Dear John
WARNING: The content, topic and links in this post are not only inappropriate for children, but may also be extremely offensive to women. (And males with even an ounce of integrity or ethics.)
I’ve personally been called a lot of things in my life. I have also been ridiculed and scorned buy a group of individuals who are obviously upset I am involved with a company who is changing their industry without their permission. I don’t particularly mind the attention or ridicule; I’m a big boy and can handle anything that comes my way. If I didn’t like the heat, I should stay out of the kitchen.
Picking on me is one thing, but picking on an innocent, respectable, nurturing, woman, Mother, and Minister is another. With Mothers Day coming just around the corner, I’d like you to think of your own Mother for a moment. More than likely, if I or anyone else ever met your Mom, she would be much like the Mother I was introduced too some time ago. You can read about this Mother and Minister from her bio, and you like me, you would think that she is quite remarkable. As a Minister, you would believe that she is an honest, responsible individual with not only an understanding of the word integrity, but someone who lives with integrity and truth on a daily basis and certainly knows right from wrong.
However, she has one fatal, glaring blemish on her bio; that of being associated like me as a YTB RTA. That blemish makes her fair game to not only be called out, but publically scorned, ridiculed and dragged through the mud on a blog and forum by a bunch Thugs.
On Friday, April 25th, once former “friend” and “colleague” in the Travel Industry, John Frenaye posted an absolutely horrid article that called out this woman and accused her of being a liar. The post went on along with some 69 comments on Friday and Saturday until the comments got so out of line, even he closed them. Accusations ran ramped the entire day, as it so often does on the cesspool of bandwidth, that this Mother and Minister is someone without morals, ethics, or a shred of credibility simply because, like me, she’s proud of what our company has been doing in our industry. John and his band of Thugs used not only very belittling and demeaning language, but John himself used a very graphic picture of a child extruding his middle finger, giving this woman, Mother, and Minister “the bird”. Would you show your own mother the bird? We at one time assumed that John wouldn’t, but that idea or belief has now been proven wrong.
How anyone could get so emotionally charged concerning such an apparently innocent and non threatening woman may be in question right now, but evidently, John being the crazed, obsessed, and paranoid individual he is took exception of a post this woman made concerning YTB merging with a 27 year old company based outside of Clarksburg, West Virginia, American Destinations. Since this crackerjack Journalist couldn’t find a verifiable source to substantiate the post; that in his mind was justification to use a foul and offensive picture and words to match to drag this Mother through the mud.
If you’ve never had the pleasure of being introduced to John Frenaye, be truly thankful. He claims to be some sort of “New Breed” of Travel Agent and Journalist, and has been published over the years, and thus has gained the respect of a few followers and co-workers in the industry. As of late, John has lowered his Journalistic efforts and has spent an increasing amount of time researching (cough) and posting daily on his hideous blog of what he has found digging up what he considers “dirt” on our company and its Independent Contractors. I’m sorry, make that “RAT’s”, and no, that’s not a typo for RTA; it’s what he and his Goons call us. (Professional, don’t you think?)
John spent an entire week, (assuming that he reads all YTB Blogs like he does mine on a daily basis.) attempting to find any type of documentation or verifiable source of what this woman posted as having any truth. He made a “quick call” to American Destinations, and sent several very demanding and demeaning e-mails to this Mother, Minister and RTA demanding proof of her findings. She simply responded that a Director had informed her of this information.
As it turns out, not only did a Director inform her, Director Jeanie Sharpless informed the rest of the company of this merger on a Company Training call on Monday, April 21, with the owner of ADI and former RTA Curtis Edwards and his son Nicholas, on a Company Conference call. (It is my understanding that Curtis and his family had to resign as RTA’s as their role with YTB has now changed.) These are recorded and archived in our back office, enabling me (and you) to listen to the call from Monday night. Many of you not only know of Jeanie, but respect and admire all she does for us in Training and educating us how to sell more and more Travel. ($414.5 Million worth of Travel in 2007) Are we to assume that Jeanie could be in fear of being labeled in the same category as Regina then? What about Curtis’s wife and Mother to Nicholas?
After listening to the archived Company call and then going back to this hideous post and reading the comments from these arrogant yet oh so shallow group of Thugs, I began to wonder who in their right mind would do something like this?
Vultures do this, wild dogs do this, hyenas do this, parasites do this, but human beings should certainly not be categorized in this class of life form who rip and tear into someone who they think is beneath them. But somehow, there it was, for the entire world to see, and being from such a low class of life, they appear to feel justified in their actions and accusations towards this woman, Mother and Minister because try as some obliviously made to defend and help Regina, not one RTA was able to provide the proof John felt he needed to inform him that her post was accurate and true.
Anything associated with YTB by the way is automatically either suspect or in question, no matter how valid or solid the information may appear to be. It’s MLM, and we MLM’ers are the problem, NOT someone like John and his Followers.
