Looking for Food...

What’s good for the goose must be good for the gander right?
Some are so hard up that they will throw out anything just to keep people busy talking about YTB. What’s so amusing to me is that people post on message boards and forums asking “What’s going on?” like any of these people who frequent there have any clue as to what’s going on. I’ve actually grown numb to just about anything I read on the Internet these days on such forms and message boards.
One of the funniest comments I read was that there are plans for YTB to purchase Sabre. For those who don’t recognize that name, you may recognize the funny little Roaming Gnome who advertises for one of their brands. It’s amazing to me how something like this is just thrown out there like fish food and to watch the schools of starving fish feed on in the frenzy they do is hysterical.
So I figured I’d help those of you who are having problems finding out what’s true and what’s not at about the only place you truly count on these days for accurate information.
• Slowed Growth – Current economic uncertainty, and rising fuel costs have contributed to recruiting sales slowing industry wide. According to the DSA Data Tracker Survey released on May 19th, sales industry wide are down 13% overall, while YTB only experienced a drop of 7%, Q1 of 2008. If you look at the industry trends over the last several years, you will see that this slowing is nothing to be overly concerned about, and we certainly can’t be concerned about any trends being set from one quarter of date. I do believe it’s important to note that while the entire industry is slowed, YTB’s growth is stronger than other markets and companies associated with the DSA.
• $50 Bonus – I’ve seen the “wording” changed several times over the years concerning the $49.95 web site fees and having six personally sponsored people on your team. The FTC has issued a revised Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on the Business Opportunity Rule. To ensure that there is no confusion about the $49.95 fee that RTAs pay for website hosting and maintenance, after an RTA personally sponsors six other RTAs, as long as those RTAs remain active, the sponsoring RTA will receive a monthly $50 bonus.
Now, what's the difference? The primary difference is in the language used. We no longer say that "the $49.95 monthly fee will be reimbursed" because YTB needs to make it clear that the monthly maintenance fee will still need to be paid monthly and that everyone is paying this fee. (If everyone is paying the fee then there nothing “multi-level” about it.)
• 10% Override – YTB Travel RTAs no longer need to become Certified by attending a YTB CRTA class before being able to receive the 10% override in their Power Teams. Now the 10% override will be paid automatically based on travel booked by the people in their Power Teams. Again, this comes directly from the “Business Opportunity Rules”, so YTB needed to change.
• 50% Match - YTB REPS now qualify the same as YTB Travel RTAs for the 50% match. In the past, before a person who was a YTB REP could qualify for the 50% match, they would have to personally sponsor four RTAs instead of three because they (themselves), were not an RTA. Now, YTB Travel REPS will qualify for the 50% match simply by sponsoring three RTAs. (Again, Business Opportunity Law.)
• Absolutely No Solicitation – Fam Trips or any other trips that are taken as part of YTB Travel is to learn about your product NOT for solicitation to join YTB. To do so is strongly frowned on in YTB Travel and in the travel industry as a whole. In other words, YTB Travel RTAs are admonished to never use FAM Trips, Cruises or any trip where they received travel insider benefits, to advertise or recruit their business. If it is discovered that a YTB Travel RTA or REP is guilty of this behavior, they will be in jeopardy of losing and being permanently barred from the YTB Travel business.
And you if I catch you doing so, I’ll personally take you out back and shoot you.
No exceptions.
That’s about all I’m at liberty to release to you publically at this point in time. I know that everyone was expecting “major announcements” last week. Honestly, after reading all the “hype” out there, I was too.
I was looking forward to owning Sabre, but I guess it was all a bunch of hype. Who knew?
I will speculate this for you if you really want something. YTB does have something in the works and its driving Coach nuts. You may have seen or heard some of his calls recently and he’s chomping at the bit to let the cat out of the bag. It’s my understanding that our Legal Department and our Board of Directors has either a long hook or one hand on the electrical cord in preparation to pull the plug just in case Coach begins to spill the beans before we have all our T’s crossed and I’s dotted.
With so much focus on our company right now and people digging for information and reporting every step, every move we make I’m actually kind of pleased that the company has been so tight lipped and holding their cards very close to the vest lately. Of course, not having anything doesn’t seem to matter to some people. They’ll say just about anything these days just to throw something out there to talk about. I guess that’s what happens when you have nothing better to do with your time. (Like ohhh, selling travel to all those devoted customers they claim to have.)
If you’d like to keep up to date with all the latest news, acquisitions, and developments with YTB feel free to sign up for my FREE Newsletter. Just like here, it’s loaded with links and documentation for you to share with clients and prospects alike.
Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
Learn How To Become A Travel Agent
Book Your Travel & Vacations With
Travel Reservations: 1.800.243.4450
RTA #24635
Labels: Company Benifits, Company Training, Direct Selling Association, Travel Agent Issues, YTB News
Doug, This is very pleasing information. I'm pleased that YTB publicly announced the change in the 10% travel override policy paid to power tream leaders.
Something you didn't mention is that REPs also get the $50 bonus for maintaining six active RTAs in their Power Team. Formerly, REPs weren't qualified to receive the $49.95 reimbursement because they weren't paying $49.95. This is a new incentive for REPs to start selling.
I absolutely loved the wording in this breaking news announcement. You said, "I’m actually kind of pleased that the company has been so tight lipped and holding their cards very close to the vest lately."
If everyone in YTB would follow your lead in placing the word "pleased" in place of "proud" in their vocabulary it would do wonders in humbling YTBs too proud of an image. I'm so pleased with you.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Monday, June 02, 2008
Today I heard that a new change announced at the Director's meeting in Dallas is REPS who are not RTAs can earn 10% override on RTA travel commissions in their Power Team. Did you hear that also?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Monday, June 02, 2008
I had heard all of this on Regina's Blog too,but was afraid to post it on mine till I knew it was fact! But I guess the word is out now.
Oh, and by the way, a "little bird" told me you were one of the lucky ones to receive the Director promotion! Congradulations. Your efforts here should be rewarded!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, June 03, 2008