Thanks For Sharing...
I’ve gotten several comments, private e-mails, and even some phone calls concerning my falling out with John Frenaye. It appears that I’m now the brunt of some criticism and poking which I will take complete responsibility for. I’ve released the need to blame, complain, or justify my current situation. Most people apparently would want to worry and obsess about what is going on with a company that they aren’t even involved with. About all I can say at this point is this...
“Thanks for sharing”.
The Spin Machine known as “MLM’s and Travel: A Bad Mix” has just gotten way too low for my intellectual level. I had mentioned before how comments and questions were merely thrown out to cast doubt and spread rumor about our company. It’s a trick and tactic Anti-MLM Zealots use to keep us in YTB on our toes and busy deflecting and defending nothing more than lies and rumors started by them.
These tactics became way too obvious for me when accusations were thrown up concerning our Carnival Pinnacle Awards. The spin was made that YTB was not only not awarded the Pinnacle but the question was all of the sudden thrown out concerning the Awards dating back some 3 years. When I posted published pictures dating back to April of 2005 and another set of pictures from the 2007 National Convention and recalled more than 12,000 witnesses for our most current award, the blatant way these pictures were simply ignored and the way accusations were pointed back in my direction just got a little too childish for my taste.
The final straw for me was when John tried to defend his position by twisting words to insinuate that I was calling a High Level Executive with Carnival a liar. That’s when an image formed in my head and I just called a spade a spade and made it known in no uncertain terms that I was insinuating that it was John Frenaye who was the liar.
What a waste of my valuable time, talent and energy.
I now have to let this go and trust that like everything else that’s been thrown out there to cast doubt and rumor will eventually come to light and set the record straight. Truth always had a way of doing this with our company, and I believe it’s partly due to Coach and his relationship with his Higher Power.
An RTA forwarded me an e-mail from Ann Sedgewick (the one in the two sets of pictures with Kim Sorensen.)
YTB was presented with Carnival's Pinnacle Award for the years 2005, 2006 and 2007. (The awards that were presented in February 2008 were for 2007).
We gave YTB their award in October 2007, presented by Vicki Freed. We actually gave it a little earlier than normal because of the FUNSHINE event in Orlando and so many RTA's in attendance. Normally, it would not have been presented until February.
Ann N. Sedgwick
Business Development Director
Carnival Cruise Lines
3655 N.W. 87th Ave. Miami, FL. 33178-2428
Based on the font and Ann’s signature in the e-mail which matches all the e-mails I get from her, it’s authentic. I would imagine once the Home Office renovation is complete, all these awards will be prominently displayed. If anyone would like to invite our Traditionalists to a Red Carpet Day to take their own pictures, feel free.
One other note that I found out yesterday as well is that YTB will need another case for Apple Vacations. Business Development Director Sandy Meyer made a special stop at the YTB Edwardsville office to present YTB with the Platinum Apple Award for 2007. Our second year in a row, and an upgrade from Gold for 2006.
I don’t know what it’s going to take to help give some people this clue they need to help them with their perception of YTB and MLM’s. No matter what we do, no matter where we are ranked, no matter how many Travel Awards we have, I just get the feeling someone, somewhere will say “It’s just not good enough”.
I pulled out and am re-reading Joe Vitale’s "The Key" currently. I remembered a quote from my first reading concerning “The Law of Attraction” that I just loved. Many naysayers will tell you that “The Law of Attraction” doesn’t work. It’s all a bunch of hocus pocus. That’s like saying “The Law of Gravity” doesn’t work simply because the ball you dropped from the roof didn’t hit your intended target or mark. I attracted these comments and accusations towards me just as sure as the ball hit the ground, but neither hit exactly where I wanted it to hit.
This experience has been a real life lesson for me with our Traditionalist. Here I am trying to attract people who for a myriad of reasons want to join a home based business or YTB and I’m directing my attention at a blog and people who absolutely detest the model, founders and company. On the other side of the fence, our Traditionalists are blaming, complaining, and condemning how unprofessional, untrained, and classless YTB is, and what do you imagine they find more of? What you focus on expands and there is no way to get around that. (Believe me, I’ve tried.)