To me, and this is strictly my opinion, I have to question how anyone could be so obsessed and paranoid over our company to get them so constipated about who we are and what we do that they can’t find a strong enough laxative, cleanse, or enema to cure what ails them. After watching and dealing with such arrogance and anger from this group for as many years as I have, I actually believe they truly enjoy their misery. Their anger and hatred towards anyone associated with our company, no matter what any individual’s motives are or how pure a human being may appear to be outside of YTB, if you’re in YTB, you are absolute scum.
While I understand that this class of life, especially John, feel justified in their actions, I have to wonder what single Moms would think of John’s post and graphic picture who have or are considering utilizing and purchasing travel services from Travels With Fred or his partnership with his Single Parent Travel web site and businesses. Did he ever stop to think how a Parent would feel about this post not knowing anything about YTB or this woman and Minister? Many people on the outside of his band of Thugs know nothing about YTB, although he is trying in vein to inform them. (With his false and misleading information no less.)
I’m betting he didn’t, but I’m also betting that the internet being the powerful source of research that it is, many single Mothers can and will Google John Frenaye and Single Parent Travel or Travels with Fred, and while they may not find the cesspool he calls a blog, (instead as of now finding something about the 10 Commandments of Travel??!!) they will begin to find this blog and post complete with a PDF copy of the post for download and a mirror of the blog’s source code as a copy of his handy work so the entire ordeal can be kept permanently for everyone to reference. (Just in case this post kicks him in the rear hard enough to relieve him of his apparent constipation.)
Again, I remind the readers how explicit the content of both links, as they are complete with graphic and comments but I firmly believe it may help his clients understand just what this man is made of. I think it’s only fair that John’s clients be allowed to judge on their own if John and Single Parent Travel might be a bad mix. Don’t you?
If they’re like me, or you, they would be terrified or at the very least ashamed to be associated with this filth, but not John, he’s standing by his convictions. He so certain this woman lied, and because she’s associated with YTB, anyone who finds this post will certainly side with him.
Are you as interested as I am to see how all this unfolds? Can you Just Picture It Now?
I wish I could express to John how badly he "stepped in it" this time. I’ve expressed to him personally when we actually communicated privately together how his anger, resentment, and obsession with this company have truly gotten the best of him. I’ve never been able to reach him in that regard, and now it appears that his unwillingness to listen could lead to some very unfortunate circumstances.
Going after someone like me is one thing, but going after a woman, Mother, and Minister the way he did with Regina is so far out of bounds, I can’t put it into words. (Imagine that, ME without words?!) I’m dumbfounded, stumped, and ashamed that I even associated with the likes of him and his band of Goons. This goes against every molecule, cell, and fiber of my being.
But that’s just me.
So, it’s come to this. It’s come down to me going public myself and saying to John, “Come here Boy…why don’t you come pick on someone your own size?”
By chance, you might be thinking that this Mother Regina isn’t capable of taking care of herself. Well, you might think again. I’m six foot and 215 pounds, and if my Mother who is five foot nothing found out that I picked on an innocent Mother and Minister the way John just did, she’d grab me by my ear, take me out to the back of the wood shed, and whip me with a long leather strap.
(Hmmm, anybody know John’s Mom?)
Dear John,
You owe this woman a public apology, and maybe you could even purchase and send her flowers for Mothers Day from her own web site if it you think it might help. But I don’t think your man enough… no make that human enough, to actually swallow that pride of yours and offer up something apologetic or sincere. You’re cold as ice buddy, and I have to question if someone like you even has a pulse let alone any remorse for what you have done to this Mother and Minister.
Furthermore, if you think you can offer up an apology just to get some sort of retraction or comment out of me, think again. You deserve every bit of what you have coming to you, and while Regina is a Christian woman who has forgiven you, you’re not going to be quite as lucky with me. I’ll still think you’re a “Tool” and you’re going to have to do considerably more than a simple apology or retraction in order for me to even entertain any idea of changing my belief that you are nothing more than the Coward, Fraud and Zealot that you are.
Just Picture It Now, I remind you that this woman you so blatantly attacked has the faith, character and strength to not only pray for you, but forgive you for what you have done. Kind of whittles down that big strong “man image” you try so hard to portray, don’t it?
I’ll leave you with this John…
I exchanged e-mail’s with Andy Cauthen earlier this week concerning your post and obsession over Hickory Travel Services, which by the way, you have absolutely no proof or documentation of. He has invited you and any of your other Thugs who care to up to the home office to discuss any issues you have with our Company. You have an open invitation to discuss directly with people who are responsible for and have lost complete control of rouge RAT’s like Regina Osei.
While I can’t promise, I bet they’ll even pick you up in the Company Jet. Not to show off, but to assure you that they’re on their way, since you are tracking every place this plane flies. This way you can be notified via e-mail just as soon as the flight plan has been filed.
