So Much Better On-Line
My wife teases me that one of these days she’s going to find my pocket protector and inch thick wide rim glasses hidden somewhere around this house. She finds me sometimes late at night here in my recliner with laptop placed in front of me, fingers on the keyboard, eyes closed and happily snoring away. (At least that's what she tells me.)
I love being on the computer, it’s such a cool toy. The invention of the internet makes it even better with packets of information and resources available. Pick any subject of your choice, and it’s a mere search term and click away.
I use to post a lot more than I do now on message boards and forums. I found it a great resource to find new ideas, tools, and what excited and motivated people. I even found forums for debating, which I find stimulating and a ton of fun. I love reading profiles on Social Networking Forums, and I have a few of my own but most are with limited participation. It’s not that I don’t like it; to the contrary I love it. It just takes up a vast amount of time that could be better used elsewhere.
I’ve observed, laughed with, and even laughed at a select group of the posters I’ve seen and even some I’ve had the pleasure to come in contact with. I wish I could tell you that they shall remain nameless in order to protect them but they’ve already made that choice for you and me.
The “anonymous” poster.
When I say “anonymous” I’m not just talking about those comments you see sprinkled all over this blog. It’s also the handles without any real name or identity attached to them.
“There is a powerful tension in our relationship to technology. We are excited by egalitarianism and anonymity, but we constantly fight for our identity.”
~ David Owens
Have you ever noticed how those without any true identity are always the ones who have absolutely no interest in learning anything? They appear to have this “I know that” disorder. (The three of the most dangerous words put together in any language.) Their purpose is to educate the rest of us on how we should view and live in this world. Their life always seems to be absolutely perfect as an added bonus for the rest of us.
Posting on-line can offer a certain anonymity that you really can’t find anywhere else. (AA offers anonymity as well, but after close to 20 years of sobriety, I happen to like telling people I’ve been sober that long.) It’s not like the average person would be able to figure out your true identity if they wanted to. We use handles, such as “TravelPro” that we all recognize and call “posters” by. That’s the beauty of being a “poster”. We can be, do, and say anything we want without having to take any real lumps. It’s a great way to dodge any bullets coming back at you.
It seems for many, they can live out their fantasies, vent their anger, or start just about any rumor they want without being held accountable. It’s almost a perfect world for those who want to remain invisible when needed.
I have to laugh at how some posters relish in their anonymity. The more anonymous they are, usually the more straight forward they are, the more money they make, and the smarter they are than the rest of the group. They have all sorts of experience and education the rest of us don’t have, but yet can’t offer any proof or documentation…after all they’re anonymous.
I use to question…What is it about you that you have to hide? What kind of skeletons do you have in your closet? Why aren’t you good enough to offer up a real live person? What is so hard about being honest with people about who you are and what you do?
Maybe the truth of the matter is that we just like living out our dreams and fantasies on-line. It’s just too difficult for some to do that in real life, and cyberspace just happens to be the next best thing!
Who knew?
I was talking about anonymity with my sponsor last week and he told me to find a video that I would enjoy. If you know me, you know I’m a 70’s gen rock and roller
, and I’m not a big fan of Country Music
. Although my wife has warmed me up to the genre to make it a little more bearable.
I’m going to leave you for the weekend with this video from Brad Paisley
which I hope puts a smile on your face as it has mine. Don’t tell anyone, but I’ve also been caught singing it in the shower. And no you don't want to hear, I’ve been told Brad sings it much better than I do.
Enjoy your weekend, and don’t spend the entire time “Online”.
If you have enjoyed this blog and are a member of YTB, please feel free to subscribe to our weekly Newsletter!
I love being on the computer, it’s such a cool toy. The invention of the internet makes it even better with packets of information and resources available. Pick any subject of your choice, and it’s a mere search term and click away.
I use to post a lot more than I do now on message boards and forums. I found it a great resource to find new ideas, tools, and what excited and motivated people. I even found forums for debating, which I find stimulating and a ton of fun. I love reading profiles on Social Networking Forums, and I have a few of my own but most are with limited participation. It’s not that I don’t like it; to the contrary I love it. It just takes up a vast amount of time that could be better used elsewhere.
I’ve observed, laughed with, and even laughed at a select group of the posters I’ve seen and even some I’ve had the pleasure to come in contact with. I wish I could tell you that they shall remain nameless in order to protect them but they’ve already made that choice for you and me.
The “anonymous” poster.
When I say “anonymous” I’m not just talking about those comments you see sprinkled all over this blog. It’s also the handles without any real name or identity attached to them.