A couple years ago I read the book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind ". I also participated in his “Millionaire Mind Intensive” twice, once as a participant, and once as a volunteer. I remember reading some of the testimonials before I went to the first seminar and was myself skeptical about just how good this program was touted as being. (Nothing can be THAT good...right?) It was one of the most remarkable weekends I ever experienced and it was no mistake that less than a month later I qualified for Coach’s Corner and was heading for Director before I got my attention and focus distracted by our Traditionalists last October.
A couple of things I want to share with you that I learned. One, I often hear that we in MLM have been “Brain Washed”, and when I hear that, I think of two words, “Thank God”. Yes, my mind has been washed of all the limiting, false, negative, self defeating beliefs that I have been told my whole life. My mind has been cleansed and I make no apologies for allowing others to help me do that. (Including Harv Ecker and Joe Vitale.)
I can think of another “cleansing” for some of our Traditionalist, but that’s another topic and I think there may be one or more MLM’s out there that can provide the product I’m thinking of to help with the constipation they have concerning our business model.
Two, fear is nothing more than False Evidence Appearing Real. Things are never quite as bad as everyone makes them out to be. Look at what was being said about Royal Caribbean and the onslaught of suppliers that were going to cut off YTB. Look at how loosing IATA hasn’t affected your ability to sell or get paid on Travel. All that hoopla with doom and gloom 5 or 6 months ago, and yes, I fell for it too. Looking at YTB today with some 50,000 new RTA’s, our expansion into Canada and the Caribbean, other suppliers like Carnival and Trafalgar coming to bat for us, it looks to me like YTB is stronger than ever.
I can’t wait for June 23rd when the 2008 Travel Weekly Power Rankings come out to see how far YTB climbed up the list.
My final point is this for those of you in YTB. I had a personal conversation with Kim Sorensen a few months back. He told me that when he, Coach, and Scott were building AL Williams back in the 80’s, they were going through the same issues YTB is having right now. Traditional Insurance Agents were saying and doing the same things Traditional Travel Agents are doing to YTB right now. The similarities are remarkable. While I have not read this book in it’s entirety but I did find a chapter which I think everyone in YTB needs to read Chapter 15 to help put our current situation into perspective, and how we can learn from the lessons of the past.
In closing, I don’t know how much I will be posting for the time being. I have a number of things I need to do for me, including clearing and cleansing many of these limiting believes that Traditionalists are trying to shove down my throat. I’ve overcome this garbage before, and have been bitten by snakes many times before. Sometimes it can be difficult to step on their heads when they’ve got them buried in the sand.
Subscribe to Just Picture It Now for additional announcements and details!
Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
Learn How To Become A Travel Agent
Book Your Travel & Vacations With

Travel Reservations: 1.800.243.4450
RTA #24635
“Thanks for sharing”.
The Spin Machine known as “MLM’s and Travel: A Bad Mix” has just gotten way too low for my intellectual level. I had mentioned before how comments and questions were merely thrown out to cast doubt and spread rumor about our company. It’s a trick and tactic Anti-MLM Zealots use to keep us in YTB on our toes and busy deflecting and defending nothing more than lies and rumors started by them.
These tactics became way too obvious for me when accusations were thrown up concerning our Carnival Pinnacle Awards. The spin was made that YTB was not only not awarded the Pinnacle but the question was all of the sudden thrown out concerning the Awards dating back some 3 years. When I posted published pictures dating back to April of 2005 and another set of pictures from the 2007 National Convention and recalled more than 12,000 witnesses for our most current award, the blatant way these pictures were simply ignored and the way accusations were pointed back in my direction just got a little too childish for my taste.

What a waste of my valuable time, talent and energy.
I now have to let this go and trust that like everything else that’s been thrown out there to cast doubt and rumor will eventually come to light and set the record straight. Truth always had a way of doing this with our company, and I believe it’s partly due to Coach and his relationship with his Higher Power.