Think about it…and if you’re man enough to take on someone your own size instead of a harmless, innocent woman, let me know. You know where to find me.
If not, you can go pound sand with the rest of your Goons. We’re taking over this industry our way, and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it Pal.
To the rest of the good, decent, hard working RTA’s in YTB;
It is my belief that we need to send a very strong message to John Frenaye. Please excuse my French here, but John is so constipated the man thinks his shit doesn’t stink.
So, if you are as appalled as I am over John’s behavior, I invite you to let the general public decide if John’s business is worth patronizing and let the chips fall were they may.
And we’re going to do it the only way we know best. “Word of mouth advertising”.
If you have a blog I want you to write an article about how appalled you are over this lame stunt of John’s and his attack on an innocent Wife, Mother, and Minister, you’re colleague in YTB. I would also recommend for rankings that you point people to this very post. (The more links to this post and site, the more likely it will be found on the first page of the search engines.)
If you know how to use tags, or keywords in you blog please insert the following:
John Frenaye, George Dooley, MSNBC, Tripso, Travels with Fred, Single Parent Travel, JVE Group, ASTA, Travel Agent Issues, Brick and Mortar, Home Based Travel Agent, MLM and Travel a Bad Mix.
If you participate in forums and other message boards, please post how appalled you are concerning John’s actions and in both cases let it be known to your Company is the “New Breed” of Travel Agent. Which happens to be legitimate and respectable business and can be found at
I realize that many of you are Christian’s and may like Regina and Coach, turn the other cheek and simply pray for John, and forgive him. Please understand that praying for him will also help John and I commend you for beliefs and those actions as well.
This is your choice, but I also believe that something needs to be done concerning the Cancer we have among us.
To Regina and her family;
I’m sorry about all this. I can’t control John and his actions. Nobody can. I can’t tell you how much I admire and respect your decision to pray for and forgive John. I do agree with you, he is a troubled soul, and he certainly needs the hand of God to help him through his troubles.
I want you to know that you are not only remarkable, but loved throughout this company. I truly believe that. YTB is like family to me, and you are certainly part of it.
Please accept my sincere apology and feel the love and warmth I have for you at this very moment.
In closing, I’m not sure if I will post the rest of this week. I need to at least take a shower after swimming in this mud and filth of John’s. I also need to work on letting the anger and resentment I have towards John right now go. Airing my beliefs and feelings here certainly helps. We may find the “documentation” John needs to make the retraction he claims he’ll make. If so, I might inform all of you.
If not, try to have a great week in spite of the tone it has started.
Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
Learn How To Become A Travel Agent
Book Your Travel & Vacations With

Travel Reservations: 1.800.243.4450
RTA #24635
I’ve personally been called a lot of things in my life. I have also been ridiculed and scorned buy a group of individuals who are obviously upset I am involved with a company who is changing their industry without their permission. I don’t particularly mind the attention or ridicule; I’m a big boy and can handle anything that comes my way. If I didn’t like the heat, I should stay out of the kitchen.
Picking on me is one thing, but picking on an innocent, respectable, nurturing, woman, Mother, and Minister is another. With Mothers Day coming just around the corner, I’d like you to think of your own Mother for a moment. More than likely, if I or anyone else ever met your Mom, she would be much like the Mother I was introduced too some time ago. You can read about this Mother and Minister from her bio, and you like me, you would think that she is quite remarkable. As a Minister, you would believe that she is an honest, responsible individual with not only an understanding of the word integrity, but someone who lives with integrity and truth on a daily basis and certainly knows right from wrong.
However, she has one fatal, glaring blemish on her bio; that of being associated like me as a YTB RTA. That blemish makes her fair game to not only be called out, but publically scorned, ridiculed and dragged through the mud on a blog and forum by a bunch Thugs.
On Friday, April 25th, once former “friend” and “colleague” in the Travel Industry, John Frenaye posted an absolutely horrid article that called out this woman and accused her of being a liar. The post went on along with some 69 comments on Friday and Saturday until the comments got so out of line, even he closed them. Accusations ran ramped the entire day, as it so often does on the cesspool of bandwidth, that this Mother and Minister is someone without morals, ethics, or a shred of credibility simply because, like me, she’s proud of what our company has been doing in our industry. John and his band of Thugs used not only very belittling and demeaning language, but John himself used a very graphic picture of a child extruding his middle finger, giving this woman, Mother, and Minister “the bird”. Would you show your own mother the bird? We at one time assumed that John wouldn’t, but that idea or belief has now been proven wrong.
How anyone could get so emotionally charged concerning such an apparently innocent and non threatening woman may be in question right now, but evidently, John being the crazed, obsessed, and paranoid individual he is took exception of a post this woman made concerning YTB merging with a 27 year old company based outside of Clarksburg, West Virginia, American Destinations. Since this crackerjack Journalist couldn’t find a verifiable source to substantiate the post; that in his mind was justification to use a foul and offensive picture and words to match to drag this Mother through the mud.
