Texas Tea
A note about yesterdays post: John Frenaye feels it’s worthy to note that yesterday’s post concerning Candi’s affiliation with Carlson Wagonlit with two letters addressed to Candi May, one signed by Roger Block himself, and the other from Linda Fox that came with a Formal Agreement is deemed by him as being authentic. These two documents did convince him that Candi was solicited by Carlson due to the fact she did own a Brick and Mortar Agency in 2001. Why he couldn’t find out and report this information on his own is still unknown. I find it interesting that I was able to come up with this information, and yet someone with all the contacts and resources he claims to have he could not.
All it took for me was a simple phone call to the one source that could provide the proper information, which of course was Candi May.
Who knew it could have been that easy.
So it seems that most agree that Candi May not only exists, but was in fact the owner of Brick and Mortar Agency at one time.
There is still one woman who is so wrapped up in denial that even after yesterday’s post, she isn’t willing to accept that Candi is anything even close to being a “Travel Agent”. Like John, she has made very bold and outlandish claims that she has uncovered “the truth” and even went as far as demanding that she have an opportunity to have me post her “truth” on my blog.
When given the opportunity to do so, all of the sudden it turned into nothing more than having me calling some restaurant, me checking with the Chamber of Commerce, me doing all the work, while she made excuse after excuse that the “proof” to make all these bogus claims legit, couldn’t be produced because all of the sudden, they didn’t exist.
Unfortunately for Ms. Martha, I was able to find documentation based on what I know about Candi on the internet such as a WorldSpan listing proving that there was in fact an “Agency” at this location. I also linked to a business license filing with the Kentucky Secretary of State that Candi May was a business owner at this very location.
It’s amusing to me how in the face of evidence such as this, there always seems to be some sort of twist. For example, the letters documented yesterday… well, they were just “form letters”. If they were looking for a hand written love letter to every TPI Agency that was up for grabs, sorry, it’s just not going to happen. Excuses such as these shows nothing more than an unwillingness to look at the truth, something they demand us to supply for them on a silver platter.
While we were told by Martha that she could “prove” that Candi May didn’t have an IATA under May & White, Inc., Candi May, or Travel Professionals in the last FIVE years, (she, like John, has “contacts”) not a single document was ever produced by Martha to support any of her claims. Like John’s contacts, she may have just told her what she wanted to hear so that associates she enlisted to help her, could actually get on with life. While I was somehow able to acquire a copy of Candi’s IATA from 2007. You may also note that she’s been a card holder since 1987. (And yes, I’ve taken the liberty to black out some of the numbers on the card, I’m not stupid.)
The only possible explanation I can think of is that Martha may have found a Certificate of Appointment filed in 2002 when the Agency was changed from ByeByeNow.com to Travel Professionals after decided to go independent just like John Frenaye claims to have done. That doesn’t explain Martha’s claims of no records of a business address, or the listings of a DBA in either case.
One last point I’d like to address here about documentation. It’s been posted that nobody can find the Pioneer News Article about Candi May closing her Brick and Mortar Agency. It’s been mentioned that the “Jury is Still Out” concerning posting a copy of this article for everyone to read. Well…the Jury just came back into the Court Room with the article.
Please note a couple of statements in this particular “News Article”. One, it’s mentioned that the Agency had 20 years of service in this community. The document was published on July 17, 2006, and mentioned that the doors will close on July 31, 2006. Oh, and it also documents other retail locations owned by this “Travel Pro” located in Kentucky Towers, and the Louisville Galleria.
Hmmmmm, yet another contradiction in to the mud thrown out by Martha.
So at this point I’ve got a couple of demands of my own. Just who is this Martha? If she can’t find simple documentation like this I have to wonder if she has any industry experience at all let alone what she’s telling us.
Why is it that I can come up with this and nobody else can? Is this spin about having proof all a big lie and a bunch of hype? How am I or anyone at this point able to verify “Martha” is who she says she is?
She better come up with something to substantiate who SHE is because what I’ve been able to uncover so far…as Ole would put it.
Doug – 12
Martha – 0
So before we move ANY further in the little charade of Martha’s, I need Martha to own up to some documentation of her own which substantiates she is who she claims to be, because even if a little ol’ YTB’er like myself can pull this information up, certainly a “Trained Professional” can.
Again, I have my doubts, but we shall see.
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Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
Learn How To Become A Travel Agent
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RTA #24635
Labels: Candi May, MLM Myths, Travel Agent Issues
As I sit here absolutely stunned and in shock, I'm also humbled and trying to gather myself. All I can do is apologize to you and Candi. It seems that my sources failed miserably.