An RTA forwarded me an e-mail from Ann Sedgewick (the one in the two sets of pictures with Kim Sorensen.)
YTB was presented with Carnival's Pinnacle Award for the years 2005, 2006 and 2007. (The awards that were presented in February 2008 were for 2007).
We gave YTB their award in October 2007, presented by Vicki Freed. We actually gave it a little earlier than normal because of the FUNSHINE event in Orlando and so many RTA's in attendance. Normally, it would not have been presented until February.
Ann N. Sedgwick
Business Development Director
Carnival Cruise Lines
3655 N.W. 87th Ave. Miami, FL. 33178-2428
Based on the font and Ann’s signature in the e-mail which matches all the e-mails I get from her, it’s authentic. I would imagine once the Home Office renovation is complete, all these awards will be prominently displayed. If anyone would like to invite our Traditionalists to a Red Carpet Day to take their own pictures, feel free.
One other note that I found out yesterday as well is that YTB will need another case for Apple Vacations. Business Development Director Sandy Meyer made a special stop at the YTB Edwardsville office to present YTB with the Platinum Apple Award for 2007. Our second year in a row, and an upgrade from Gold for 2006.
I don’t know what it’s going to take to help give some people this clue they need to help them with their perception of YTB and MLM’s. No matter what we do, no matter where we are ranked, no matter how many Travel Awards we have, I just get the feeling someone, somewhere will say “It’s just not good enough”.
I pulled out and am re-reading Joe Vitale’s "The Key" currently. I remembered a quote from my first reading concerning “The Law of Attraction” that I just loved. Many naysayers will tell you that “The Law of Attraction” doesn’t work. It’s all a bunch of hocus pocus. That’s like saying “The Law of Gravity” doesn’t work simply because the ball you dropped from the roof didn’t hit your intended target or mark. I attracted these comments and accusations towards me just as sure as the ball hit the ground, but neither hit exactly where I wanted it to hit.
This experience has been a real life lesson for me with our Traditionalist. Here I am trying to attract people who for a myriad of reasons want to join a home based business or YTB and I’m directing my attention at a blog and people who absolutely detest the model, founders and company. On the other side of the fence, our Traditionalists are blaming, complaining, and condemning how unprofessional, untrained, and classless YTB is, and what do you imagine they find more of? What you focus on expands and there is no way to get around that. (Believe me, I’ve tried.)
A couple years ago I read the book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind ". I also participated in his “Millionaire Mind Intensive” twice, once as a participant, and once as a volunteer. I remember reading some of the testimonials before I went to the first seminar and was myself skeptical about just how good this program was touted as being. (Nothing can be THAT good...right?) It was one of the most remarkable weekends I ever experienced and it was no mistake that less than a month later I qualified for Coach’s Corner and was heading for Director before I got my attention and focus distracted by our Traditionalists last October.
A couple of things I want to share with you that I learned. One, I often hear that we in MLM have been “Brain Washed”, and when I hear that, I think of two words, “Thank God”. Yes, my mind has been washed of all the limiting, false, negative, self defeating beliefs that I have been told my whole life. My mind has been cleansed and I make no apologies for allowing others to help me do that. (Including Harv Ecker and Joe Vitale.)
I can think of another “cleansing” for some of our Traditionalist, but that’s another topic and I think there may be one or more MLM’s out there that can provide the product I’m thinking of to help with the constipation they have concerning our business model.
Two, fear is nothing more than False Evidence Appearing Real. Things are never quite as bad as everyone makes them out to be. Look at what was being said about Royal Caribbean and the onslaught of suppliers that were going to cut off YTB. Look at how loosing IATA hasn’t affected your ability to sell or get paid on Travel. All that hoopla with doom and gloom 5 or 6 months ago, and yes, I fell for it too. Looking at YTB today with some 50,000 new RTA’s, our expansion into Canada and the Caribbean, other suppliers like Carnival and Trafalgar coming to bat for us, it looks to me like YTB is stronger than ever.