If you’ve never had the pleasure of being introduced to John Frenaye, be truly thankful. He claims to be some sort of “New Breed” of Travel Agent and Journalist, and has been published over the years, and thus has gained the respect of a few followers and co-workers in the industry. As of late, John has lowered his Journalistic efforts and has spent an increasing amount of time researching (cough) and posting daily on his hideous blog of what he has found digging up what he considers “dirt” on our company and its Independent Contractors. I’m sorry, make that “RAT’s”, and no, that’s not a typo for RTA; it’s what he and his Goons call us. (Professional, don’t you think?)
John spent an entire week, (assuming that he reads all YTB Blogs like he does mine on a daily basis.) attempting to find any type of documentation or verifiable source of what this woman posted as having any truth. He made a “quick call” to American Destinations, and sent several very demanding and demeaning e-mails to this Mother, Minister and RTA demanding proof of her findings. She simply responded that a Director had informed her of this information.
As it turns out, not only did a Director inform her, Director Jeanie Sharpless informed the rest of the company of this merger on a Company Training call on Monday, April 21, with the owner of ADI and former RTA Curtis Edwards and his son Nicholas, on a Company Conference call. (It is my understanding that Curtis and his family had to resign as RTA’s as their role with YTB has now changed.) These are recorded and archived in our back office, enabling me (and you) to listen to the call from Monday night. Many of you not only know of Jeanie, but respect and admire all she does for us in Training and educating us how to sell more and more Travel. ($414.5 Million worth of Travel in 2007) Are we to assume that Jeanie could be in fear of being labeled in the same category as Regina then? What about Curtis’s wife and Mother to Nicholas?
After listening to the archived Company call and then going back to this hideous post and reading the comments from these arrogant yet oh so shallow group of Thugs, I began to wonder who in their right mind would do something like this?
Vultures do this, wild dogs do this, hyenas do this, parasites do this, but human beings should certainly not be categorized in this class of life form who rip and tear into someone who they think is beneath them. But somehow, there it was, for the entire world to see, and being from such a low class of life, they appear to feel justified in their actions and accusations towards this woman, Mother and Minister because try as some obliviously made to defend and help Regina, not one RTA was able to provide the proof John felt he needed to inform him that her post was accurate and true.
Anything associated with YTB by the way is automatically either suspect or in question, no matter how valid or solid the information may appear to be. It’s MLM, and we MLM’ers are the problem, NOT someone like John and his Followers.
To me, and this is strictly my opinion, I have to question how anyone could be so obsessed and paranoid over our company to get them so constipated about who we are and what we do that they can’t find a strong enough laxative, cleanse, or enema to cure what ails them. After watching and dealing with such arrogance and anger from this group for as many years as I have, I actually believe they truly enjoy their misery. Their anger and hatred towards anyone associated with our company, no matter what any individual’s motives are or how pure a human being may appear to be outside of YTB, if you’re in YTB, you are absolute scum.
While I understand that this class of life, especially John, feel justified in their actions, I have to wonder what single Moms would think of John’s post and graphic picture who have or are considering utilizing and purchasing travel services from Travels With Fred or his partnership with his Single Parent Travel web site and businesses. Did he ever stop to think how a Parent would feel about this post not knowing anything about YTB or this woman and Minister? Many people on the outside of his band of Thugs know nothing about YTB, although he is trying in vein to inform them. (With his false and misleading information no less.)
I’m betting he didn’t, but I’m also betting that the internet being the powerful source of research that it is, many single Mothers can and will Google John Frenaye and Single Parent Travel or Travels with Fred, and while they may not find the cesspool he calls a blog, (instead as of now finding something about the 10 Commandments of Travel??!!) they will begin to find this blog and post complete with a PDF copy of the post for download and a mirror of the blog’s source code as a copy of his handy work so the entire ordeal can be kept permanently for everyone to reference. (Just in case this post kicks him in the rear hard enough to relieve him of his apparent constipation.)
Again, I remind the readers how explicit the content of both links, as they are complete with graphic and comments but I firmly believe it may help his clients understand just what this man is made of. I think it’s only fair that John’s clients be allowed to judge on their own if John and Single Parent Travel might be a bad mix. Don’t you?
If they’re like me, or you, they would be terrified or at the very least ashamed to be associated with this filth, but not John, he’s standing by his convictions. He so certain this woman lied, and because she’s associated with YTB, anyone who finds this post will certainly side with him.
Are you as interested as I am to see how all this unfolds? Can you Just Picture It Now?
I wish I could express to John how badly he "stepped in it" this time. I’ve expressed to him personally when we actually communicated privately together how his anger, resentment, and obsession with this company have truly gotten the best of him. I’ve never been able to reach him in that regard, and now it appears that his unwillingness to listen could lead to some very unfortunate circumstances.
