That Didn't Take Long...
I told you that some critics would be yammering that this was no big deal, or something is STILL fishy and like a book, I found many of the watering holes attempting to discredit what just happened. I even paid a visit to an old board that I grew tired of just to see how some of the old favorite Anti-YTB Zealots would try to spin all this.
True to form, I found one of the most obnoxious and outspoken critics of YTB steeling bandwidth over on I’ve mention this Zealot before. Or should I make that plural? I’m not sure, because this same cat went by the name of MJ363 before he was officially shown the error of his ways last summer and sent packing, only to come back as ChrisN to start his whole “YTB looks like a pyramid” theory all over again.
My guess is that because he could never find anyone who would agree with him as MJ363, he decided to create an alias of ChrisN to make it look like somebody actually agreed with what he was yammering about.
Apparently, YTB managed to slide under the radar of the SEC once again, and the argument is that if the Government would actually look at our Financials we’d be found to be an illegal pyramid scheme.
We’ve been doing this for years and the frustration is that even with all the attention and mud they try to throw up on the internet, the Government is just being slow to catch on. To be honest, I can appreciate that particular theory, but there are instances when it just gets a little too obvious that someone had to have looked at our financial picture and put two and two together the way these Anti-MLM Zealots have.
One of the favorite pieces, that got thrown up all the time, but don’t see much of any more is a Los Angeles BBB report from July 2005 which stated that they believe YTB to be an illegal pyramid. Many confused the BBB as an actual Government entity, and claims that YTB’s days were numbered were running all over the internet. One of the most popular threads that remain on the front page of was started on July 14th, 2005. While pyramid theories are still going strong after more than 89 pages of banter and 3500 posts, YTB is still here.
Two years ago, they also came close in July of 2006, when the Attorney General in Florida opened up an “investigation” concerning one of our top producers. It was truly the first sign for them that the Government was finally catching on and our days were numbered. By November, YTB was told that the corporate entity had been cleared, and the investigation was closed concerning our Top Producer without any Civil or Criminal case ever being filed.
If we fast forward to Monday, April 21st, we find that someone of authority gave the all clear to upgrade our company listing from YTBLA.PK to YTBLA.OB. Last I checked the SEC is a Government entity, but apparently we’re back to having YTB slip through the cracks of obvious illegal activity once again, and questions are still swirling concerning inaccurate accounting practices, and questionable “Pump and Dump” by Directors in our company.
And yes, I have been told both here and on various forums that my post on Friday is nothing more than an “opinion” and I have no proof that the FIRNA Member YTB filed with even looked at the forms and paperwork in order to grant this move from Pink Sheets over to the OTC. For some, there are still questions and concerns that have been unanswered, and the frustration for them seems to be mounting, especially after yesterday’s development.
It’s my belief that part of that frustration may stem from the fact that many of the Critics used Yahoo link too, and while there have been years and years of messages, press releases, and financials tied to YTBLA.PK on Yahoo, none of them are working as of Monday morning. Now, when anyone finds a link or thread attempting to provide documentation to what they are talking about, they’ll find a dead link. All those years of posts and links just gone.
I was with my Second Level Director last night, and during the Opportunity Presentation he mentioned something that just made me laugh. With all the attention YTB has been getting these days, all the moves that are analyzed and scrutinized to death, when do you think the Critics might begin to simply tire of all the meaningless activity and just accept the fact that YTB is here to stay?
I guess you’ll have to ask them, but I got to warn you, don’t hold your breath for any answer. YTB is already in it’s 8th year of existence, and while we have only just started to expand Internationally to Canada, Bahamas, and Bermuda, and the OTC-BB listing is only the first step to moving to a National Exchange, some still want to hang on to unanswered questions in a feeble attempts to slow this company down.
All part of the FEAR tactics of the Anti-MLM crowd. Problem is that some are starting to figure out that FEAR is nothing more than False Evidence Appearing Real. Much like Royal Caribbean didn’t produce the onslaught of suppliers pulling the plug, and IATA didn’t stop us from selling, booking, or obtaining commissions on those bookings, now we find that the Pink Sheets didn’t destroy the company either.
One last note before I move on with my day.
I’m pleased to see that either nobody is reading, or that it simply doesn’t seem to matter one iota to any of us in YTB that John Frenaye totally missed the fact that YTB Cars now has an Authorized Dealer in Florida for YTB Cars program on Monday. (It’s archived in the Biz Report in your back office for 4/18/08)
I remember the days when this oversight would have produced quite a stir because John missed the mark, once again. Now it appears that like me, nobody really cares what this "Critic" pumps. Like RCCL, IATA, and the OTC listing, the truth eventually comes to light, and there's really very little anyone can do to help educate those that already know all they need to know.
Those of you who are subscribed to my free Newsletter are free to find an archived call on March 13th, and listen in on how this program is moving forward and expanding. (Just click the archived calls on my weekly newsletter.) If you’re not part of this Newsletter and are part of YTB, you’re more than welcome to sign up, it’s free and full of information about all that’s new with YTB. I have all the Newsletters archived through RSS.
