The Hokey Pokey...
Because what I’m about to tell you…well it sounds a little “hokey”. There, I said it and I can now move on.
Thanks everybody! Have a great day!
Actually, what I’m about to tell you is the very thing that helped me overcome this fear that I had about telling you in the first place.
Not only am I someone who is open to new opportunities, ideas, and thinking, I revel in always learning and growing as a human being. I’m always, reading, listening, taking seminars, trainings; I even hired a Success Coach at one point, who I’ll have to tell you about one of these days.
I told you that I was rereading Joe Vitale’s "The Key
For those who don’t know “Mr. Fire” he’s one of the teachers in the hit movie “The Secret” and I LOVE the way Joe writes. (This by the way is no accident.)
I picked up "The Key
Here’s the thing. I told myself I was going to let this all go. I told YOU I was going to let this all go. But the reality of the situation was John Frenaye and this blog of his was still swirling around in my head. It’s like a bad allergy or something, I just couldn’t shake it and I didn’t know why.
Logically, I knew it didn’t really matter. Logically, I knew that his views spoke more about him than it did about me. Logically, I knew that giving this negativity “energy” wasn’t the way to go. And finally, logically I knew there wasn’t a blessed thing I could really do about changing this mans limiting beliefs about our fine company and business model.
So why did it still matter?
I hate to break it to you, but I’ve been programmed to think a certain way.
Everything you and I believe has been taught to us by someone, or something else. There have been an excess of sources that have been working on our thoughts, emotions, and views our whole life. Parents, teachers, neighbors, bosses, even the media have been at work telling us how we should think and feel.
Let me give you an example.
I’m a “P.K.” AKA: Preachers Kid, which I also refer to as “T.O.” or Theological Offspring. (And yes, what you’ve heard about Preachers Kids, it’s all true. ;-P)
Growing up money was spiritual in nature. We would only have just enough to be comfortable. We never lacked for anything but we lived modestly, often in Parsonages or homes the church would supply for our family. I was taught not to be greedy but at the same time, I shouldn’t be fearful that we wouldn’t have enough to take care of ourselves and our needs.
Tithing was also very big, and even if we had to sacrifice something right now, the 10% given away will continue the promise of being able to have it returned.
I was also taught that money does not buy happiness. (That “love of money” thing we see in the Bible that I hear so much about these days.) Rich people are greedy and also for the most part very unhappy. I have a very wealthy Uncle who I was told was very unhappy. (Although, he never appeared that way to me.)
Two years ago most (not all) of my beliefs were blown right out of the water by a guy named T. Harv Ecker. If you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time, you’ve heard that name before. He’s the first person who started me on the right path that your outer world is simply a reflection of your inner world. (The Secret was another big turning point for me as well.)
I had heard a lot of this before, from books and tapes that I’ve had for years. My copy of "Think and Grow Rich" for example must be at least 20 years old. However, we’ve all heard this “Kool-aid” line before…
“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”
I never really "listened" until I attended the Millionaire Mind Intensive two years ago when Harv taught me that a lot of the way I view this world, especially about money, were, well...just plain wrong. These views or beliefs were keeping me from becoming successful. One of the things it helped me with was reprogramming my views and beliefs so that I could become successful.
Lack of money isn’t a problem, it’s a symptom. A symptom of limiting, false beliefs we have about how to make it and how to keep it. I had tremendous breakthroughs over that weekend.
But that was just a weekend. Sure I was given tools and homework to do for the next 90 days, which helped tremendously, but what about other problems, other issues that have come up since then? Namely the John’s of the world who try to bring me back to a way of life and a though process that I tried once before, didn’t want any longer, and knew didn't hold value. (Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.)
Frankly, that type of thinking and mentality stinks.
Sure, I could sign up for another one of Harv’s programs, and I probably will this summer, but I wanted to do something about it now, and the tried and true tools that I had at my disposal didn’t seem to offer any relief or answers until I picked up and looked at a few of Joe Vitale’s clearing methods in his new book.
There was one in particualar that I was finally willing to try, and it just so happens that it’s that “hokey one” I told you about at the beginning of all this.
Joe had introduced me once again to a very inspiring and fun guy by the name of Brad Yates. I met Brad once before through an EFT Master named Carol Look about a year ago. I had listened to some of the teleseminars, read some articles, and thought all this was very nice, but at the time really wasn’t willing to try it because life was going very well and I thought I had all the tools I needed.
EFT is based on the ancient Chinese technique of Acupuncture, and EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. Now, I’ve never tried Acupuncture because needles and I really don’t get along. (One of those fears that EFT could probably help with?) But I loosely understood that Acupuncture has neurological properties of meridians and acupuncture points to help alleviate many different symptoms.