I can’t wait for June 23rd when the 2008 Travel Weekly Power Rankings come out to see how far YTB climbed up the list.
My final point is this for those of you in YTB. I had a personal conversation with Kim Sorensen a few months back. He told me that when he, Coach, and Scott were building AL Williams back in the 80’s, they were going through the same issues YTB is having right now. Traditional Insurance Agents were saying and doing the same things Traditional Travel Agents are doing to YTB right now. The similarities are remarkable. While I have not read this book in it’s entirety but I did find a chapter which I think everyone in YTB needs to read Chapter 15 to help put our current situation into perspective, and how we can learn from the lessons of the past.
In closing, I don’t know how much I will be posting for the time being. I have a number of things I need to do for me, including clearing and cleansing many of these limiting believes that Traditionalists are trying to shove down my throat. I’ve overcome this garbage before, and have been bitten by snakes many times before. Sometimes it can be difficult to step on their heads when they’ve got them buried in the sand.
Subscribe to Just Picture It Now for additional announcements and details!
Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
Learn How To Become A Travel Agent

Book Your Travel & Vacations With

Travel Reservations: 1.800.243.4450
RTA #24635
Labels: Anti-MLM, John Frenaye, MLM Myths, Travel MLM
It was one of the most remarkable weekends I ever experienced and it was no mistake that less than a month later I qualified for Coach’s Corner and was heading for Director before I got my attention and focus distracted by our Traditionalists last October.
Deflect deflect. You did not make director because someone posted something on your blog and because he also started a blog? Come on. This is an excuse.
So now it is the traditionalists that have caused Doug to not be a Director?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Please re-read the very first paragraph of this post. I stated right from the very beginning that the situation I am currently in is of my own doing. I know this is hard for most, but please just try this for me:
“I take complete responsibility for my situation.”
What you fail to understand is this: Traditionalists in the industry or anyone else for that matter don’t have that kind of power unless I allow it. It was a choice and I was wrong for making the choice to try to debate and converse with someone who has no interest in dealing with truth or reality.
It’s a nice spin to think others have control, but, playing the role of “victim” sucks.
Thanks for sharing....
Posted by
TravelPro |
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Congratulations Doug,
Focus is a key to success. Your story, your expression of feelings, and admittance of mistakes are all good for the soul as well as inspiring to others. I am new to YTB and I am not at the success stage that I set as my target yet. Even though, here is the greatest thing that has happened to me because of YTB - opening my eyes and heart to learning the keys to success. I too have read some of the books you have mentioned, developed new goals, and turned my attentions to the Law of Attraction. As a result, my current occupation (not YTB) has vastly improved, my life is more full, my family relationships have improved, and I KNOW my YTB business will grow. I wouldn't trade it for anything - not even my $449.95 and $49.95 a month. Those that oppose YTB with such a strong voice are only threatened and one of the main reasons I decided to do this was because it was simple. Offer the opportunity to others and/or point them to book travel through our site. That's it. Anything more than makes it difficult. Thank you Doug and you have inspired many and isn't that worth it!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thursday, March 13, 2008
And truth and reality only exists here on this blog? And noware else?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Based on the feedback I have gotten this week, I would say that yes, it was worth it.
Thank you for the kind comments and if you need know where to find me.
All The Best!
Posted by
TravelPro |
Thursday, March 13, 2008
You asked if the truth and reality can only be found here....
I can’t answer that question for you.
Posted by
TravelPro |
Thursday, March 13, 2008
I’ve read both your blogs today and noticed that John thinks your feelings are hurt. Yet when I look at the two blogs, he refers to you as “That Other Blog” while you come right out and call him not only by name, but refer right back to his blog. (Also referring to his by name.)
I also find it interesting that you both agree that you are getting all the attention. ;-P
While I am sorry that you were unable to help John and the others see that light, you have to look at what you were dealing with. Trying to nail John down is like trying to catch a greased pig in a pen. They manage to squirm out of most everything by doing exactly what they blame you for…deflecting.
