Blow Me Down
Be very careful. You could blow me over with a feather right now.
I heard rumor that the words “I apologize” actually appeared on a blog, by the blogger himself. I’m very glad that the person who forwarded me this information told me to sit down, because I think I might have hurt myself if I wasn’t sitting.
Don’t get too excited about this miracle however. The author is still waiting on some sort of company press release concerning YTB acquiring American Destinations, Inc. in order to make all this believable. I don’t know if a Press Release will be released but once the DVD that was shown at the Regional Travel Training in Richmond and the 16 page catalogs are available from our back office, I’ll post John’s PO Box for any of you who care to send him a copies.
I don’t know how much time it will take for any type of press release or documentation to materialize to settle this acquisition for him, but I wouldn’t worry about it. If I were him, I’d talk to YTB or ADI Executives directly, but apparently that is not an option he chooses to accept. It could resolve the issue, and what fun would it be not being able say, “here’s mud in your eye” in attempts to slow us down and keep people from finding out the truth?
The truth always materializes, always. So I wouldn’t get too worked up about the naysayers not coming to grips with YTB is doing or not doing.
From what I understand, John is busy trying to verify my post about Candi May on Tuesday. I wanted to call Candi yesterday, but she was spending time with her Grandkids, and didn’t want to bother her. I’ll catch up with her later today.
By the way, I’ve decided to delete the comments attached with Candi’s post. The purpose of the post was to show that there are traditionalist’s in the industry who find YTB not only viable, but attractive. Instead, the comments turned into a shouting match from one side of the fence to the other.
My bad, and I apologize if it offended anyone. I’ve been growing tired of all the justification, accusations and speculation being thrown around all over the internet. With the Annual Report, investor interest, the upgrade to the OTC, and our new Board of Directors being named, the rhetoric and mud slinging seems to have just gotten worse, not better.
Not surprising. All the news last month moves YTB in a positive direction, and it’s showing our critics signs that YTB is planning on sticking around.
Just keep the main thing the main thing and don’t worry about helping those who don’t appreciate what YTB is doing. The numbers are very few and with all the documentation from last month alone is enough to focus on.
If you’d like to keep up to date with all the latest news, acquisitions, and developments with YTB feel free to sign up for my FREE Newsletter. Just like here, it’s loaded with links and documentation for you to share with clients and prospects alike.
Make it a great day!
PS – Thanks for the post John.
Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
Learn How To Become A Travel Agent
Book Your Travel & Vacations With

Travel Reservations: 1.800.243.4450
RTA #24635
I heard rumor that the words “I apologize” actually appeared on a blog, by the blogger himself. I’m very glad that the person who forwarded me this information told me to sit down, because I think I might have hurt myself if I wasn’t sitting.
Don’t get too excited about this miracle however. The author is still waiting on some sort of company press release concerning YTB acquiring American Destinations, Inc. in order to make all this believable. I don’t know if a Press Release will be released but once the DVD that was shown at the Regional Travel Training in Richmond and the 16 page catalogs are available from our back office, I’ll post John’s PO Box for any of you who care to send him a copies.
I don’t know how much time it will take for any type of press release or documentation to materialize to settle this acquisition for him, but I wouldn’t worry about it. If I were him, I’d talk to YTB or ADI Executives directly, but apparently that is not an option he chooses to accept. It could resolve the issue, and what fun would it be not being able say, “here’s mud in your eye” in attempts to slow us down and keep people from finding out the truth?
The truth always materializes, always. So I wouldn’t get too worked up about the naysayers not coming to grips with YTB is doing or not doing.
From what I understand, John is busy trying to verify my post about Candi May on Tuesday. I wanted to call Candi yesterday, but she was spending time with her Grandkids, and didn’t want to bother her. I’ll catch up with her later today.
By the way, I’ve decided to delete the comments attached with Candi’s post. The purpose of the post was to show that there are traditionalist’s in the industry who find YTB not only viable, but attractive. Instead, the comments turned into a shouting match from one side of the fence to the other.
My bad, and I apologize if it offended anyone. I’ve been growing tired of all the justification, accusations and speculation being thrown around all over the internet. With the Annual Report, investor interest, the upgrade to the OTC, and our new Board of Directors being named, the rhetoric and mud slinging seems to have just gotten worse, not better.