Going after someone like me is one thing, but going after a woman, Mother, and Minister the way he did with Regina is so far out of bounds, I can’t put it into words. (Imagine that, ME without words?!) I’m dumbfounded, stumped, and ashamed that I even associated with the likes of him and his band of Goons. This goes against every molecule, cell, and fiber of my being.
But that’s just me.
So, it’s come to this. It’s come down to me going public myself and saying to John, “Come here Boy…why don’t you come pick on someone your own size?”
By chance, you might be thinking that this Mother Regina isn’t capable of taking care of herself. Well, you might think again. I’m six foot and 215 pounds, and if my Mother who is five foot nothing found out that I picked on an innocent Mother and Minister the way John just did, she’d grab me by my ear, take me out to the back of the wood shed, and whip me with a long leather strap.
(Hmmm, anybody know John’s Mom?)
Dear John,
You owe this woman a public apology, and maybe you could even purchase and send her flowers for Mothers Day from her own web site if it you think it might help. But I don’t think your man enough… no make that human enough, to actually swallow that pride of yours and offer up something apologetic or sincere. You’re cold as ice buddy, and I have to question if someone like you even has a pulse let alone any remorse for what you have done to this Mother and Minister.
Furthermore, if you think you can offer up an apology just to get some sort of retraction or comment out of me, think again. You deserve every bit of what you have coming to you, and while Regina is a Christian woman who has forgiven you, you’re not going to be quite as lucky with me. I’ll still think you’re a “Tool” and you’re going to have to do considerably more than a simple apology or retraction in order for me to even entertain any idea of changing my belief that you are nothing more than the Coward, Fraud and Zealot that you are.
Just Picture It Now, I remind you that this woman you so blatantly attacked has the faith, character and strength to not only pray for you, but forgive you for what you have done. Kind of whittles down that big strong “man image” you try so hard to portray, don’t it?
I’ll leave you with this John…
I exchanged e-mail’s with Andy Cauthen earlier this week concerning your post and obsession over Hickory Travel Services, which by the way, you have absolutely no proof or documentation of. He has invited you and any of your other Thugs who care to up to the home office to discuss any issues you have with our Company. You have an open invitation to discuss directly with people who are responsible for and have lost complete control of rouge RAT’s like Regina Osei.
While I can’t promise, I bet they’ll even pick you up in the Company Jet. Not to show off, but to assure you that they’re on their way, since you are tracking every place this plane flies. This way you can be notified via e-mail just as soon as the flight plan has been filed.
Think about it…and if you’re man enough to take on someone your own size instead of a harmless, innocent woman, let me know. You know where to find me.
If not, you can go pound sand with the rest of your Goons. We’re taking over this industry our way, and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it Pal.
To the rest of the good, decent, hard working RTA’s in YTB;
It is my belief that we need to send a very strong message to John Frenaye. Please excuse my French here, but John is so constipated the man thinks his shit doesn’t stink.
So, if you are as appalled as I am over John’s behavior, I invite you to let the general public decide if John’s business is worth patronizing and let the chips fall were they may.
And we’re going to do it the only way we know best. “Word of mouth advertising”.
If you have a blog I want you to write an article about how appalled you are over this lame stunt of John’s and his attack on an innocent Wife, Mother, and Minister, you’re colleague in YTB. I would also recommend for rankings that you point people to this very post. (The more links to this post and site, the more likely it will be found on the first page of the search engines.)
If you know how to use tags, or keywords in you blog please insert the following:
John Frenaye, George Dooley, MSNBC, Tripso, Travels with Fred, Single Parent Travel, JVE Group, ASTA, Travel Agent Issues, Brick and Mortar, Home Based Travel Agent, MLM and Travel a Bad Mix.
If you participate in forums and other message boards, please post how appalled you are concerning John’s actions and in both cases let it be known to your Company is the “New Breed” of Travel Agent. Which happens to be legitimate and respectable business and can be found at
I realize that many of you are Christian’s and may like Regina and Coach, turn the other cheek and simply pray for John, and forgive him. Please understand that praying for him will also help John and I commend you for beliefs and those actions as well.
This is your choice, but I also believe that something needs to be done concerning the Cancer we have among us.
To Regina and her family;
I’m sorry about all this. I can’t control John and his actions. Nobody can. I can’t tell you how much I admire and respect your decision to pray for and forgive John. I do agree with you, he is a troubled soul, and he certainly needs the hand of God to help him through his troubles.
I want you to know that you are not only remarkable, but loved throughout this company. I truly believe that. YTB is like family to me, and you are certainly part of it.
Please accept my sincere apology and feel the love and warmth I have for you at this very moment.
In closing, I’m not sure if I will post the rest of this week. I need to at least take a shower after swimming in this mud and filth of John’s. I also need to work on letting the anger and resentment I have towards John right now go. Airing my beliefs and feelings here certainly helps. We may find the “documentation” John needs to make the retraction he claims he’ll make. If so, I might inform all of you.