EFT however is used to help clear out some of the limiting beliefs and baggage that is blocking me from moving forward.
This post for example.
I know that some will view this as nothing but a hoax, something silly, and I’m crazy for even promoting such an idea. I also know that some have a problem with people promoting things, no matter how much value it holds for them or others. I can't deny that I’m feeling much better however, I’m less stressed, and the tennis match that had been playing in my head concerning letting our Traditionalist go have been reduced to almost nothing. I can now go to John’s blog, read it, and not have any emotional attachment either way about what this man or others think. I don’t own their problems or limiting beliefs.
They are free to think that YTB will eventually collapse because we will run out of people. Yet I know there hasn’t been one example of that ever happening, so why own it?
I know they think the $226 Million are “fees” and not “Travel Sales” and yet Travel Weekly wouldn’t even consider “fees”, so why own it?
I know that they have a huge problem with all the posts on Craig’s Lists, yet I’m willing to bet that none of them even advertise there, so why own it?
I know that they think Coach, Scott and Kim will eventually leave us with the Millions they have made off our backs. Yet they’ve been with two companies in close to 30 years, and the only reason Coach left AL Williams is because he wanted to retire. So why own it?
Fear is nothing more than False Evidence Appearing Real, and you can eliminate the emotional charge of this false evidence by using EFT.
If your gut is telling you that this is right for you, like it is for me, the tennis match that is playing in your head is keeping you from achieving your goals. You need to clear it in order to move forward. It may not be EFT for you, but it’s been doing wonders for me.
I recently bought a program from both Brad and Joe called Money Beyond Belief that has me really stoked. I’ve been listening to some of the calls that came with this and it’s not only very comical, but it’s amazing how I’ve felt just after using EFT. I can’t describe it, but it’s an amazing feeling of relief, calm, and inner peace that I just can’t put into words. It also gives quite a buzz, or tingling over my entire body. You literally feel the energy.
By the way, you’re free to write this off as nothing more than some hokey program. EFT helped me with letting that go too. You’re free to call pr post with someone who cares about your own limiting beliefs.
I’ve got to go have an amazing day now…
Thanks for stopping by, and remember, if you’re reading this right now, there are no accidents in this universe of ours.
Think about it and if you feel lead to, go buy the program.
If you have enjoyed this blog and are a member of YTB, please feel free to subscribe to our weekly Newsletter!
Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
Learn How To Become A Travel Agent
Book Your Travel & Vacations With
Travel Reservations: 1.800.243.4450
RTA #24635
Labels: Brad Yates, Carol Look, EFT, Joe Vitale, Limiting Beliefs, Money Beyond Belief
Being a student of Harv Eker and Joe Vitale I know what your talking about. While I'm sure John has good intentions, and feels like he is doing the right thing one thing stood out to me in his last post.
In referring to YTB and the agent/Reps he asked two simple questions that shined a HUGE light on his line of thinking. Here are the two questions (paraphrased, as I aint got all day to read blogs word for word- I need to take My kids fishing- LOL).
Question- Do YTB agents punch a time card and how many hours a week are YTB agent required to work?
Punch a time card??? how many hours a week are we required to work??
WHAT?? This is a business that enables people to create their own hours, and become entreprenuers on their own time. The reason MLM is so popular is that people from all walks of life- Single mothers, lawyers, truck driver, hell even me, can come in with little to no knowledge, and be trained on their OWN time to create success and a business of their own. Create a life for themselves through leveraging time by creating a TEAM of other entrprenuers that want to absolutely change their lives.
It's a different mindset.. Employee vs. Business owner (I recommend Rich dad poor dad, and the cash flow quadrant by Robert Kiyosaki) for more clarification.
If I wanted to be an employee, then I would go join Carleson- Wagonlit Travel, or Overstock Travel (my former employer), and get trained and do my 9-5 (lol, more like 10-8pm), and never see my 3 boys, or my wife....But NO. I choose Freedom, I choose leverage, and I choose MLM
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
"That's what it's all a-bout!"
Posted by
TravelPro |
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Doug - I VERY seldom read your self-serving blog, but Olescorekeeper has a link to it under his name. Thanks to that, my screen is now covered in MLM vomit. You sound like an advertisement for self-help books, seminars, and MLM schemes.
You said, "Here’s the thing. I told myself I was going to let this all go. I told YOU I was going to let this all go. But the reality of the situation was John Frenaye and this blog of his was still swirling around in my head. It’s like a bad allergy or something, I just couldn’t shake it and I didn’t know why."
Do you think it's possible that those little voices swirling around is your conscience? If YTB can screw someone up this much, it's just sad beyond belief and I'm trying to be compassionate here.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
I appreciate your attempt to be compassionate. However, unlike you and John, I never had a problem with YTB. If I did, I certainly wouldn’t still be with the company.