Not surprising. All the news last month moves YTB in a positive direction, and it’s showing our critics signs that YTB is planning on sticking around.
Just keep the main thing the main thing and don’t worry about helping those who don’t appreciate what YTB is doing. The numbers are very few and with all the documentation from last month alone is enough to focus on.
If you’d like to keep up to date with all the latest news, acquisitions, and developments with YTB feel free to sign up for my FREE Newsletter. Just like here, it’s loaded with links and documentation for you to share with clients and prospects alike.
Make it a great day!
PS – Thanks for the post John.
Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
Learn How To Become A Travel Agent

Book Your Travel & Vacations With

Travel Reservations: 1.800.243.4450
RTA #24635
Labels: ADI, Annual Report, Candi May, Travel Agent Issues, Travel Agent Training, YTB Travel Network
Per John's apology post and his conversation with Regina, Regina herself is still trying to get verification of the YTB/ADI relationship.
"In an effort to confirm the veracity of her post, she told me that she has contacted YTB and they verified only that ADI was a vendor. When asked about an acquisition, they said she would have to contact whomever told her that for verification. She is currently waiting on a response from Jeannie Sharples."
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Another post reacting to negative comments by the anti-YTB crowd? Why don't you blog about selling travel for heavens sake! No no no, it's all recruiting and hoping to convince prospects that YTB isn't all that bad, so please join and spend the $$$ to keep coach et all flying high. Please Doug. Show the world that YTB is not about recruiting, but selling travel (like a pro).
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Hopefully you can now see why I can stand by my statements that you're a coward and a liar. You said you didn't read John's post any longer. Guess you did from today's bog, we know you're still posting anonymously over there too.
As for my remarks that you chose to post, thanks. At least I proved my point that you are a hypocrite since you're the first one that used the word "shit" on your bog. Remember? "John thinks his shit doesn't stink." Name calling? You called us "goons and thugs." Professionalism at it's best! At least I got you to finally post something I wrote but it was only to make me look bad, which it didn't. I am a professional, I make probably 4 times more than you and I don't recruit. I'm also skilled at what I do, proud of what I do, most of my clients are repeaters, and I'm HONEST. I also love my job. Maybe you should take my Martha University course on how to have integrity and honesty in business. It pays off in the long run, Douggie, and sometimes you have to be firm.
Thanks again for posting my remarks. It's about time. Now would you like to have the gonads to post this one or prefer to hit the delete button? To any of the people I offended, well you're adults and I'm sure if you watch TV or read any book, you'll see that word used many times. Grow up and accept the fact that sometimes obscene language is the only way to get your point accross. In my case, it worked and he posted it for the wrong reasons, but it still worked.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thursday, May 08, 2008
I have dozens of e-mails from RTA’s who witnessed the announcement at Richmond Travel Training and who saw the new DVD first hand. These eye witness accounts are similar to the announcement made concerning Burt L. Saunders being appointed to our Board of Directors last year at the National Convention.
Give it some time buddy, either a press release or marketing material will be available in due time. Unlike our appointments to the Board of Directors that are made once per year, the acquisitions by YTB are happening at a rapid pace.
I’m not worried about it. Are you?
John apologizes and that’s negative?
In regards to dispelling the myths and rumors by the Anti-MLM crowd, not a chance. I enjoy educating people with documentation provided by our public company that reveals the truth, not myths.
Take your myth about “all we do is recruit” as an example.
I know you kids get caught up in the $103 Mil produced from recruiting as opposed to the $20 Mil for Travel.
The numbers show that the $103 Mil was produced by only 20% of all Reps, (58218/305055) and even the most favorable numbers in the Anti-MLM favor show active RTA’s (58218/131065) only accounted for 44% of all “recruiting” in 2007.
Facts show less than half of our company recruits a single soul, and yet all we hear from the Anti-MLM crowd is that we recruit.
Sorry, but I’m gonna call MythBusters if you guys keep it up.
Haven’t touched the computer since 8:00am this morning and it’s just past 6:30pm now. Hype it up all you want.
I do find it interesting that you think I made you look bad. All I did was post what you said, much like I am now. If your own comments make you look bad, why even make the comments to begin with?
Cut the coward and liar bit and start addressing the issues. It shows a lack of knowledge and intelligence. (So does your language, but I'll let that slide...for now.)