I know these lessons are sometimes hard to swallow, but at least we’re smart enough to learn from them and move on. Someone else commented about taking the high road, and I would agree that the only high road to take right now is to let this whole bad mix of YTB and anti-mlm zealots go. Like you said, the truth always has a way of coming to light.
I’m sure I’ll see you at the top!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Your analogy of a greased pig in a pen was just too good not to post, although I do not wish to insinuate that John is a greased pig. We actually pulled that prank when I was a Senior in High School. Memories of the attempts to capture this animal bring back quite a few laughs.
I did read John’s post and he’s more than welcome to his views. I didn’t feel compelled to respond or defend as I believe he’s the one who commented on snapping a dog in the nose and his dog knows not to do it again.
Posted by
TravelPro |
Thursday, March 13, 2008
I see that you are an Anthony Robbins fan. In one of his books he talks about how John F. Kennedy took complete responsibility for The Bay of Pigs and that’s what really turned his Presidency around. I wasn’t even born yet, so I really don’t know. I just saw the greased pig story and it made me think of that story.
Something to think about.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thursday, March 13, 2008
I DO remember that story. I’m not so sure how I feel about JKF however…he was shot!
Most all the teachers and mentors I read and have studied with will tell you to take responsibility for your own circumstances. I think Brian Tracy also tells the same story. One of the most frustrating things I see and hear all the time is when someone blames someone or something else for their circumstances.
There is a reason why people who point fingers always have one pointing at someone else while three are pointing back at you.
Posted by
TravelPro |
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Doug & Ronda;
I’m not sure how I feel about letting “Mr. Spin” loose to rule the roost. People will find his blog and with all the questions he asks there will be doubts about YTB.
When do you think it will end?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Friday, March 14, 2008
I’ve been sending prospects to your blog for months. It’s the only place on the internet I know of that gives the whole picture. You’ve presented both sides fairly and accurately, and have backed it up with documentation that no one can refute. (Well…almost no one, but those numbers are clearly dwindleing.)
I wanted to thank you for your service to all of us in YTB, you are a true “Team Player” and I do hope our paths will cross one day, maybe at the National Convention, Funshine, or on the Beaches of the World!
Warm Regards
Posted by
Anonymous |
Friday, March 14, 2008
As long as YTBs focus is on selling websites there will be little common ground with what you call the traditionalists. One of your members was quite honest when he said no one would join YTB to only sell travel at a 60% commission split. Maybe some do, but those are selling themselves short.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Friday, March 14, 2008
As a former Travel Agent of 25 plus years, I can’t tell you how ashamed I am to have been associated with such rude, childish group of individuals. While they are busy pointing fingers at YTB, they need to take a look at their own behavior.
One girl claims to work for Carlson Wagonlit and I can assure you that if Carlson Wagonlit knew what she was doing on company time, she’d be out of a job quicker than she could say…”but they made me do it”
Is it any wonder why only 80 Agencies are left in Rhode Island? They spend all their time crying and throwing mud instead of selling travel.
They are clearly distracted.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Friday, March 14, 2008
To the Anonymous poster who made the connection between a comment here referring to Pigs and John.
While I did think it was very funny, I don’t think it is appropriate and want to keep this from being some sort of slug feast. I would like to talk about the issues and not people.
To the one concerned about what to do about all the Spin:
I believe the issues will be coming to a close soon. While some Traditionalists may never face the reality that YTB has managed to take a firm hold in this industry, the tide has already shifted for many, including suppliers. Look at how many suppliers have increased promotions, training, and offerings to us. Royal Caribbean has turned out to be one of the best things that ever happened to us because other suppliers want that lost business.
Be thankful for all the attention right now. All this attention just makes YTB bigger and stronger, and while some of the spin will deter some from joining, I am attracting better quality prospects at this time. While quantity has certainly slowed for me, the quality is top notch.