The issues I had were with you, John, and the rest of the Traditionalist who are attempting to shove your beliefs down everyone’s throat. It made me want to vomit, which is a very uncomfortable, distasteful, and ugly act.
Now that I have found a tool to help release and let go of the control you want to have, I’m sleeping much better, I’m much happier, and my appetite for life once again looks very promising and hopeful. Much like it did when I first joined YTB.
Thanks for sharing.
Posted by
TravelPro |
Thursday, March 27, 2008
YTB has done their share of shoving down throats and causing vomit taste as well.
It is a two way street and both sides are not without sin, but Doug--this is nothing more than a difference of opinion between two sides. Nothing more. Both are passionate. Who knows who is rigth or wrong or even if any are right or wrong.
If it bothers you so much either drop it and move on or engage. One post says you are done and onto making a life out of YTB. Great fantastic go for it. Ye the next is you waffling about it and saying that the issue is still under your skin.
Make a choice dude. You are like Rod--one minute he is anti YTb and the next, it is the next thing to sliced bread. It may be somewhere in the middle but at some point someone needs to take a stand
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thursday, March 27, 2008
I offer no apologies for being honest, or caring about a company and Leadership that has offered me a life I truly cherish and enjoy.
Nor do I offer any apologies in a program and system that may help my fellow RTA’s let go of what is obviously a loosing cause in educating those that claim they have all the answers.
You are correct, it is a choice. If you choose to engage and let an opposing side control your time and energy, that’s perfectly within your right.
Thanks for sharing.
Posted by
TravelPro |
Thursday, March 27, 2008
I'm not understanding this Doug, it just doesn't make sense to me. On one hand, you're seeking the guidance of self-help books, mentors, seminars, and anyone else than can make life more clear to you. Do you realize that most of these people are only in it for the money and don't have a clue to what life is really all about? Did you know that shrinks have the highest rate of suicide of any professsion? That should be a wake-up call, or you can just watch Dr. Phil and there is a prime example of a man full of wind and no knowledge.
You have called me a traditionalist. I'm about as untraditional as they come. I am realistic though. I had never heard of you 3 weeks ago. I discovered you on John's blog which I discovered at the same time. I became interested in YTB because of all the articles I was seeing that were negative. Yes, I choose to believe most of the junk said about YTB because of hearing from both sides. It just isn't a good business and the RTAS that take a loss if phenomenal. I also have a real problem with the loose use of the term travel agent. Even your ad says you are a travel agent and "Learn how to become a travel agent." Unless you've had years of training and experience, you're not a travel agent and a RTA is not anything close to travel agent. It sounds good in print, but it just isn't true, much like what YTB and the other travel MLMS promote.
Back to the main point though, if you were really comfortable with who you are, you wouldn't be bothered by criticism from John's blog, me, or anyone else. You're seeking justification which you shouldn't have to do. If YTB is actually providing you with a real living that can sustain your family, you feel comfortable with what you say to get people to join, and you feel your ethics aren't compromised, then everything should be fine. It appears you're struggling with that and the other issues. If I'm really wrong, please put me in the light.
I am compassionate and passionate about certain things. I don't like to see people get screwed over so someone else can benefit from other's losses. That is another part of my point.
I do give you a lot of credit for publishing my post on this topic. I was quite surprised that you would allow a different point of view when you think my post is all negative which it wasn't meant to be. If you notice, I have never told you to quit YTB, to do this or do that. It's up to you since it is your life. You're right, we all have choices.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Friday, March 28, 2008
I don’t expect you to understand. Most people are completely numb to ideas about improving their lives or gaining a better understanding about this world we live in. You apparently know all you need to in order to get by in this world.
I did want to thank you however, and let you know that I am grateful that you took the time to come here and post at 3:00am in the morning.
While I did question at one point why you and the other Traditionalists would even bother coming here to spew more vomit, I have been able to use your posts as a barometer, a measurement of how well these theories, teachings, and tools actually work.
While you choose to buy into the myths and lies, and allow them to control your emotions, I’ve chosen to find a way to go with my gut and allow you to exist as you are while I continue to learn, grow and enjoy my time here.
I’m thrilled with how all this negativity has been neutralized in my mind, body and soul. Thanks to you and some others, I’m able to verify that The Hokey Pokey works.
I can’t argue with my own experience in YTB and with the tools that have helped me achieve the life I currently enjoy.
Again, thanks for sharing.
Posted by
TravelPro |
Friday, March 28, 2008
I’m sorry you feel the way you do, but there is very little I can do to help you with from this point forward.
I’m sorry. I hope you can find a way to either move on or at least cope with the issues you have about our fine company.
Thank you.
Posted by
TravelPro |
Friday, March 28, 2008