Since you can’t prove either way that I am or am not posting over on John’s blog let’s start with something that we can prove.
How can all we do is “rent web sites” when less than half of us are doing it?
How do those numbers lie? PLEASE.
I be waiting with enhanced anticipation for your answer, since your also one that promotes the myth.
I don’t see Regina as the type that would sue. She never came across angry and fearful towards John. She’s also the one who called him, not the other way around.
We are trying to find some type of common ground here. You can see how well that’s working out based on the comments above.
Some need to address their anger management issues before we can do that however. Let’s hope John’s apology was the first step. They listen to him.
Posted by
TravelPro |
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Dude--someone is full of caca here. If YTB acquired it and announced it at a training seminar, why are they denying it to one of their own (Regina) by saying they are only a vendor?
If they did acquire them, why not just tell the world.
Right now all anyone has is that someone thinks they heard something like this at some training session. YTB tells their own people to verify any acquisitions by contacting the people that started the rumor?
Didn't John call ADI and verify that they were NOT owned by YTB?
Someone is fibbing here in a big way!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thursday, May 08, 2008
"I’m not worried about it. Are you?"
Nope, not worried one bit.
Just addressing your comment that John should call YTB directly to get to the root of the matter; Regina did just that and couldn't get a straight answer.
I called YTB today too and they could not confirm any such merger, just that ADI was a vendor, just like they told Regina.
As you say, eventually the truth will come out.
No worries.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Just give it some time kids. We have DVD’s to duplicate, a catalog to finish, and a web site to design.
Rome wasn’t build during the Travel Training in Richmond.
Posted by
TravelPro |
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Horses should usually go before the carts!
Posted by
John |
Friday, May 09, 2008
At least you posted my response. Thank you. I did not say you made me look bad. I said you tried to make me look bad and that's the only reason you posted my comments since I'd left several before, all of which I thought were constructive.
I never said you rent websites. I said you sell websites. Am I wrong? You sell websites that don't generate any business or enough to pay for themselves (in most cases). Is that an error? By building a downline with 6 or more people still paying for their websites montly, you don't have to pay for your website. If you're only a rep, then you also don't have to pay nor do you get a website. Did I answer your question about why 50% don't pay for a website?
If you're not posting on John's blog using "YTB and TRAVEL: A GREAT MIX" then there is someone else in YTB that writes exactly the same as you and uses the same terminology. You're right, I can't prove it. So I won't call you a coward any longer. After reading your bog for over a 2 months, reading your website recruiting BS, and saying anyone can become a TRAVEL AGENT, I'm going to pass on the other name I use for you. At least Canada got that part right about not using the term "travel agent." Sorry.
Thank you for again for posting opposing points of view. I hope you keep doing so. It makes for a fair and balanced blog.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Friday, May 09, 2008
We are simply getting some T’s crossed and I’s dotted. Everyone is in agreement on this and the acquisition is inevitable.
Consider this; the horse is being strapped up to the cart as we speak.
You’re welcome.
I’d like to keep this blog not only respectful of others but intelligent. I don’t believe John’s blog accomplished a thing other than heightening the emotional levels of everyone who gets caught up in the banter back and forth. I’ve chosen not to get involved over there and from what I’m seeing; John’s blog has lost considerable traction over the last several months.
I do read for entertainment value, but honestly, nobody ever stays on topic and it’s nothing but a slug fest that resolves very little if anything.
I don’t know who "YTB and TRAVEL: A GREAT MIX" is, but I can assure you it’s not me. Since January, I’ve made it a policy not to even look at forms and blogs between the hours of 8:00am when I take my son to Pre-K and 2:30pm when I pick him up. (If my entire list of morning tasks are complete, I may take some time just before then, but not until my goals for the day are complete.)
Lastly, no you didn’t answer my question.
All 131K of the RTA’s on December 31st were paying for their Booking Engine. While some like me are reimbursed for have 6 personally sponsored RTA’s also paying for a Booking Engine, only 58K of the 131K even have a shot of being reimbursed since the numbers confirm only 58K recruited anyone.
66% percent or 73,000 of the RTA’s didn’t recruit a single person into the business or sell a single web site, yet are still paying for a Booking Engine.
