Martha's Resolution
I want to share this comment from Martha with everyone:
I expected to come on here this evening and read some severe Martha bashing which didn't happen, rather you people showed compassion. I appreciate that and don't know if I would have reacted in kind under the circumstances. I appreciate your thoughts.

I commend Doug for printing most of my posts, but I respect him more for slapping the snot out of me with actual proof. I was without a doubt floored when I read today's blog. As a matter of fact, deep remorse overcame me for being such a witch. It did not bother me to be proven wrong, it bothered me that I affected others in the process. That is something I'm not at all proud of.
I have no excuses, I was the one that made the assumptions and errors. I am responsible for what I posted. Barbequed crow does not taste like chicken either.
This is where I'm coming from and if you do decide to bash me, I can take it and I deserve it. I also promise to never again refer to RTAS as RATS. You just have to know I'm going to break that promise!
~ Martha Burke
I’ve got to be honest; I’m blown away at what just transpired in the last 24 hours. I was ramping up for a real fight this week concerning Candi May. As much information as I shared, complete with e-mail addresses and phone numbers to contact Candi directly, it became increasingly apparent to me that I had to come up with some way of communicating that Candi was who she said she was and while I didn’t expect either John or Martha to accept what I posted on Wednesday concerning Carlson Wagonlit, or Thursday concerning Agent Credentials, but apparently it worked. (Finally)
Candi led a very simple, uncomplicated, and rather quiet life before I posted about her industry experience last month. So I felt responsible for some of harsh words and accusations that have been posted elsewhere on the internet. Because this blog gets the kind of visibility and readership it does, I brought her “out of the closet” so to speak.
While Candi and I did consider just letting the whole situation blow over, it became increasingly evident that the accusations and comments started to escalate instead of dying down. Within hours, all sorts or rumors and stories were floating around proclaiming that Candi was nothing more than some slick talking MLM recruiter whose 20 years of Travel Agent experience was nothing more than a fabrication, simply because she’s involved in MLM. Rumors and stories like this are nothing new. I’ve heard the same bogus comments about a former Minister who got involved with A.L. Williams some 30 years ago.
What I found most annoying were comments that Candi now had to document her experience FOR them, as if those making the accusations actually deserved to be spoon fed information at the drop of a hat. This small group simply couldn’t believe that a Traditional Travel Agent, especially one of her experience or success in the Traditional Arena, would even consider YTB as a viable alternative to “their way” of life. Candi found it silly and began to question just who these “posters” were and why it was so important to them. She also began to question why they were so lazy as to not even pick up the phone to call her directly, or come down to Louisville to see for themselves.
While it simply didn’t matter to her, I however was being bombarded with comment after comment, most nobody even saw because I had deleted them. I realize that I’ve been ridiculed and vilified for not allowing an open forum and that’s their right to believe that. After what happened this week however, I’m really glad I did what I do because all of the nasty, vicious, and unsubstantiated comments surrounding Candi May (among other topics) which everyone just knew were “fact” turned out to be nothing more than a limiting and false “belief”.
It certainly shed a new light on demands that you have a right to post “the truth” when you finally find out it was all a big misunderstanding doesn’t it?
So, the big mystery of Candi May has been solved, the Candi bashing has ended, and everyone can get on with their lives. If anyone has any further questions I would simply ask that you do what I did, and that’s go to the source. Candi is an open book, and more than happy to answer any remaining questions you have, if any.
Thank you Martha for allowing me to slap you around. Wait…that didn’t sound right, but I also know she has a sense of humor.
Actually, thanks for seeing the light and thank you for the apology. It means more than you know.
With that said, I’m going to be on vacation with my family next week. Frankly, after a week like this on the blog, I need one. It’s time to revamp and re-energize for the summer and it’s a place we’ve enjoyed for years as a family.
And by the way, the FREE Newsletter will still be going out as I will have both put on auto pilot to go out right on schedule and can assure you that if there is anything new or important to share even in my absence here, I’ll be sure to have it in the there. Just like here, it’s loaded with links and documentation for you to share with clients and prospects alike.
Doug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Phone: 678.458.5812
Learn How To Become A Travel Agent
Book Your Travel & Vacations With
Travel Reservations: 1.800.243.4450
RTA #24635
Labels: Anti-MLM, Candi May, MLM Myths, Travel Agent Issues, Travel MLM
I agree completely that Martha's 180 showed tremendous class. I have complete respect for her. Now, if she can convince some of the others on the TTA side to show even half the class, we could be on our way.
I know John 'issues' these apologies or corrections every now and again, but certainly not often enough.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Friday, June 06, 2008
hmmmm....nothing from John about this revolation concerning Candi's credentials. It's almost 8AM and he usually has something up by 6AM.
Could he be having an "Ah Moment" himself? We shall see...
Posted by
Anonymous |
Friday, June 06, 2008
John must be scrambling as he has had a post if not 2 every day and never after 6:30 in the morning. And, he had mentioned last week that he has articles on the back burner all ready to go....well it is 10 am and nothing!!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Friday, June 06, 2008
I commend everyone for this event.
Has anyone been able to document Candi's numerous awards?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Friday, June 06, 2008
Could you please list the awards Candi has won. Please?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Friday, June 06, 2008
Kudos to Martha!! it takes a big person to make an apology in a public announcement. See All the best to you Martha!
Posted by
Unknown |
Friday, June 06, 2008
Anonymous and anonymous...not sure why the post did not publish. It was scheduled, but I did not check back till after my daughter's graduation this afternoon and published it then. Sorry to keep you guys in limbo. But worry not, I will try to be timely in the future.
As to my own revolation (sic) did you not read this post?
When Doug presented the documents, I posted my Mea Culpa and it was complete with a graphic!
Posted by
John |
Friday, June 06, 2008
Doug---fantastic job. Can you now shut them up about Dr. Seligman?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Saturday, June 07, 2008
David and Mitch,
If the awards are that important to you, why don't you take Doug's advice and either e-mail or call Candi yourself?
Doug has spent overtime on this issue and to find that both of you still want to question the Awards because YOU can't find documentation about it on the Internet speaks volumes about how you want to be "spoon feed" about everything concerning YTB.
Candi is an open book and if Doug's able to find this information, so can you.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
David, with the amount of time that's past commenting a half dozen times asking "where are the awards" you could have just gone to Candi to begin with like I did.
If it's that important to you even after all the documentation that has been provided, you need to go directly to the source.
Forgive the posters who assumed you were "hiding out". When you set precedence of having something up every morning by 6:00am some people start to salivate.
(Remember Pavlov's dog? ;-P)
Posted by
TravelPro |
Saturday, June 07, 2008