I can promise you, it’s going to be a lot more worthwhile than reading any Anti-MLM or Anti-YTB dribble that quickly proving to be nothing more than a bunch of hot air.
Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
Learn How To Become A Travel Agent
Book Your Travel & Vacations With
Travel Reservations: 1.800.243.4450
RTA #24635
That nightmare is over FINALLY! I think Coach did the right thing by having our Financials restated and while it took some time and some ribbing from the critics, everything seemed to work out just fine.
I wonder what they’ll say about not being approved by the SEC now?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
LOL! I read John’s post this morning and had to laugh cause he didn’t know about Florida. I hear we have another dealership on line for Florida, Georgia, and you guessed it California!
I have a number of car guys just foaming at the mouth about this program, and believe it or not, YTB pays better! $100-$150 compared to $300 without having to stock inventory. That’s a no brainer!
Thanks again Doug!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
I was wondering what happend to the stock listing. I went to my back office and saw the numbers for our stock @ 0.00. Should have dawned on me that it changed?
Do you know if Yahoo will get that message board back up?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Canada, Bahamas, Bermuda, Profits, new dealerships, Olympic packages are back, now the OTC.
Boy it doesn't look good for those that thought YTB was a gonner.
YTB just gets stronger and stronger, better and better.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
I've been with YTB since the summer of 2005. I remember reading the BBB report and can't beleive people are still talking about that POS.
I use to love reading you on You're Coach's Corner now right? I thought you might be back but after reading this, I guess not.
Too bad, you always knew how to handle the naysayers.
At least we can keep up with everting here.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
AMEX here we come! Whoo Hooo!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
I agree with couldn't find a more spotless finacial report and company at this point. Looks like our critic were wrong AGAIN.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
I actually had a Broker tell me that he wouldn't let me buy YTBLA.PK. It was too risky he said. Thank God for E-trade! The only problem I didn't like was I had to wait 7 days for the money to clear and by that time it was up over a dollar more!
Won't have that problem any more! Goodbye Pink hello OTC!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
I’ve been doing some research on the internet and there seems to be a difference of opinion that I hope you can straighten out.
I’ve seen numbers from the Annual Report that the majority of the money made in YTB comes from recruiting.
I’ve also seen numbers from another report that claim that nobody makes any money recruiting.
I was assured that I did NOT have to recruit anyone into this business as our interest lie in selling all-inclusive vacations to family and friends.
Which is right?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The OTC is no big deal. You guys make it sound like it's NYSE or NASDAC and it's NOT.
OTC doesn't have near the ristrictions both of those have. It will also require the your shares to be at least $5.00 and that doesn't look like that's going to happen.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
By golly gosh darn, you sure spend a lot of time writing this junk that no one comments on. It seems to me like you're begging to compete with the real sites but can't. Has it ever occurred to you that something is amiss at YTB when there are so many blogs and sites exposing them? To deny that YTB is a pyramid is like trying to say that most MLMs aren't pyramids. You can defend YTB till your death, you can claim you're a travel agent, you're a travel pro, you can make millions, or whatever, but the fact remains that it's all false.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
i'm sorry that none of your pals cares enough to post a rah rah for you.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
I just signed up for you're newsletter and can not find the link to the call for March 13th.
I have some freinds in the car business who I think might need to here this call.
Can you post the link?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
You will need to opt-in from the link I sent when you subscribed.
Once you click that link you will receive a “Welcome” e-mail from Ronda and I.
I have not had time to redo the auto-responder, and will send out a special e-mail to everyone who has opted-in in the last few days with the link.
Things are not always as they seem to appear. Truth of the matter is, I have less and less time for this blog these days because YTB seems to be coming to terms with the fact that you critics really don’t know what you’re talking about.
I have other comments from critics that I decided to reject because like you, they’re full of it.
However, since you decided to post twice in a row trying to pitch this notion that no one reads or cares about what I have to say, I made an exception just for you and accepted your comments just to let everyone know how clueless and arrogant Yucks like you really are.
You may need to pry that foot out of your mouth with a crow bar.
Now shoo!
Posted by
TravelPro |
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Go get 'em Doug!!!
This is an exciting time for YTB. All those fake YTB exposed and YTB scam sites, mostly are put up by one or more of our competitors anyway.
The truth is the truth is the truth! Thanks for keeping us informed!
Posted by
Unknown |
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Thanks Gail…
Things really are looking good for YTB these days. Certainly not the doom and gloom some were speculating now is it? LOL!
To the Anon with the question about the recruiting numbers:
I just re-read your question, and I find it fascinating to say the least. (I merely skimmed over all the comments before I posted or rejected them earlier this afternoon.)
I would like to invite you to come back for your answer. You have given me a very good topic to write about and I think your question deserves its own post.
Not to worry, I don’t even know who you are, so you will remain of course Anonymous. ;-P
Please do come back tomorrow.
Posted by
TravelPro |
Wednesday, April 23, 2008