Posted by
TravelPro |
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Why on earth does a company announce a merger (if they did) when nothing is in the works? Was it just to increase sign-ups at the meeting? Now a month later, you are crossing the Ts and dotting the Is? And the acquisition is now "inevitable" -- as happening in the future--as in has not happened---as in the flurry of blog posts from YTB were wrong?
I will dispute you as the relevance of my blog. Sure it does get the emotional level up but it is also serving a purpose to demonstrate whey MLM and travel is a bad mix. We have covered false claims, sketchy "exclusive" programs, fraudulent doctors, criminals, and more. And if traffic is an indication of relevance, I have to say that it is becoming more and more relevant each day.
I do agree that very few of the comments remain on topic. I have not looked, but I would be willing to be that the majority are taken off topic by YTB. It has been demonstrated repeatedly that when there is no real answer, that supporters of YTB deflect.
Posted by
John |
Saturday, May 10, 2008
You can justify your position all you want on your own blog. While you’ve spent the last 6 months digging up and posting about our company day after day, you’re still only talking about 0.00003% assuming you’ve got at least 100 stories about this that and the other.
You’re nothing more than a snake on the internet that’s slithering around looking to swallow up the few RAT’s and attempting to paint a picture that the entire company is as dysfunctional as you are. Fitzpatrick has been at this the last decade; look at how relevant he is. The industry continues to grow, regardless of two books, a web site, and countless appearances warning people about his illusion that Network Marketing is the scourge of every man, woman and child. Like you, he feeds on ignorance and rumor.
I doubt you’ll ever accept our company the way it is, but at some point in time you’ll realize that we aren’t going anywhere, nor are we going to change our model to appease you. Notice how nobody checked with you first before we released the ADI acquisition up in Richmond and on our company training call?
There’s your sign.
We don’t care about your illusions, your myths, your concerns about how all this ruins your reputation. You’ve done a sufficient job degrading yourself to an obsessed blogger who throws mud up day after day. It’s a wonder that you still have a business to run with all the time you spend trying to figure out how many times we all go to the bathroom.
Unlike you, I’m not going to tell you how to run your life John. You have free will. You have your own opinions. You have your own illusions about how things should be. I realize I can’t change that. (Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.)
In my spare time, I can educate others in our company and the industry, that “Great and Powerful Oz” is nothing more than a silly nobody behind the curtain.
"The Great and Powerful Oz" still won't answer the fact that 66% of our RTA's didn't "recruit" a single soul, yet he thinks he can deflect with how upset he is that nobody checked with him first on just how he thinks it should be done.
Too funny.
Posted by
TravelPro |
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Riddle me this Batman--when I attempt to educate people, I am a snake on the Internet, but when you do, it is a noble calling?
I have never told you or anyone how to run their businesses. I have merely pointed out what I perceive as fallacies in the MLM model. Just as you have had no problem pointing out what you believe to be fallacies in the traditional model. Yet you are a saint and I am a sinner?
Hypocrisy at its best. And in your last comment you did get one thing right--I will never accept YTB (and here is the important part) AS IT IS. We have hashed this over and over and you even said at one point that YTB was changing the way they operate and it was a good thing---the sales requirement for the cards, the training,etc.
So I think there is still a lot of changes to be implemented prior to Kim Sorenson hopping off the Legitimizing Train.
Posted by
John |
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Doug, you're throwing all these numbers at me and maybe I'm dense or senile, but hopefully this will answer your question. YTB's income from selling travel is less than 15%. The rest is from website sales, training, misc., and monthly website maintenance fees. There is no money in selling travel through YTB as led to believe from the presentations. The success comes from selling websites (recruiting) and building a downline where the person gets a cut of the RTA's commission (if they make any at all). When promoting such a scheme to the average person, they may fall for it hook, line, and sinker from what they are told about the perks, travel like a pro, and the likes plus lumping the entire income into what seems like income from selling travel only. So you quote me figures of 131K members and 66% have never recruited anyone. Exactly my point. The majority lose money because recruiting and building a downline is where it's at. Selling travel is secondary and with a company named Your Travel Biz, travel is not the business. Website sales is the business. Am I correct or wrong? Even your own ad says that you will show them how to become a travel agent. That's travel agent, not a recruiter.
