Hitting The Political Landscape...
With the elections coming up in the next few weeks, and the last minute flurry of activity from political candidates is it any surprise to you that YTB has made it into the political landscape? If you ask me, I’d say it’s about damn time! With all the focus on our company from the other camp wrought with worry and reporting on the internet every time Coach sneezes and making it sound like he’s coming down with some little known disease the connection certainly fits.
Where’s Bill O’Reilly when you need him? (Actually, I’m more of a Boortz and Hannity fan, but neither one have coined the term “No Spin Zone”.)
If you’ve had your head under a rock the last week you may not know that one of those mysterious “anonymous packages” showed up at a news station late last week that somehow broke the news that Burt Saunders is on YTB’s Board of Directors. This may not be news to most of you, since we were introduced to the Senator during the 2007 National Convention, but when you throw in Connie Mack’s home state of California who happens to be running against Burt Saunders for Congress all of the sudden the term “pyramid scheme” is thrown up on the wall in attempts to smear the name Saunders.
Based on the number of reports out there via Google News and YTB as the topic of conversation, critics of YTB have several new venues to spend their time posting. (The Caped Crusader is everywhere isn’t he?)
Now I realize critics are laying claim that their own personal fears and misgivings about our fine company are hurting Burt Saunders chances of being elected, and I’m sure there are some who will be their own Judge and jury convicting Burt of wrong doing simply based on the complaint that’s been filed in California, instead of letting our legal system do its job.
Saunders doesn’t seem to be worried about it however and took the words right out of my mouth when he stated that this development is “really silly”. Besides, the man has decades of experience, and during his political career I’m sure he’s had his share of critics and political mud slinging. Face it; it’s the nature of the beast.
I guess we’ll have to wait a couple of weeks to see if the emotional charge of the left has any impact. My bet is that that the average American isn’t as emotionally charged about this issue as our critics would like to lead you to believe. Most I would imagine have already formed opinions either way about the Direct Sales Industry, and their candidate of choice to make very little difference either way.
Besides, it’s my understanding that YTB has a clear understanding of what the “issues” are in California. Once those are ironed out, and they will be ironed out, Burt can at least continue to serve on YTB’s Board of Directors as an Independent.
Our first taste of how YTB is answering the issues of California will be rolled out this weekend with the First Class Travel Training. Additional answers about all the complaints will be address early next week as our Directors get a first look at the results of our discussions as our Executive and Legal teams have sat down and discuss the concerns like adults with California.
Granted, some critics may not like or approve of what’s going to be rolled out. Once an apple goes rotten, chances are either slim or none that the apple will suddenly turn ripe for the pickin’.
What’s important is the people who really matter, that being the industry suppliers like Carnival, Associations like CLIA, trade publications like Travel Weekly, industry leaders like Marc Mancini, and states like California have given positive feedback concerning our direction and course.
I’ve probably already said too much about what I already know here. So you’ll just have see for yourself if the answers YTB comes up are on the mark.
Details to follow. ;-P
PS - If you’d like to keep up to date with all the latest news, acquisitions, and developments with YTB feel free to sign up for my FREE Newsletter. Just like here, it’s loaded with food, water and sunshine to grow your YTB business.
Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
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Travel Reservations: 1.800.243.4450
RTA #24635
Where’s Bill O’Reilly when you need him? (Actually, I’m more of a Boortz and Hannity fan, but neither one have coined the term “No Spin Zone”.)

Based on the number of reports out there via Google News and YTB as the topic of conversation, critics of YTB have several new venues to spend their time posting. (The Caped Crusader is everywhere isn’t he?)
Now I realize critics are laying claim that their own personal fears and misgivings about our fine company are hurting Burt Saunders chances of being elected, and I’m sure there are some who will be their own Judge and jury convicting Burt of wrong doing simply based on the complaint that’s been filed in California, instead of letting our legal system do its job.
Saunders doesn’t seem to be worried about it however and took the words right out of my mouth when he stated that this development is “really silly”. Besides, the man has decades of experience, and during his political career I’m sure he’s had his share of critics and political mud slinging. Face it; it’s the nature of the beast.
I guess we’ll have to wait a couple of weeks to see if the emotional charge of the left has any impact. My bet is that that the average American isn’t as emotionally charged about this issue as our critics would like to lead you to believe. Most I would imagine have already formed opinions either way about the Direct Sales Industry, and their candidate of choice to make very little difference either way.
Besides, it’s my understanding that YTB has a clear understanding of what the “issues” are in California. Once those are ironed out, and they will be ironed out, Burt can at least continue to serve on YTB’s Board of Directors as an Independent.
Our first taste of how YTB is answering the issues of California will be rolled out this weekend with the First Class Travel Training. Additional answers about all the complaints will be address early next week as our Directors get a first look at the results of our discussions as our Executive and Legal teams have sat down and discuss the concerns like adults with California.
Granted, some critics may not like or approve of what’s going to be rolled out. Once an apple goes rotten, chances are either slim or none that the apple will suddenly turn ripe for the pickin’.
What’s important is the people who really matter, that being the industry suppliers like Carnival, Associations like CLIA, trade publications like Travel Weekly, industry leaders like Marc Mancini, and states like California have given positive feedback concerning our direction and course.
I’ve probably already said too much about what I already know here. So you’ll just have see for yourself if the answers YTB comes up are on the mark.
Details to follow. ;-P
PS - If you’d like to keep up to date with all the latest news, acquisitions, and developments with YTB feel free to sign up for my FREE Newsletter. Just like here, it’s loaded with food, water and sunshine to grow your YTB business.
Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
Learn How To Become A Travel Agent

Book Your Travel & Vacations With

Travel Reservations: 1.800.243.4450
RTA #24635
Labels: Burt L. Saunders, Critics, Travel Agent Issues, Travel MLM