that’s were I truly learned how to literally start reprogramming all the old limiting beliefs I once had. (It’s still a work in progress, and I’ll share some of my tools with you on a later post.)
What’s scary for me is that I had no idea that these were in fact limiting beliefs. I thought I was normal and found out that normal or average…well…it stinks.
I need to find a file somewhere in this vast space we call the internet, and have you take a test on money and it’s beliefs. I found it some time ago and can’t seem to locate it right now. My kids will be up soon and I promised I’d spend the day with them. (It’s Good Friday and they have the day off of school.)
Let’s not worry ourselves about limits right now, and I want you to enjoy a Happy and prosperous Easter. I love this time of year, and I just wanted to let you know that right around the corner are some tools and keys so make sure you come back for the Easter Egg I have for you some time next week. I’m going to enjoy my family for the weekend.
I promise there will be enough to go around for everyone!
YTB Members: Subscribe to my weekly Newsletter!
Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
Learn How To Become A Travel Agent

Book Your Travel & Vacations With

Travel Reservations: 1.800.243.4450
RTA #24635
Labels: Easter, Limiting Beliefs, Money, Network Marketing