Black Gold

Now mind you, neither one of these stragglers have been able to provide a single shred of documentation to verify their claims. (We just need to take their word for it.) They claim to be “in the know” about all sorts of matters and they also have “insider information” that they hand out like it was candy with a little slip of the tongue.
I’m going to be dividing this information into two sections and I’m going to be asking some questions of these two people directly who I believe need to come up with some answers and documentation of their own. I’m getting really board with the words which have nothing backing them up.
Our first straggler, John Frenaye has been extremely public about reacting to news in one of his daily ramblings about YTB that a “Travel-Pro” has made the switch to YTB with his own spin and twist on things. John doesn’t limit his views to just his blog. Ohhh no, you can find him all over the internet and one of his favorite watering holes happens to be and he was busy trashing Candi May there as well. (I don’t have the time to or energy to check the Travel Weekly Forum, Yahoo and Google Finance boards, or some of the other “holes” he posts on all day every day.)
Now the claim is that John has “insider information” and “contacts” at Carlson Wagonlit that disproves that Candi May was ever approached, invited, or for that matter even contacted by Carlson Wagonlit to be a part of their company. (He claims to know the CEO.) And from conversations he’s had the story is, “the only "Candi" they have in their system of prospects, was a "Candy" from Michigan.”
About the closest I got to any type of documentation from John was a copy and past from an e-mail from Roger Block which stated, “In the system, we have a Barbara May but she is from Memphis. Don't have a clue who you could be referring to.”
Now I was told by John that “It doesn’t get any more credible than that.” but after viewing a signed document from Roger Block to Candi May I would have to respectfully disagree. I’d also have to wonder how Linda Fox obtained Candi’s information, complete with address, to Fed Ex a Formal Agreement to Candi if there was no record of a Candi May in the Carlson system.
One other strange piece of documentation I found was this Agenda concerning dinner at Bucca de Beppos after the “Advisory Board” took a tour of HQ up in Minneapolis. It’s my understanding that John seems to think they wouldn’t do something like this. (Carlson wouldn’t actually fly anyone up or take them to a restaurant they don’t own themselves according to him.)
But the real kicker that makes me scratch my head was this document that I’d like some answers to. (Doubt I’ll get…but…) As part of the “Franchise Advisory Board” that Candi was in fact a part of concerning the acquisition of Travel Professionals International, she was handed a document of Agencies that were “terminated” in 2001 by Carlson Wagonlit.
Now I don’t know about you, but the word “terminated” doesn’t sound very good. I have to wonder what the terminations were for. Did they do something wrong? Did they not make any money for Carlson? Or were they just fed up with the owners?
Maybe John can shed some light on the subject since Universal Travel owned by John happened to be on this list of terminations.
Come to think of it, maybe we need to change the channel from “The Beverly Hillbillies” to “I Love Lucy” just to hear Ricky tell Lucy, “You got some splanin to do…”
Now I know all this begs the question as to why Carlson Wagonlit ever tried to recruit Candi May to join their company. Based on all unsubstantiated claims, comments and posts by John and Martha to try to discredit her, one would think that she’s just another MLM’er who will do and say anything to pick your pockets.
I’ll be back either tomorrow or Friday with a little more documentation that I’ve acquired to answer some of “Maxine’s” questions and shed a little more light on just why you can’t trust a word she says either.
If you’d like to keep up to date with all the latest news, acquisitions, and developments with YTB feel free to sign up for my FREE Newsletter. Just like here, it’s loaded with links and documentation for you to share with clients and prospects alike.
Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
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RTA #24635
Labels: Candi May, Carlson Wagonlit, John Frenaye, MLM Myths
For some reason I cannot open any of the documents you linked to, but I will take a stab at the termination.
At one point I had two retail locations. The first one I acquired was formerly called Universal Travel located in Annapolis, MD. I acquired a second retail location formerly called New Horizons Travel located in Arnold, MD. In addition, we had on site locations at clients in Milan, Wimbledon, Stevensville, MD, and Destin FL.
In 2001 (way before you were in this MLM) there was an event that hurt this industry that occurred on 9-11-2001. Yo may have heard about it.
Well, the Annapolis location was closed in a cost cutting measure. I did not want to terminate any of the employees as business began to tank. So we closed the Annapolis office (Universal Travel) and consolidated it into the Arnold location (New Horizons). The timing was right as the Annapolis lease was up for renewal and the Arnold location has a lot of underused space and there was a lot of time left on that lease.
