Cancel? What The Hell for?
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I think you'll be glad you did! ;-P
I started a huge task weeks ago when I promised John Frenaye that I would get his questions answered. ALL his questions. Over the next couple weeks due to the length of this list, I have focused on each of these questions one at a time. My goal here is not only to answer the question, but also point out why this question is even asked in the first place.
This will also be an excellent opportunity and tool for anyone with additional comments about each of the specific questions to get better clarification. Use the comments section to discuss each of the questions in greater detail. I remind you that I learned how to accomplish such a huge task from Brian Tracy and his courses, which teach that you focus on the each task one at a time, focus on the solution, break it down into manageable chunks, and before you know it, you’ve achieved your goal.
It should be a really fun debate, and for those of you in YTB, take this information and documentation and use it. Here are the questions we have gone over thus far.
Question #1 - Why a compensation plan takes 12 pages to define?
Question #2 - How YTB arrived at $226 Million in travel sold for 2006. (Still waiting.)
Question #3 - Why so little of the "training" at the annual convention was for travel. (OK, YTB only believes in training at other meetings. We can let this one go.)
Question #4 - How nearly 150,000 RTAs can pay in the course of 9 months $79 million dollars in website sales, fees, and training; and receive $9.3 million in return. (This is huge...anyone?)
Question #5 - And for those that say I don't get the math, I did not learn how nearly 150,000 people paid in $79 million dollars and only got $64 million in return. (Hello? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?)
Question #6 - Why it is a good thing to have your top executives selling off stock. (There were no takers on this one, so I am gonna assume that it probably is NOT a good thing as everyone initially thought.)
Question #7 - Why a 3:1 split was a good deal when two of the three shares are worthless. (Thanks to Doug for the most reasonable explanation of this. The split may have been a good deal but with the current value of the stock, it is anyone's guess.)
Question #8 - Why employees at YTB could not sell me a cruise on November 9th. (Still no answer on this one yet other than they don’t do anything till an RTA sells it. Well, the YTB site said to call them. Coach in an interview was touting how the res center is all staffed with professional agents. So, why is it that they cannot sell me a cruise, and how is it that they do not know that cruises do not depart from Phoenix?)
Question #9 - Why when presented with facts and figures, the argument mysteriously turns to "you don't understand". (This is another one that we will just have to say...because that is the way it is.)
Question #10 - How many RTAs drop out in a month...a year..... (This number I fear will NEVER be known.)
Question #11 - How long does an RTA continue to pay the fee before canceling? (Answered. They continue to pay as long as YTB continues to charge them and they jump through the hoops to get them to stop.)
Of course John would like you to believe that you have to jump through hoops. It wouldn’t be John if he didn’t. John, (and others) have a very unique way of twisting words, concepts, and ideas to mean something completely different from its original intent. Anyone who can take a training program like E-Campus, designed by Dr. Marc Mancini, probably the most highly respected speakers, educators, consultants and authors in our industry, and turn a contest drawing around to mean only 5 RTA’s out of 140,000 actually took this training…
Let’s just say there is a substantial disconnect when it comes to who YTB is and what we do. We’ll talk more about this however in John’s next question of what a misunderstanding is.
By the way YTB, you do know Course 103 is now available, right? John did say that YTB could not have chosen a better person and organization for their training programs (in that regard, he’s right on mark) so get after it!
I don’t know were I was when this “revelation” was brought to light that we have to jump through hoops, but like most of what we have been talking about lately, things aren’t exactly what John perceives them to be. Our RTA agreement is based on a month to month basis. There are no long term contracts, and anyone can cancel at any time. All that is require is submitting something in writing. This can be done either via snail mail, or e-mail. YTB also has an option of doing so via a “Support Ticket” under “Web Site - Cancellation”.
An RTA will be unsuccessful in is submitting the request via phone, which is how most would like to do so. While I do understand this is probably the easiest alternative, YTB needs to have some form of documentation in order to fulfill this request. You didn’t sign up via phone, so you can’t cancel by phone.
We learned in my last post that the majority of RTA’s happen to like being an RTA with YTB. What an individual’s reasons are is entirely up to them. I don’t know about you, but if I had a pay day coming to me like this RTA with a group scheduled for April of 2009, what do you think the chances are of this RTA cancelling even if they don’t make a single dime in travel before then? I can’t speak for all 140,000 as to why they want to stick with the company. The remaining minority, who do not find value in their YTB business, will also vary. This business isn’t for everyone, and when some people find out that a four letter word is involved (w-o-r-k) in order to build and profit from this business, their perspective of the business changes. While this is a very simple program and business model, it’s not “easy”.
There are people who do perceive this business model as a “get rich quick” type deal, and an argument could be made that it’s sold that way based on what I’ve read in SPAM e-mail’s and web sites surrounding this industry. I don’t see this perception being driven by YTB however. (I know I don’t.) I have numbers of team members who have signed up, got themselves trained, and actually sold travel, and because of the way this industry operates, we don’t see the fruits of our labor until after the travel has been consumed.
Many in our company who have been trained properly understand this. While the opposition was screaming last year that 60,000 RTA’s only produced $7 Million in Travel Commissions, some of us had Travel Bookings in the wings to produce $14 Million in commissions inside of the first 9 months of 2007. Those of us who knew this was coming for us, obviously continued to pay our monthly fees. With $18-24 Billion spent each year in Groups and Tours alone, there is plenty of money to be made for those of us who want to go after it.
I can’t do that however if I “cancel”. ;-P
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Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
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RTA #24635
Labels: Dr. Marc Mancini, MLM Myths, Travel MLM, YTB E-Campus