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On a Scale of 1-10...

I don’t know about you, but I had a REALLY good weekend. Part of it of course was the season and having my kids home an extra day to enjoy. My wife also cooked up a really nice Sunday dinner which in turn provided for a really good afternoon nap. (I never nap, but maybe once or twice a year, so that is a special treat for me.)

Part of this “feel good” mentality I’ve been experiencing lately is what I’ve been feeding my mind. Now that I’ve decided to let the Traditionalists argue among themselves over whom, (Kim, Scott or Coach) goes to the bathroom more, life is a lot less stressful. I just haven’t had any desire to discuss such issues.

Don’t get me wrong. There was a huge issue for Traditionalist totally unrelated to our industry they warned me to be fearful of, which was responded to by hitting the “delete” button on the computer.

I’ve been able to allow them to live the way they choose, without feeling any need to force my beliefs on them.

It’s all about choice.

So why is it that I can let this all go, while others seem to have a tremendous amount of difficulty?

-Writing affirmations down on notecards?

-Thinking "positive" thoughts?
-Trying to "want it" more?
-Setting goal... after goal... after goal... after goal...?
-Assuming that "massive action" will solve everything?
-Working harder?

None of the above really. (Although, some are viable tools.) I simply let go of their beliefs.

If I told you that you had purple skin, you’d look at me like I’m nuts right? You’d look at your skin and think to yourself, “Where did you come up with that? Everyone knows my skin isn’t purple!”

It’s such a ridiculous notion that it’s really not worth arguing about is it? Nor would you take any ownership in such an outrageous claim. You can see with your own two eyes and can confirm any time you wanted what color your skin is.

So why do we in YTB want to take ownership of some of the mud being thrown up? Come on, you know what I’m talking about, I know you do. I’ve done it. You’ve done it. We’ve all done it at one point or another.

I remember when I first heard this myth that our $226 Million in Travel Weekly were “fees” and not “travel sales”. To be honest, I was livid. I mean it REALLY upset me. Here was our first chance to have a viable third party confirm that YTB does sell Travel, and I see this spin about numbers being “fees”.

How dare they!

You look at the Travel Weekly publication, you look at all the documentation provided from many different sources, and yet it pushed a button for me. Why?

Because the emotion is deeper than that, they’ve been living below the surface. You’re inner world creates your outer world. Just like the roots of all the trees that are starting to bud right now. Where did you think that nourishment came from?

Below the surface.

What’s been shoved down our throats by some is that Network Marketing is bad. We’re supposed to be crooks who take advantage of people, and we have this unattainable dream that we can actually make money doing this. It goes against the conventional, the traditional, and we are changing the way things have always been done. These beliefs are being promoted by those who have no or very little experience in Network Marketing themselves while my experience has been completely the opposite.

You can argue all you want. You can read publication after publication, book after book, listen to tape after tape, call after call of “feel good” stuff, but it won’t amount to much until you remove the underlying limiting beliefs you have inside that head of yours.

I’m going to ask a question, that only you can answer, and you’re free to keep this a secret if you’d like.

All this negative attention YTB has been getting bothers you right? What kind of feelings does it bring up for you? Frustration, anger, resentment, limited self worth, doubt, FEAR.

The good news is, that’s what it’s designed to do. All this comes from “ego” and “ego” is designed to protect us, to help us feel safe and secure.

I’m not going to give you the answer just yet. I want you to think about this for a while. I want you to sit with these emotions, and I also want to give you permission to feel any way you care to about all this.

It’s neither right, or wrong at this point, they are yours, but I want you to think about how you feel about all this. Sit with it for just a day.

Write it all down if you’d like. Write down all the things you don’t like, how awful this all feels.

Just do me two favors.

One, don’t take this out on anyone and two come back tomorrow to see how you can start letting this all go.

The answer will surprise you, but it’s also based on a very old technique that’s been around for centuries.

What’s even cooler is that this technique can be used for any limiting belief or problem. I even saw a television show last night on it on TLC. But I’ll fill you in on that tomorrow.