Thank you for the kind words, and I appreciate the comments and the plugs. There are many in YTB who link to this blog, and people also post links on many of the forums. While I don’t read my link report like I use too, I’ve always been amazed at how far and wide this blog has reached.
Thanks for sharing…
To the 25 Year Travel Veteran
I would like to ask that you contact me privately. I am putting together a piece right now of Traditionalists who are with our company now. I would be honored and humbled to include you in this piece. (Two of the Agents are currently Directors with the company.)
It is of course up to you, but I would at least speak with you privately to get your take on this experience.
Thank you.
Posted by
TravelPro |
Friday, March 14, 2008
I don’t know if some (and they are fewer and fewer) will ever get YTB. It’s sad to see the levels they’ve lowered themselves to. I read today that they think of us as “Travel Whores” and from the looks of it they seem to be pretty proud of that wording. Nothing but mocking and provoking anyone who tries to tell them differently while they just keep their heads in the sand (love the image by the way)
When all this first came out, I was holding my breath too wondering if this might be the beginning of the end. After the way vendors have bent over backwards to offer training, support, and materials to us I can sleep peacefully at night knowing that YTB is here to stay. I too think the storm has passed and YTB has made it through with flying colors. Canada, Caribbean, company profits, more RTA’s than ever and more vendors and awards than ever. I had no idea we won Apple two years in a row! WOW!
I can’t wait for Ann’s call tomorrow morning to hear what’s new with Carnival.
Regina C.
RTA in Maryland
Posted by
Anonymous |
Friday, March 14, 2008
Do you knwo Candi May in Louisville? She is also a Director with YTB and a TTA. She has an entire group of TTA's under her. You should contact her.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Friday, March 14, 2008
Way to go Doug! You’re way too good for that sorry group of zealots. They really need some glasses or reading lessons. While I will miss the witty responses you always seem to have, I agree that it’s time to move on, they clearly don’t get us and after reading some of the dialog back and forth, I was that same guy yelling at the computer. LOL!
Oh well, too bad, so sad…Buh-bye!
All the best in your new direction!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Friday, March 14, 2008
I saw you post on a while back that you were board with them and was wondering when you would become board with John.
Same old, same old and he'll never change his mind so why bother.
I knew something was up when he asked why the personal attacks? Nothin personal, it's just business. Geez.
If you don't like the fire than stay out of the kitchen.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Friday, March 14, 2008
As a travel agent for 20 years I cannot believe that anyone expressly interested in selling travel only would join YTB. I will admit though that you seem to be good at selling websites.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Friday, March 14, 2008
On of the reasons I use to love to post on boards like and with John was because it was intellectually challenging for me. I love to debate and prove points, especially with links and documentation to back it all up. (Can’t you tell?)
Same old, same old about sums it up for me as well. There are only so many times you can discuss a topic before there is just nothing left to discuss and it becomes old, worn and very boring. Don’t get me wrong, I think John is a very intelligent individual and I’ve told him that personally. I think part of the problem that our TTA’s are facing right now is that they’re stuck. Deep down inside they know YTB isn’t going anywhere, especially after how few of the suppliers came to their aid back in October and November. IATA was another issue they thought would solve their problems only to have us still booking travel and we moved into Canada and the Caribbean anyway.
John was trapped into a corner he couldn’t get out of, so the only thing he could do was resort to making it personal. Now I understand that according to him (and others) I need to rethink how long I’ve been “stuck” in Coach’s Corner. Coach’s Corner is nothing more than an added bonus when you join a company to sell cruises.
Who knew?
PS – Yes I know Candi May, and she is one of the ones I will be featuring in my post. However, now that she’s made Director, she likes to be called “Her Hines”. ;-P
Posted by
TravelPro |
Friday, March 14, 2008
While I agree that YTB is not for you, and I respect that choice, the industry has changed dramatically for many who use to prosper via traditional methods. You would be shocked to know just how many Traditionalists we have among us in YTB at this time, including a number of them on my team.
The vast majority do not sell web site, but have found what they believe to be a great fit for them in YTB.