And thank you again for publishing my post. It makes it fair.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Could you please post more information about Candi's awards when she was a TTA?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Monday, May 12, 2008
What ever John.
It’s perfectly fine for you to sell 6 in 1 blankets but I can’t have a link to so people can obtain something like instead of
It’s perfectly fine for you to announce Hickory Travel Services but we can’t mention anything about ADI.
I didn’t see a story about the B&M in Sacramento back in December that ran with client’s money, but when someone in YTB does something like this, it’s BIG NEWS and everyone in the company is doing it. We’re the ones who are out of control.
Chaa! Rrrrright.
For the record, I don’t have a problem with the TTA model. I know a lot of TTA’s and most are very nice, decent people. I’ve also learned a lot from TTA’s.
My problem is with you and your lies, myths, rumors, and obsession with our company.
Just want to make that undeniably clear.
YTB sold $414.5 Million in Travel in 2007.
YTB sold $103.6 Million in Web Sites in 2007.
About the best you can claim is that YTB pays better than the Travel Industry.
I’m aware of what John just stepped in AGAIN, and am currently working with Candi to produce some actual documentation for everyone instead of something about a phone call to this unnamed person and a phone call to that unnamed acengy to prove my point.
After posting about Candi, John jumped all over Candi like I expected and she’s dug out some very interesting documentation and even a person or two that will settle the matter once and for all.
Give me some time, and a “crow” bar and I’ll have that foot out of his mouth in due time.
Posted by
TravelPro |
Monday, May 12, 2008
Doug--I love your blog and appreciate your newsletters and insight. You are a credit to our company for sure.
What I always learned in Church was to turn the other cheek, but you keep being drawn in by John. You play right into his plan.
He made fun of you when you defended Regina, and now he will do it again when you defend Candi. Why subject yourself to that?
By calling him names, some might think you are as bad as he.
And in somewhat of a defense of him ( and I cannot believe I just said that) did you really expect to see a story in his blog about a B&M travel agency scamming a client? Of course not, it is an anti-network marketing blog. I would not expect to see a story about how bad YTB is in yours.
I do believe in this company and while not earning the money I had hoiped, I am setting goals and seeing my income rise. Hard work and preseverence will win out.
I just reread your post when you washed your hands of the negativity. To be honest, I enjoyed your blog a lot more during those weeks. Turn the cheek, ignore him, he will go away, and do the right thing.
God Bless--
Posted by
Anonymous |
Monday, May 12, 2008
Would you like me to post a scripture verse for John? Oh, I forgot, wisdom and blogs are a bad mix.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Thanks Doug, But you must realize that if Candi was an 'award winning' TTA and in the biz for 22 years, the documentation should be at hand...not 'dug up' as you put it. Awards hang on walls usually unless one doesn't consider them 'worthy.'
I am afraid that Candi embellished like this bob seligman, who is also a mystery, but whom you proudly refered to. I don't know who to believe anymore!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Martha said "YTB's income from selling travel is less than 15%."
Doug replied "YTB sold $414.5 Million in Travel in 2007. YTB sold $103.6 Million in Web Sites in 2007."
Big difference between INCOME and SALES, especially in the travel world.
From the 2007 YTB financials:
Online travel stores and monthly fees
$103,656,435 73.4%
Travel commissions and services
$20,495,954 14.5%
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
But Doug, you also believe YTB is what they say they are and it's been proven over and over again that it isn't so. Just as I last responded and you wouldn't post my reply, I can say that without a doubt that Candi May is a phony. If you would like proof, I can provide it. WITHOUT A DOUBT.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Both you and Martha are attempting to perpetuate the myth that YTB does not sell travel. Travel Revenue is not reported to the SEC until we have the money in hand. (Doing so would be highly illegal.) Since vendors and suppliers do not pay until final payment is made, YTB can not report all the revenue produced by the $414.5 Million in Travel Sales. Martha’s “less than 15%” is skewed considerably and I’m simply pointing out the error.
I’m sorry, but you can not prove that Candi May is a phony, especially without talking to her or knowing what she has in regards to awards, credentials, business licenses, IATA cards dating through 2007, clients who have personally booked with her, and other Agency Owners who are part of her team.
You’re barking up the wrong tree.
If you’d like to give it a shot, go right ahead. But I will require “documentation” not I heard this and I heard that.