For now, on a scale of 1-10 how would you rate how you feel about all this? One being nothing, and Ten being extremely charged about all these issues.

The higher the number, the more reason to check back tomorrow.

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Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker

Phone: 678.458.5812

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RTA #24635

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Mr. Doug, I agree about letting it go. I read that rag once and was disappointed that you even engages him. But now it seems that afrter a few refreshing posts from you you are getting back into the mud again. They are not worh the time or efforts. We know how good YTB is and the successes that lie ahead. THEY don't. They are in charge of their own destiny yet we have a team of believers behind us as well as God and we will succeed. Please go back to the blog posts that will help us all realize the dream that is YTB. Let them be.

Interesting you put FEAR in capitalized letters. I pondered all the other emotions you listed and fear is the one that stands out most prominently inside me today.

It's FEAR of YTB growing so large to places that will not know how to use the blessings of wealth YTB is spreading internationally.

The Bible says the love of money is the root of all evil:


My FEAR is YTB spreading God's blessings of prosperity internationally into countries where faith in God is at an all time low is detrimental to their willingness to have faith in God. Now comes YTB bringing in the opportunity of the decade to make 10,000 millionaires in 10 years. How many greedy people in the world will be turned away from the faith for the love of YTBs money?

Today in Canada for example: It is against the law and the penalty is to be fined and thrown in jail for Pastors to preach against homosexuality. Canada needs God more than they need the opportunity for 10,000 millionaires in 10 years, Coach's goal. Why should YTB share God's blessings with a country that has turned their back on God?

And now UK is next in YTBs plans. Have you heard about the Christian churches in UK? They are vastly empty. Yes, I'm FEARFUL. FEARFUL that YTB is going to share the wealth with countries that have no plans to use it to the Glory of God.


I'm FEARFUL God may not continue to bless YTB if YTB shares blessings with countries that God is not willing to bless. That's food for thought.


Thank you for being honest.


I do agree that these Traditionalists don’t need to be engaged any longer. They are free to feel, think, and charge what they like.

I still see however many in YTB who wish voice their opposing views into the mix, or have many who are having difficulty handling the negativity that is out there about MLM and YTB right now. Logically, they know what is right, however emotionally, there are some issues which is what I am trying to address and help with.

Please be patient…


Since we have the option of posting anonymously here I think I would like to share my feelings.

I’m pissed plain and simple. I’m very angry at people who have nothing better to do with their time than trash the good name of YTB. These people have never met Coach, never met Scott, never met Kim, and I can assure you they have never met me. Who in their right mind can make the statements they do about me or anyone else in this company without first having the opportunity of getting to know them first? They have no right to make the statements they do without first knowing what they are talking about.

Frustrated - 10

I would agree with the first poster. This issue has run it's course and it's time to move on. YTB isn't going anywhere and will continue to be a major player in the travel industry for years to come.

I don't think it's us who has to let go, it's the TTA's.

To the person who talked about not knowing Coach Scott and Kim....in fairmness, some folks on our side have been just as guilty of badmouthing the TTAs. Mr. Doug has, I have and I am guessing you have at one point too. That does not make it right by any means, but let he who is without sin cast the forst stone

Hey Doug! I just found your blog! Way to go!!! I am still posting on the other side... continuing to prove someone wrong and loving every moment of it. You know who I'm talking about. Anyway, we know what we have with YTB. They will never understand it. Maybe the will when Travel Weekly announces that YTB is #1. It will happen!!!

I totally agreee with the point that they have never met our founders. I have personally met Coach, Scott and Ron. I haven't had the chance to meet and talk with Kim. Just by talking to these people face to face, one can really see the true integrity they posess.

I have informed the TTAs of the Red Carpet Days at YTB HQ, and yet they won't dare attend. What are they afraid of? Maybe it's the truth. Here was given to them an open invitation to go see YTB first hand and have the chance to talk with the founders.
I'll use the same name here as I do there... just so you know who I am.

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