You Think YOU Have Problems...

In June of last year, Judd Bagley of "Deep Capture" (a hunter of illegal short sellers) concludes that convicted stock manipulator Sam Antar and securities class action litigator Howard Sirota were working in concert with convicted stock manipulator Barry Minkow’s Fraud Discovery Institute (FDI) to manipulate the share price of USANA, a public company. You may or may not know about several law suites filed last year concerning USANA, but it got so bad that even the SEC and Distributors themselves got in on the act in California. The SEC never found any wrong doing and closed its case nor did the Distributor suite go anywhere after cleaning off the mud that Minkow attempted to throw out in the press via his bogus report.
Now these same idiots seem to be after both Pre-Paid Legal and Herbalife. The Herbalife story has gotten so much attention in recent weeks that it even made CNBC’s Mad Money in which CEO Michael Johnson came on the show to assure investors that there is no lead found in their products.
There was never any health or safety issue with Herbalife products. Inaccurate and misleading information released to sensational media and online news coverage is nothing new to any of us in YTB. There is always an ulterior motive and it’s been found that FDI (Federal Discovery Institute) founder Barry Minkow admitted profiting from “puts” on Herbalife stock.
All these attacks on publically traded MLM companies have gotten so bad that USANA has already decided to take the company private after being public since 1996, and it was also suggested by Jim Cramer of Mad Money for CEO Michael Johnson to take Herbalife private. (My take is that Johnson doesn’t like the idea according to the video I watched.)
While it’s yet to be determined if FitzPatrick and Taylor will be convicted in all this mess, this investor would love to see these two idiots have “Convicted Felon” on their resume for all the lies and myths they promote about MLM. Having these two busted for illegal activity would certainly help those of us who know from experience that MLM is a viable business model and an excellent entry level for anyone looking to get into a business of their own.
While I can’t say the YTB has remained under the radar by any stretch of the imagination, at least our company stock has remained fairly clean compared to USANA, Pre-Paid, and Herbalife. Let’s just hope these nut cases are actually convicted for doing what they have done to these other MLM’s before they decide to set their sites on YTB.
It does make me wonder however just who was doing any “Pump and Dumping” with our stock. “Rumor” has it that Directors were doing all this “Pump and Dump” in an attempt to hurt the “little guys”, but after all the positive press released after our Annual Report back in April, me thinks the Pump and Dump was nothing more that Day Traders who knew how to take advantage of such positive press in a small stock like YTBLA.
If you don’t know Rod Cook’s MLM Watchdog site, you should. He’s one of the good guys in MLM. (Even if he has come out against YTB at times.) If you’re an investor like I am in YTBLA, you should keep an eye on this developing story, it could prove to be huge for us and put a stop to Zealots who promote nothing but myths and lies about MLM.
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Doug & Ronda Bauknight
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RTA #24635
Labels: Barry Minkow, Herbalife, Jon Taylor, Pre-Paid Legal, Robert FitzPatrick, USANA, YTBLA