It really is a very good model for someone who wants to work solo with many benefits of having large corporate backing and support to help you.
Please understand, I respect your choice of wanting to do it the way you have for the last 20 years. If it's working for you, I applaud and commend you for making it work, but prospering.
Warmest Regards,
I've got to call it a night here guys...I have a team newsletter to prepare and send out this weekend.
Feel free to keep the comments coming, I will check on them later.
Posted by
TravelPro |
Friday, March 14, 2008
Not so sure it is fair that you are saying John made it personal and not business first. Look back at your own blog and you made it personal when you "outted" him as a commentor on your blog and then continued with the John said this and so forth. You are personally mentioned very few times on his blog--it seems he was trying to keep it business a bit more than you were to me.
When you talk abtou rehashing the same old thing. Yes that is true, but from where I stand, YTB has not changed so a reminder is not out of line.
Yes they talked about the free ads on Craigs List. The comments said that YTB was going to do something about that and that they don't approve. Well, they are still there and YTB has done nothing about it.
If you continue to operate illegally, immorally, or just ill advisedly, I am sure people will point it out. And yes time and time again.
You say that the traditionalists called you "Trip Whores" that is incorrect, that term was not specified to anyone and was coined (maybe) by Nadine Goodwin of Travel Weekley in her column. So blame them, but you can't because they were the ones that printed the info about your alleged sales
Posted by
Anonymous |
Saturday, March 15, 2008
It was John who came here swinging back in October, and he was obviously disgruntled that I didn’t give him the credit he thought he deserved. He sought me out, not the other way around.
What you, John, and many of the Traditionalists in your “click” appear to believe is that YTB is going to change it’s model to appease your wants and desires simply because you don’t like how we run things.
The problems you have with YTB are your own, and I’m done taking ownership for your misconceptions and misrepresentations about our company and business model.
Thanks for sharing…
Posted by
TravelPro |
Saturday, March 15, 2008
The word is 'clique' Doug. Your TA with 25 years must have been nuts to trade 100% commission for 60% but perhaps she/he has found salvation in selling websites. Otherwise what do you have? You don't own the customer, YTB does, you don't own the websites, YTB does. 90% of YTB's either lose or make no money. You don't actually know how much you make because your 'backoffice' handles it all.
It's truly smoke and mirrors. While I feel very sorry for you, I feel sorrier for the industry you treat like a carrot to lure people to give money to coach, and hopefully you get some too. The entire MLM industry is all about the ME and never about responsibility to the customer. As you have often said anyway, you are NOT travel agents/consultants. You are referring travel 'agents'.
Even you 'tta' isn't a tta anymore. He/she gave that up when they joined YTB and became an RTA.
How did your 25 year RTA like giving up the IATAN card?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Monday, March 17, 2008
Your ignorance about YTB and our business model has proven time and time again to be your industries undoing. We continue to grow and expand as a company, and continue to buy up asset after asset.
I wish I could offer the same heart felt sincerity you have about “feeling sorry” to you and the other TTA’s struggling out there.
Thanks for sharing.
PS - Thank you however for the correction on "clique". ;-P
Posted by
TravelPro |
Monday, March 17, 2008
Might want to remove the Vicki loves Travel Agents blog shortcut. According to her interview today, she sure does love travel agents. Just not MLM and card mills, and stands behind RCCL's decision.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Monday, March 17, 2008
Not exactly…
Vicki said: “I’m going to support the policy that my predecessor Lisa Bauer and Dondre have put into place”
She’s tugging the company line right now, which is to be expected as the new kid on the block.
Thanks for sharing…
Posted by
TravelPro |
Monday, March 17, 2008
Doug I want to thank you for standing up for YTB and taking the time from your business. You always told me to not to worry and just "work your business girl". I am glad you did. Now its time for you to get back to working your business! And you have done great with the newsletter. YTB has proven that we are here to stay and no one can take that from us.
We appreciate you Doug! God Bless!
Happy St. Patty's Day
Posted by
Unknown |
Monday, March 17, 2008