No "Real" Travel Agents??
Candi May has been an entrepreneur all her life, and she actually owned several Brick and Mortar Agencies back in the day. Something came along that caused a dramatic market shift in her industry. That something was the Internet. Very quickly things began to change. Candi soon realized that the masses no longer needed a “travel agent”. In 2006 over $40 BILLION dollars was spent on line, and that was just with 4 of the top Internet Based Travel Companies. (Travelocity, Orbitz, Expedia, and Priceline.)

One night at an Industry awards show, she began to ask her peers how things were going, and wanted to find out what they were doing to compete or how they were doing in regards to the market shift. None of them appeared to be phased by what was going on.
“Things couldn’t be better!” was the common answer she got, and she began to question what she was doing and why nobody else seemed to have the same problems she was having. What was she doing wrong?
Then when the awards started to be passed out and when she was the one who was winning all the awards, she looked out to her peers who just told her moments before “Things couldn’t be better” and wondered…
“If my business is struggling, and I’m the one up here winning all these awards, what does your business REALLY look like?”
That’s when Candi started to look for something else, anything else, even a fast food franchise to get out of the sinking ship she was tied too. The others she talked to didn’t want to admit it, but she knew the signs and wanted out.
A former client then asked her to take a look at a business, not for her, but for him.
Here’s the thing, knowing Candi the way I know Candi, I don’t think she even went to to see what everyone was talking about there. I don’t think she posted something on Yahoo Answers to find out if anyone heard of this new Travel Company. I also seriously doubt she even went to the Travel Weekly forums to see what was going on there.
What she did do was look at the public numbers, she looked at our Founders, and she looked at what other successful people were doing in this business. She also went up to meet the Founders personally.
YTB was a company that was actually capitalizing on the very same market shift that was causing her Brick & Mortar business to loose all this business.
Candi did eventually close her Travel Business, after replacing what she was making in about 90 days after joining YTB. She’s now a Level One Director, and while she’s one of only a handful of former Travel Agents who are now Directors with the company, I wanted to share her story specifically.
Why? Even though she’s cross line to me, she’s a total team player, and I value what she offered me in regards to what she knows about the Travel Industry. This isn’t some rookie off the street who knew nothing about Travel. This isn’t someone who was like me and only just passionate about talking to everyone he knew about a cruise being the best vacation money could buy.
This is someone who has experienced the changes in the industry first hand and found her answer in YTB. While I know of other Travel Agents who are now in YTB, several of them on my own team, Candi has worked both sides of the YTB business and is successful.
There’s no phobia about who we are and what we do like you find with so many other Travel Agents. It’s not dirty or bad…it’s a way to work smarter, not harder. It’s business.
And as a business person, this company makes sense.
Both Candi and I have FREE Newsletters that we offer our teams to help them build a Team or their Travel Business. We both shared the Virtual Home Based Business Expo with our team this past weekend that offers dozens of vendors, tour operators and supplier information and training for those that want to learn more about their Travel Business.
Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
Learn How To Become A Travel Agent
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Travel Reservations: 1.800.243.4450
RTA #24635
Labels: Candi May, MLM Myths, Travel Agent, Travel Agent Issues, Travel MLM, YTB Travel Network, YTBLA