If not, try to have a great week in spite of the tone it has started.
Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
Learn How To Become A Travel Agent

Book Your Travel & Vacations With

Travel Reservations: 1.800.243.4450
RTA #24635
Labels: ASTA, Brick and Mortar, George Dooley, Home Based Travel Agent, John Frenaye, JVE Group, MLM, MSNBC, Network Marketing, Single Parent Travel, Travel Agent Issues, Travels with Fred, Tripso
Doug, I read this with tears in my eyes. Not because of what John did but because of what YOU did! I always knew you were an honarable man, and I have always looked up to you as a mentor even before we met in Cyber space and became friends. The hurt and indignation that you felt came through. Knowing Regina I know that she will be alright. If God is for her WHO can be against her? Thank you for stepping up to the plate and drawing the line in the sand. I posted a comment on John's blog this morning telling him I had expected him to "Man up" and apologize to Regina. Instead he posted links to "reruns" of older anti YTB posts. His single parent clients should also see the picture he included of a child (his son maybe?) flipping the birdie. How gross can you get? How can his "followers" even approve of that?What kind of Jim Jones kool-aid have THEY been drinking?
Posted by
Unknown |
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Doug, I would like to comment on this if I may. I have followed John's blog for a while, and even commented on it a time or two. For the most part, I didn't even waste my time commenting there, because from what I have been reading, it seems that John has been greatly mislead. I may only be an RTA and a team leader, but I know the power behind YTB. I also see that John has been invited to go to the home office... not only by you, but from others who post on his blog as well. Now he has a personal invite from the office itself. Do you really think he will go? I highly doubt it, because if he did go, then he would see the true meaning of YTB.
I have not yet gone to convention, but I already know what YTB is all about. There's nothing that can take me away from YTB.
John does owe this woman an apology.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Your blog is already linked on the first page! How did you do that?
Didn't you just post this today?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Sunday, April 27, 2008
I can't say I disagree with your position, his post was a bit over the top even for him. But I am not quite as upset as you--after all, there are not too many people reading that blog. Whenever I check in there is like 1 visitor, so ....
But for all that was said and what you have said here, aren't you opening yourself up for trouble as well? You do what you want but I am not sure I would have gone as far as you...but I am sure Regina appreciates it (you go girl!!)
Enjoy your delousing this week. Sometimes after reading the crap over there in his blog and on the other forums, sometimes I feel like I need a shower as well.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Sunday, April 27, 2008
I think you need to take yourself and Regina off the pedastal for just a moment there Doug.
I have read Regina's blog. If you read through it carefully, you will see that she BRAGGED about taking advantage of a Sandals fam back in November, while she has no desire of doing any of the work required to be a travel agent. Ethical?? I think not. The purpose of a FAM is not a free ride, (despite the fact that many a YTB video presents it as such) but rather for the travel professional to learn more about the resort so they can sell more. Despite her credentials, she is hardly a saint.
Were John's comments tacky? The picture distastefull? Probably. But I noticed that not a single YTBer came to our defense or insisted upon a retraction when your RTA Earl Allen Boek issued a press release stating that traditional travel agents are criminals and should not be trusted. I am a woman and a single parent as well Doug. Where was all your Christian lovin' when one of your own came after me Doug? In fact, it wasn't until I contacted your office in Illinois that I received any kind of apology what so ever. Were you concerned about what one of your RTAs had done to damage my reputation or income? Did you demand that your RTA issue a retraction and an apology?? No. You did absolutely nothing.
Doug, somewhere you have to realize that this whole issue began because your company has no manditory training what so ever. If you can't honestly look at this situation and see how having people with no training is damaging this industry, there is something wrong. Having no manditory standards is not just hurting TTA's but it effects your reputation as well. If you look at other mlms, such as Avon, or Tupperware, those people have training and know their product. I called YTB on the day of the one day sale and requested a cruise that left from the port of Pheonix and was told it was no problem.
If the travel mlms had manditory training and standards, not only could you get your IATAN back, but it would go a long way towards making peace with the rest of the industry as well.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Doug and Ronda....God truly blesses people like you! There are haters in the world and lovers and it is evident with your compassion and caring. Poor Regina maligned by one is is so ignorant of the wonderful Christian opportunity offered by the TYB program. Look at Julliet St. John who was homeless and now is a successful entrepreneur and businesswoman all because of YTB.
You are right, we are unstoppable. He can try, but he will just be left in the mud he slung in the tracks as we move to being the biggest travel company in the world by 2010.
God Bless YTB, you two, and those adorable kids! I love your blog--you are such a good writer!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Monday, April 28, 2008
While I’m sorry about what happened between you and Earl, I knew nothing about it. I only followed the ramblings of John’s for a short time, and merely scanned over most of his posts because I didn’t find the vast majority of it has any merit.
