What Do Critics REALLY Know?

I asked Tim & Georgia Dominey, two close friends and mentors who also happen to be Level 2 Directors with the company to write the "Foreword" for my new book and I'm making a copy available to you for today for FREE! I encourage you to take the time to read this book concerning what to do and what to say to those who are slinging mud. Many have found my message direct, to the point, and dead on concerning many of the issues and negativity being thrown YTB's way with this step by step guide on how to handle the critics.
The timing couldn't be more perfect today, as YTB filed its 2007 Annual Report with the SEC yesterday with a hefty $3.2 Million PROFIT for the year. Revenues increased a total of 177% over 2006 numbers. Other notable increases were Marketing Commission of $80.5 Million up 169% and Travel Commission paid to our RTA's reached $13.4 Million, an increase of 174%.
It should be noted that while only commissions are paid to our RTAs’ booking of travel services are reflected as a component of our revenues in our financial statements, YTB also keep track of the aggregate “retail value of all travel services” that are booked by our RTAs (which directly impacts our commission revenues). The value of such travel services increased 83.7% in 2007 to over $414,000,000, from approximately $225,000,000 in 2006. (Placing bets currently on how long this $414 Million will be spun into “fees”. Hummmmmmm)
This also marks three straight profitable quarterly reports and 2007 marks the first full year of profitability! Whoo Hooo!
In anticipation of our positive Annual Report our stock is also up considerably yesterday afternoon with 1.19 Million shares being traded after critics, cynics and naysayers had left us for dead.
I put this quote just below my dedication in my new book which I just love.
"Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated”~ Samuel Langhorn Clemens, a.k.a. Mark Twain, May, 1897 in a note to the New York Journal.
Speaking of the stock we are now current with our periodic reports under the Exchange Act; so we intend to have our common stock quoted on the OTC-BB once again and to thereafter apply for listing on a national securities exchange. AMEX would require a price of no less than $5 per share from my understanding.
And if all this STILL wasn’t enough for ya’ll, it appears that Mr. Kim Sorenson is firing back a couple shots at IATA through YTB’s legal department.
In a Travel Weekly report YTB has asked the commissioner for the U.S., James Johnstone, for clear permission to continue using its numeric code number, which was assigned by ARC, with the understanding that YTB agrees not to represent itself as an IATA agency. Kim Sorensen was also quoted that making the code available to contractors was "the same as what any host agency has done." By implication, he raised the question: Why was YTB terminated when others were not?
In documents filed with the commissioner, YTB offered its answer. It accused IATA of enforcing its standards belatedly "as a pretense to quash competitive activity." Please note the article next to YTB fight against IATA as the travel agency commissioner in Canada declined to uphold BNW's termination there, while IATA said it "respectfully disagrees" with parts of the commissioner's decision. However, IATA said the decision "makes crystal-clear that no person or entity has the right to display the IATA numeric code or IATA's trademarks and service marks on in-house ID-cards or other credentials."
Sound familiar?
You Bet!
Do you think you might be able to either sell some Travel or maybe put someone in the business based on all this good news?
Me too! Let’s “Get ‘er done!”
Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
Learn How To Become A Travel Agent
Book Your Travel & Vacations With
Travel Reservations: 1.800.243.4450
RTA #24635
Labels: Annual Report, IATA, Kim Sorensen, Stock Split, YTB Travel Network, YTBLA
Congratulations! What a funny book! I have to admit, I was about to post that you made a mistake and then I got it.
A true Seinfeld moment.
Will you be selling this on Amazon with the rest of your favorite authors?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
LOL! I've already have 2 e-mails this morning telling me I DID make a mistake. I'll let them have some more coffee before I tell them. ;P
I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Posted by
TravelPro |
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Hey Doug - I thought you were done wasting your time and energy on your critics?
I guess you can't stay away, eh?
Seems your falling back into your old ways - some of those anti-TTA thoughts still swirling around in your head?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
But it's 'FOREWORD', not 'Forward' (unless that's a play on words).
Noun 1. foreword - a short introductory essay preceding the text of a book
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Brilliant! I will have to add this to my packets for my new RTAs.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
LOL! A book about nothing!
You are so funny sometimes. Thanks for the great laugh. Happy April Fools Day!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
The 101 pages offer advice almost as useful as this blog! Hope you did not get a hemorrhage emptying your brain for those last 99 pages!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
LOL! I was just about ready to post a comment that there was nothing past the chapter one page and I see that nothing is the message! Got me hook line and sinker!
Doug, you really should consider writing a book, you are very talented. Funny too!
Thanks for the great laugh!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
My, you can certainly tell who are TTA’s and who are YTB’ers can’t you?
Seems to me Doug is over it Anon. I never get to see his name anywhere but here anymore. Yet he must be playing in your head since you have to get your TravelPro fix.
Great post Doug, as always.
PS – Did you see how the Press Release pointed out the $414 Million in “Travel Sales”. Shouldn’t be ANY QUESTIONS this year in what are “fees” and what are “travel sales”.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Didn't someone do something like this before, but with a real book? I want to say it was something like "What Men Know About Women". She sold over 1 million copies for a bunch of blank pages! Talk about a Marketing Genius.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Yes, and her name is Cindy Cashman and she’s exactly the inspiration that hit when I was reading her story in Joe Vitale’s and Craig Perrine’s new book “Inspired Marketing”.
I was reading her story and thought why didn’t I come up with that? And all of the sudden I did! LOL! The idea for this book just came to me and I figured why not? I was intending to release the book Sunday morning, but then it dawned on me that today was April Fools. A great combination ehh?
Cindy is out of this world. In fact she has plans of being the first marriage in space, scheduled for 2010!
Posted by
TravelPro |
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
I'm curious how many of the 101 pages were inspired by MJ363.
All the beautiful memories.
April Fools
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
I heard about this IATA article and you were the first one that came up in my search. I’ve been spending the afternoon reading many of your articles and wanted to thank you for providing all this information here. You appear to know this business very well and the links and documentation is a real gold mine. I can see why you are ranked so high. I have bookmarked you site and will continue to come back for more of your insight. I love your style.
Thank you again for all you do.
Annette B.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
You really should write a book Doug. (And not one about “nothing”.)
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Word of your new book is spreading! I got two e-mails and a phone call about it while I was at work. I think it could make New York Times Best Sellers list with this book! LOL! I like Amy’s idea of giving this to new team members. You said we couldn’t sell this but do you mind if we give this away? Really?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Yes, it’s completely fine to give this book away to team members. I’m honored that you would want to do so.
This cute joke, has apparently struck a nerve within our company and while it is funny, many are finding that its message is very accurate.
Posted by
TravelPro |
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Have you seen this article?
I wonder how many shares JF will be buying?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Chapter One:
What Do They REALLY Know?
Bravo Doug! I really enjoyed reading chapter one. But don't you think it was a little too short? ;>)
We are looking foreword to you first book signing.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, April 02, 2008