John’s post about calling this person and that Agency and twisting what she wrote proves nadda.
Are we clear on that?
Posted by
TravelPro |
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Wow---an IATA card dating back to 2007? Imagine that! I suspect it expired in November 2007 when IATA rescinded it's authorization of YTB
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Two errors Anon;
1. It’s not dated “back” it’s dated “through”.
2. Meaning ALL of 2007 as the number was not YTB’s.
Don’t twist words or assume things you know nothing about.
Posted by
TravelPro |
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
I would grant you some skewing IF we were only talking about 1 years worth of financial reporting, HOWEVER, looking at 2006 and 2007 financial reports, the percentage of travel commissions reported is in the 14-15% range in both years AND the percentage from website sales is basically the same between the 2 years.
Yes, you are selling more travel each year - BUT - you are also selling more websites - and the ratio of each to the total is staying the same.
Give me a shout when YTB sells 51% travel and 49% websites, and then I will call you a travel company.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
LOL! Just the justification I’m looking for!
“Joe” calls us a “travel company”.
Who knew?
Buddy, by the time we level out to the 50%, we’ll be booking multiple BILLIONS in Travel each year, and will be breaking every travel industry record known.
You’re a fool for buying into this 14% illusion one of you came up with.
Travel Sales almost doubled from $226 Mil to $414 Mil and commissions earned increased from $7 Mil to over $20 Mil between 2006 and 2007. If you think you can sell that travel has leveled out, go for it.
IMHO, 14% just won’t hunt for most people.
Posted by
TravelPro |
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
"You’re a fool for buying into this 14% illusion one of you came up with."
Just reading your own financials, Dougie.
I never stated that travel has leveled out, I said that as a percentage of YTB's total revenue, travel continues to stay level at 14% of your TOTAL REVENUE - meaning that you are still a website company and NOT a travel company.
Learn to read.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Yes Doug, we are clear on that. Candi has embellished her past TA experience so much that I was laughing at her presentation and also wondering if she had any idea that someone that was involved with the travel industry would question her. That's when I went into the investigator mode. I have documentation that I would be willing to share with you BUT ONLY if you would post it on your blog. Not buried on this blog because it's now out of date, but as a new blog. She has not had an IATAN card in the past 6 years (I can only check back 6 years), has not had an ARC number in the past 6 years, she never owned 3 agencies, her Main Travel was operated out of her home, she has not done a booking under her name through either Apple, GOGO, Travel Impressions, Funjet, Pleasant, AMEX, Classic, Maupintour, and a host of others in the past 4 to 6 years. She has not been listed in the past 10 years with the KY BBB under Main Travel, Travel Professionals, her own name as an owner, or anything else. She said she did the bookings for KIVA. They have never heard of her and use a B&M agency in Louisville. I could go on but it's not necessary to prove something that you won't take seriously because you believe everything that YTB and it's sponsors have to say. Seligman? Do you still believe he exists in the real world?
Do you recall when I told you I wasn't "conventional?" I'm not. I only post facts. I cannot say that KIVA said this and said that because the person did not want to be identified. So rather than put that as fact, it's off the record. Hearsay isn't something I go by.
Go watch Candi's presentation again. It is all BS. It's way too slick. She is not involved in travel. She in an MLM recruiter and she's making a lot of money off of it. Never mind the honesty and integrity issues. They don't apply. Do you know what a con-artist is? Do you know what a rich con-artist is?
I have also tried to contact Candi and she won't return the calls or the emails. That should tell you something right there. Maybe you should direct a few questions at her regarding her past. Then do a little checking up on her facts. Oops! Another image shattered.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thursday, May 15, 2008
You really think you got something don't you?
Candi has business licenses, IATA's, Newspaper clipings, awards, the whole nine yards...
She doesn't have time to bother with you and certainly doesn't need to justify herself after all the years in this industry.
Send me what you "think" you have.
I don't answer threats and I don't promise anything, especially with an attitude like that.
Put up or shut up.
It's that simple.
Posted by
TravelPro |
Thursday, May 15, 2008
I'm still waiting on the "proof" you say you have.
I asked for "documentation" not a bunch of hot air.
Until you offer up what you claim to have, you have no value to me or anyone else here.
Time to own up.
Where's the beef?
Posted by
TravelPro |
Monday, May 19, 2008