I do agree that what Earl did was not professional wrong.
If he wanted to it looks like he could spend the next 213,000 days talking about Traditional Travel Agents who have been accused of or sentenced with a Felony. While I don’t think that’s ethical, and think you should take care of your own, I’m not going to spend my time trying to clean up your industry. That’s YOUR responsibility, or that of the ASTA or some other Association you are with.
Sandals granted Regina the FAM, and that makes her a RAT? Regina posted something she heard documented on a Company Conference call and that makes her a liar? She deserves “the bird” for that?
The people who need to come down off their pedestal are you “know it alls” who spend more time trying to find things wrong with our company and people than worrying about how your going to provide the service and training your so proud of to keep what little you have left.
YTB does have training and standards, more than any other MLM in the industry. Minimum Booking requirements, Regional Trainings, Vendor Specific courses, On-line Trainings with Marc Mancini, and the Monday night and Thursday night calls are both Travel only calls. As our RTA’s mature, much like I have, your going to find that IATA doesn’t amount to much to clients when it comes to booking travel.
Posted by
TravelPro |
Monday, April 28, 2008
I rarely visit john's blog anymore since he now seems to have a fetish with ytb versus being a good "reporter".
As I opened his blog last night - my 3 year old son walks in the door from church, sees the little boy shooting a bird and says - "ohhhhhhhh Daddy - that boy is being bad".
My wife sees whatthe fuss is about, notices the references to minister, mother, etc and proceeds to tell me what her first impression is of john.
I wonder what his clients think of him? Well - if he has any since his life seems to now be about slashing ytb with his constant gibberish.
The first time I read anything john wrote showed me he wasn't a columnist - but rather - just a plain ole yankee jerk . . .
Posted by
Anonymous |
Monday, April 28, 2008
Doug –
Why won’t you post Martha’s comments?
Why do you try so hard in vein to be like us?
You’ll never get any of it until you get your IATA…
Posted by
Anonymous |
Monday, April 28, 2008
I was in Richmond Virginia Travel Training two weeks ago when the announcement was made about the ADI and YTB merger. We were shown a 17 minute video of ADI and at the end it showed ADI and YTB.
Kim Sorenson then introduced Curtis Edwards and announced this merger.
I don’t know why a Press Release or major announcement has been made, but I can tell you the deal is done. I saw it with my own eyes, and so did THOUSANDS of others.
In addition vendors came from all over to train us and help us sell their product, there wasn’t any mention about “recruiting” and the vendors appeared to truly excited about the turnout and having YTB as partners.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Monday, April 28, 2008
We do “Travel Training”? Who knew?
I have gotten several e-mails and calls with this same account. I honestly don’t know why nothing has been announced by some sort of Press Release. The entire company is talking about it after the call with Jeanie Sharpless last Monday night.
By Martha’s own admission she “vomits” when she reads my blog. Being a Travel Agent you should know what a “Barf Bag” is, and by moderating the comments here I can keep this blog fairly clean. If she needs to find a toilet and show everyone her vomit, she can find one @
Trust me, I don’t to be anything like what I have seen by some of your TTA’s. They are miserable, negative and complain about everything under the sun. I’d prefer to enjoy my life and the company I keep in YTB.
And lastly, the last time I checked nobody needed an IATA to give someone “the bird”. The child John used certainly wasn’t carrying one. So clearly IATA isn't all that special.
Posted by
TravelPro |
Monday, April 28, 2008
I wonder why so many TTa's do not believe that every statement made by YTB is true and factual?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Monday, April 28, 2008
Yes I am with YTB and yes John's comments were bad, but I have heard worse on a Saturday night on Xbox Live.
This John guy is a zealot. And for the life of me I do not know why. Why do the Traditional Travel agents hate us so much? And John's post and all of the others I have seen are nothing but pure hate.
YTB is here to stay they should just get over it. If the TTA's would put all this effort into selling travel rather than all of this hate, then maybe we would all be better for it.
My advice, to all YTBers out there, do not reply, or post anything in reference to the TTA's hate campaign. Just leave them alone. Once we stop letting it get to us they will go bother someone else.
They are nothing but bully's And you deal with bully's in one of two ways. 1) You destroy them on the playground after school 2) you pay them no mind. So lets not stoop to their level, lets just forget they even exist.
Doug what you said was great. And I stand behind you 150%. And Regina, do not pay them any mind. Plus there is some mother out there that should be cringing every time that photo of that little boy with his middle finger gets placed on a blog on the internet. I have seen it many times.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Monday, April 28, 2008
Dear Doug,
I am so thankful to you for this post... not for just for Regina but for ALL RTAs. If John continues to exhibit thess kinds vicious and malicious attacks on people who are merely advertising THEIR business happenings on THEIR blog, we are all in trouble. The courage that you have exhibited to take up this charge for someone else just shows the caliber of man and business person you are. You are to be applauded and I KNOW that Regina is extremely proud to call you collegue, co-laborer and FRIEND.