So, naturally, Carlson would indicate that the Annapolis location was closed or terminated as you put it.
But I woudl be curious as to the content of your "black gold" maybe you can forward it to me as an attachment?
Posted by
John |
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Based Universal Travel being on page “4 of 9” there were some 180 Agencies just with Carlson alone that closed their doors.
But none of these TTA’s want to admit that Brick and Mortars are closing down.
He should have stayed with Carlson, much better name to partner with than TravelswithFred.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
So I wonder who was lying? John or Roger?
$10K says the Roger just wanted to get rid of John and told him whatever he wanted to hear. (You know how obnoxious John can be.)
Either that, or John just made it up thinking nobody would be able to check to verify.
As usual, excellent documentation Doug!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Didn't you post something about New Horizon Travel too? (A couple days ago.) You might want to ask him what happened to that "Agency" along with this Universal one.
From the article it was posted that not only was New Horizon with Carlson, but John was the President of Carlson. Maybe that's how he "knows the CEO". LOL!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
I never trusted that tool since that BS he wrote for MSNBC last year on being an "Instant Travel Agent".
I think you should "double dog dare" him to come up with an answer!
Nice work!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Will you be listing Candi's awards?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
As you've requested from me, it doesn't look like you provided "Where's the beef?" Nothing new in this blog. I just see a bunch of crap with no mention of her 3 agencies or anything. Where's the beef?
Posted by
martha |
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
So which do you think is more likely…
1. John made the story about calling Carlson
2. Carlson just told him what he wanted to hear.
I think he made it up because he didn’t think that someone like Candi could be recruited by both Carlson and YTB and have them pick YTB instead. We’re ALL a bunch of no nothings who don’t know a thing about the Travel Industry.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
John appears to have come clean about this Carlson bit over on his blog.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Termination ...
- end in time or existence
- the act of terminating
Terminating ...
- to form an ending
- to come to an end of a line
I know some major employers who refer to someone leaving a company as 'terminated' whether they resigned or were fired.
In 2001 (especially after 9/11) a lot of agencies consolidated therefore the closing agency/branch agreement with their host would have been 'terminated.'
Not a bad connotation.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Fair enough John. I have to wonder why the industry changes that happened to you and others only affected you and your counterparts? Do you think that possibly Candi was going through the same struggles you were?
Apparently your New Horizon venture never panned out either since you are now independent again with TravelswithFred.
Yet Candi was scorned, ridiculed, slandered, and her good name has been dragged through the mud simply because you couldn’t take the time to verify information correctly. Even when offered to pick up the phone to call Candi personally to discuss the situation, you never lifted a finger. (She carbon copied me on the 4 or 5 e-mail’s sent to you asking what you needed.)
But instead, I see some lame comment that you’re “still waiting” as of this weekend for credentials that you never bothered to ask for directly from her. And don’t give me that you asked on your blog, because she doesn’t bother reading all the trash talk and unsubstantiated claims being thrown out on blogs like yours.
In closing John I’m going to ask you a personal question which you don’t have to answer.
Did you just make up the story about contacting Carlson or did Carlson give you bogus information? If it’s bogus, I’d begin to question how good your relationship is with them and my bet is, they just told you what you wanted to hear because like Candi, they don’t have the time or inclination to go chasing after your obsessions about YTB and the people involved in it.
I will give you this, you did “man up” so to speak. However, manning up doesn’t say much when you’ve been cornered with no other alternative.
One down…One to go…
Posted by
TravelPro |
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
John Freynaye the evidence provided in front of this court does not look very good in your favor. It appears that you have several failed businesses, a record of employees on the take a failed marriage and a propensity to exaggerate the truth. Scratch that last comment.....YOU ARE A LIAR!
You have used profane images of children, been abusive of women and when offered the opportunity to have your questions answered, failed to do so in order to push your own agenda. You sir are the lowest of the low in professional standards.
Before I pass sentence on you, are you sure you dont want to wager $10,000 on the validity of Candi May and her resume?
Martha, you will appear before this court tomorrow at 9 am. Would you like to place your bet now? Im sure $10000 would go a long way toward etiquette classes.......
Posted by
The_Judge |
Wednesday, June 04, 2008