“There is a powerful tension in our relationship to technology. We are excited by egalitarianism and anonymity, but we constantly fight for our identity.”
~ David Owens
Have you ever noticed how those without any true identity are always the ones who have absolutely no interest in learning anything? They appear to have this “I know that” disorder. (The three of the most dangerous words put together in any language.) Their purpose is to educate the rest of us on how we should view and live in this world. Their life always seems to be absolutely perfect as an added bonus for the rest of us.
Posting on-line can offer a certain anonymity that you really can’t find anywhere else. (AA offers anonymity as well, but after close to 20 years of sobriety, I happen to like telling people I’ve been sober that long.) It’s not like the average person would be able to figure out your true identity if they wanted to. We use handles, such as “TravelPro” that we all recognize and call “posters” by. That’s the beauty of being a “poster”. We can be, do, and say anything we want without having to take any real lumps. It’s a great way to dodge any bullets coming back at you.
It seems for many, they can live out their fantasies, vent their anger, or start just about any rumor they want without being held accountable. It’s almost a perfect world for those who want to remain invisible when needed.
I have to laugh at how some posters relish in their anonymity. The more anonymous they are, usually the more straight forward they are, the more money they make, and the smarter they are than the rest of the group. They have all sorts of experience and education the rest of us don’t have, but yet can’t offer any proof or documentation…after all they’re anonymous.
I use to question…What is it about you that you have to hide? What kind of skeletons do you have in your closet? Why aren’t you good enough to offer up a real live person? What is so hard about being honest with people about who you are and what you do?
Maybe the truth of the matter is that we just like living out our dreams and fantasies on-line. It’s just too difficult for some to do that in real life, and cyberspace just happens to be the next best thing!
Who knew?
I was talking about anonymity with my sponsor last week and he told me to find a video that I would enjoy. If you know me, you know I’m a 70’s gen rock and roller
I’m going to leave you for the weekend with this video from Brad Paisley
Enjoy your weekend, and don’t spend the entire time “Online”.
If you have enjoyed this blog and are a member of YTB, please feel free to subscribe to our weekly Newsletter!
Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
Learn How To Become A Travel Agent
Book Your Travel & Vacations With
Travel Reservations: 1.800.243.4450
RTA #24635
Labels: Anonymity, Forums, Posting, Social Networking
I have chosen to reject your comments simply because I’m not comfortable with allowing or promoting illegal, unethical, and/or dysfunctional behavior here.
The Cliché: “What goes around, comes around” spoke volumes when I read your post.
I have very little doubt that all the things you’ve mentioned have indeed happened to you and I see you have decided to simply hide your identity in order to continue the behavior that attracted the distasteful and dysfunctional events of the past.
The internet was merely a symptom, never the cause. Taking responsibility or changing the way you act on-line was obviously never an option you chose to consider.
I’ve been on-line since 1992, back when the internet was DOS and 14K modem was lighting fast.
I’ve never had the problems you’ve had, and I attribute it to being honest, ethical, and respectful of other views and opinions.
I'd ask you to think about that, but I doubt someone like you ever would. LOL!
Posted by
TravelPro |
Friday, March 28, 2008
The more anonymous they are, usually the more straight forward they are, the more money they make, and the smarter they are than the rest of the group. They have all sorts of experience and education the rest of us don’t have, but yet can’t offer any proof or documentation…after all they’re anonymous.
Sort of like Dr. Bob Seligman, PhD., RTA?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Friday, March 28, 2008
Touché. ;-P
Posted by
TravelPro |
Friday, March 28, 2008
Great video! I’ve heard the song, but never seen the video before. You’re also dead on about these anonymous posters. It allows them to vent even stronger against a company they have been forced to give way too.
You noticed that even the anonymous names are very quiet tonight. I think they’re scared about the stock going back up. Every time they think they have us cornered with some unbreakable hold, we always manage to work our way through it. That’s what happens with all the lies they’re trying to push.
The Annual Report should put the final nail in their coffin when it comes out. I heard it looks very good.
Have a great weekend.
PS – GREAT Newsletter too, thank you for all you do!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Friday, March 28, 2008
Doug, you are so on the money. I am sick of all the negative stuff too and I have found myself staying away from the blogs and forums that that spew negativity.
You have devoted so much of your time defending YTB. I am so glad you have moved on. Who cares about the traditionalists, or the competitors from another company whose name begins with "Tra" also...LOL who are spreading myths and lies.
YTB has survived despite the obstacles thrown at us.
thanks for the Newsletter!
You are doing a fantastic job! BTW I didn't know you were a PK! No wonder I like you :)
Posted by
Unknown |
Saturday, March 29, 2008