May God richly bless you forever!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Monday, April 28, 2008
Do you ever think you could forgive John for what he did? Just curious. It appears he pushed some buttons and while things do get heated, I don't think I've ever seen you this upset.
You've always come across so level headed and this seems a little out of character for you.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Monday, April 28, 2008
Yes, I believe I will Dale.
What was written was during the heat of the moment and it did make my blood boil. One of the reasons I don’t even read John’s blog much any more is because of how foul it gets. I only became aware of Regina’s post from what others had sent me, or posted here. When I saw “the bird” and found out about the documentation provided to John, and his ignorance to simple cast it off simply because his head was stuck in the sand, AGAIN, it was time to call a spade a spade.
I thought about my mom and my wife, who is also a mother. I also have several Ministers in my family including my father, Grandfather, and brother-in-law, all very good, decent people. Of course none of them with the exception of my wife are in YTB. (But they do stay in a Holiday Inn booked off my site.) Even being just a day removed from the post, I’m feeling and thinking much better. I’m back with friends and have for the most part, (with the exception of some of the TTA comments I chose to reject for content or lack of intelligence) back in a positive frame of mind.
Even if none of the people I mentioned above would probably even do what I did, and simply forgive and forget, I can be a little slower and stubborn, but eventually come around. It’s in my DNA, and it will change.
Holding on to resentment and hate is a choice, not a requirement.
Am I sorry I said what I said? No.
I won't hang on to it however, John's really not all that important or powerful.
I was asked to do a Presentation for my Second Level Director tonight at his home. We had a GREAT time. Many of the RTA’s who were there read my blog and we all had some good laughs at how our Traditionalists pay so much attention to us and their obsession with YTB. There are some nights when I do these presentations that I’m just “on” and tonight was one of those nights. I managed to turn the TTA obsession into some sort of comedy routine with all the myths, rumors and propaganda that’s out there about YTB. I really had them rolling.
How these TTA’s lay claim to having us figured out really is a big joke.
Anyway, just wanted to weed through the comments and post what was either intelligent or not too vulgar or demeaning. (Looks like I got some of the “attention” I claimed I could handle. LOL!)
It’s all good, I probably convinced a few more people to join YTB tonight and as we all know, that’s all that matters. ;-P
Thanks for all the comments today, and for those that still don’t “get it” and want to try to post here anyway.
Forget about it.
Posted by
TravelPro |
Monday, April 28, 2008
I don't even know how to thank you and the many others who have spoken so positively about this issue in the midst of such nastiness by John Freneye. Thank you for taking this on. You and your actions are NOTHING if not HEROIC. I've stated it a bit more clearly in my blog. Again, thank you for the care that you have demonstrated in untold ways towards me and my family since this happened. God bless you. ro
Posted by
The Business & Travel Blog |
Monday, April 28, 2008
I don't know about hero, but you are VERY welcome.
I enjoy your blog, and coming from such a long line of Ministers in my family I too know the difference between right and wrong.
If you listen to the call with Jeanie and Curtis, I don't know how many times the word "integrity" was used, but I firmly believe that not only the Leadership but the vast majority of our Company not only knows the meaning, but lives with this word on a daily basis.
We are a TEAM, and we should band together. Upline, Downline and Crossline.
If any of you would like to read Regina’s post, you may do so here.
Posted by
TravelPro |
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Just trust me on this…you HAVE to check out John’s Blog today. Not the first post, but the one under it that he’s trying to cover up now. The comments section as usual are classic, but with a little twist, he now has someone Ghost writing for him.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Doug, did you have a chance to read Regina’s response? She wrote a beautiful post thanking you.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I’ve always thought something was wrong with this guy. I remember being forwarded his article in MSNBC just before the National Convention. Funny, after clicking the Google link, you don’t find anything newer that last year.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Yes, I did read it and was very moved. I have a link to it above.
I had someone call me about it this morning. He could barely read it to me he was laughing so hard, but after reading it myself now, I would say that’s CLASSIC John Frenaye at his best. It’s riddled with all the elements they accuse us of, and there’s come MAJOR backpedaling, deflecting and justification going on among the TTA ranks.
By the way, any good Anti-MLM’re worth his salt knows how Fitzpatrick is. LOL!
I must admit, after reading it, my side began to hurt from laughing so hard.
Sure has the makings for a good post here don’t you think? Something this funny should be just the ticket or some good comic relief.
Posted by
TravelPro |
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I knew it would be something that would lighten things up for you. I was on the floor laughing over how the entire post developed. They must really think we're stupid. I agree, it's just too good to pass up.
Can't wait to read about it here!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I don't think I'll have the time today. I'm swamped right now with a couple other projects. I'll see if I can have something posted in the morning however.
Thanks for hardy laugh!
Posted by
TravelPro |
Tuesday, April 29, 2008