I apologize for all of my accusations against Candi not having the proper travel agent credentials. I failed. By going through IATAN lists and supplier lists back for 5 to 7 years, I could find nothing and neither could anyone else. I will not lay the blame on others, it was up to me to make certain what I posted was true and at the time, I was positive that it was.
The verdict is in and I am guilty as charged. I am deeply sorry and I am truly humbled. These are not shallow statements, I mean it from the bottom of my heart.
To answer your questions, if you read my profile, it tells you who I am and what I do for a living. It is true and it is honest. The only thing I should add to my profile is that I have been taken down quite a few notches. I will admit to that.
I don't know what else I can say except to stress again that I was wrong, mean-spirited over this issue, and now I'm humbled and truly embarrassed, plus I am sorry.
Posted by
martha |
Thursday, June 05, 2008
I just called Candi to let her know and she wanted to forward a sincere thanks for the appology.
And so do I.
I've got to get back to some calls and other duties right now, but I will certainly have a post up by morning.
I think it will be an excellent way to finish out the week.
Warm Regards,
Doug & Candi
Posted by
TravelPro |
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Now can we have the awards she has won? Please?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thursday, June 05, 2008
My respect for Marth just went from zero to very high. Please to see her sincere apology.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thursday, June 05, 2008
WOW! Did I just read that right? Is that really Martha?
My goodness I believe it is!
Martha, thank you for the sincere apology, and I do believe it’s sincere. We are not all bad people who lie and cheat. There are a good number of us who sincerely want to help people and Doug is the finest example I know of in this company who tries to display that. (Although I’m sure Candi is the same way, even though I don’t feel I know her as well.)
Doug, you’ve done it again. I could tell things got a little difficult for you, but you pulled through with flying colors.
Keep up the good work!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thursday, June 05, 2008
We ALL make mistakes and have to eat a little crow every once in a while. The important thing is that we learn from our mistakes and become better people for it. I applaud your appology and willingness to see if that we are not all cowards and liars.
You've shown quite a transformation!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thursday, June 05, 2008
I don't think you're to blame Martha. I believe if it weren't for John's obsession to post such negative things each and every day about YTB you never would have gotten caught up in the mix.
We are all a product of our environment and you learned how to doubt, criticize and slander from a real Professional in John Frenaye.
I suggest you take Doug’s lead and not post there any longer, I don’t. I may read it from time to time, but I refuse to get caught up in his negativity any longer.
Take some advice off your own profile. “Life is funny, laugh at it.”
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thursday, June 05, 2008
At some point we all need to take full responsibilty for ourselves. That's why most of us are in YTB. (Well at least me!) If it's to be, it's up to me! I don't know who said that, but I really like it.
Thank you for the appology to Candi and Doug. I knew you had it in you...we all do! ;-P
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thursday, June 05, 2008
I expected to come on here this evening and read some severe Martha bashing which didn't happen, rather you people showed compassion. I appreciate that and don't know if I would have reacted in kind under the circumstances. I appreciate your thoughts.
I would like to clear something up that was mentioned in the comments. I do read John's blog almost every day and have for about a year. I just started commenting on his blog in the past month or around then. I am not easily influenced and I became aware of Candi through someone that sent me the link to her presentation on YouTube or one of those type, plus a link to her webpage. John had never mentioned Candi when I was introduced to her video or webpage, so John's opinion or anything else was not an issue in this as it was not known to me that he was aware of Candi. I was very suspicious only because of Seligman and I started to check things out. That was my first mistake. I am not an investigative reporter or a private eye. I am a travel agent. That is what I will be sticking with since I failed so miserably in my attempt to discredit Candi. In that process, I also became a real bitch to Doug. Yes, you read that correctly, a Royal Bitch, a Queen Bitch even, maybe even a Master Bitch. I resorted to name calling and other childish behavior, something I always taught my kids was not acceptable.
I will probably never agree with the method of operations of YTB, a lot of their practices, the recruiting, and the MLM ideas. I may still inject my opinions now and again, but I have also learned a great deal from this particular experience. There are certain areas that I have no business treading. This instance was one of them.
I commend Doug for printing most of my posts, but I respect him more for slapping the snot out of me with actual proof. I was without a doubt floored when I read today's blog. As a matter of fact, deep remorse overcame me for being such a witch. It did not bother me to be proven wrong, it bothered me that I affected others in the process. That is something I'm not at all proud of.
I have no excuses, I was the one that made the assumptions and errors. I am responsible for what I posted. Barbequed crow does not taste like chicken either. This is where I'm coming from and if you do decide to bash me, I can take it and I deserve it. I also promise to never again refer to RTAS as RATS. You just have to know I'm going to break that promise!
Posted by
martha |
Thursday, June 05, 2008